Hon. Pedro P. Echarte, Jr. See Rating Details

Circuit Court
Miami-Dade County
11th Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.7 - 32 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 20 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Pedro P. Echarte, Jr.


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL9809
This judge is the most nasty angry power trip disrespectful judge I’ve ever in counter in my46 years … this guy should’ve never been a judge .. the worse of the worse never seen nothing like this guy

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL9773
Rating:Not Rated
The rudest meanest disrespectful judge I have ever appeared in front in 43 years. If there were other judges like him, I would no longer have a litigation practice.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL9772
Rating:Not Rated
The rudest meanest disrespectful judge I have ever appeared in front in 43 years. If there were other judges like him, I would no longer have a litigation practice.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL9771
Rating:Not Rated
The rudest meanest disrespectful judge I have ever appeared in front in 43 years. If there were other judges like him, I would no longer have a litigation practice.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL9770
Rating:Not Rated
The rudest meanest disrespectful judge I have ever appeared in front in 43 years. If there were other judges like him, I would no longer have a litigation practice.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL9769
Rude, mean disgusting individual. If
there were more judges like him, I would no longer practice law and I suspect most lawyers who appeared in front of him feel the same way.


Comment #: FL9757
I was extremely happy to see Echarte retire in a few months, he is extremely rude and won’t let you speak unless of course you are one of the boys he likes, I say this because I’ve seen first hand how demeaning and disrespectful he has been to me and my lawyer while letting the other lawyer get away with whatever he wants.[Redacted by Ed.] . Echarte, if you are reading this ask GOD to forgive you for having been so unfair and hateful while you were in power. [Redacted by Ed.]

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL9627
He is so arrogant, aggressive angry and just plain rude that I believe he enjoys exerting his authority for the simple reason that he can. I also believe he enjoys reading negative reviews about himself because it confirms how he was able to get under attorneys' skin. How sad is it for a man to enjoy being hated. I'm sure he is very happy. Enjoy!!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL9276
` Arrogant without any basis to be so.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL9187
I have never had the pleasure of being in front of such an ill-tempered and unprofessional judge. Opens each hearing with a ruling. Will yell, bully, and demean if you so much as open your mouth to present your argument, then follow up a rant with "do you have anything to say for yourself." Threatens sanctions for both client and attorney any chance available. Appalled that this is an active judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL9074
Angry, angry man. Rude, demeaning and worst of all ignorant to the point of being dumb.

His temperament is not fitting for that of a judge or anyone in any position of power.

Disgrace to the court system. Nothing honorable about this man.


Comment #: FL9003
My daughter lost her husband to cancer, then the pandemia stroke, her work diminished, she got behind in her mortgage, the bank took her to court, and his veredicto was for the bank, it was robbery, they sold the house for over 800 hundred dollars![redacted by Ed.]

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL8918
Echarte is perhaps the rudest, abusive, most unprofessional human being I have ever encountered. He is demeaning, belitting and disrespectful to EVERYONE, many times before you even open your mouth. He does not have the temperament to be a judge and needs to be replaced immediately. He is a stain on the judiciary and an example of what every judge should strive NOT to be.

For the love of Jesus, someone run against this man and get him the hell out!!!!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL8681
Just doesn't have the temperament to be on the bench. He is abusive, a bully, and incapable of even considering an argument that doesn't spring from his own mind. In fact, he will not even allow counsel to present their argument. Way overdue for retirement.


Comment #: FL8562
This judge has over sentenced my brother, a youthful offender at the time, 30 years minimum mandatory, based on skin color and economic status and without enough evidence for the sake of human caging. He has ruined our lives. My brother has already served 22 years in a prison where people are killed (Santa Rosa) far off in the panhandle away from his family. He has been abused by crooked staff, We have been denied appeals and I've been made a fool of at the last motion hearing. I blame the judge for not sentencing fairly. I've seen murderers and rapists released in a fraction of the time my brother has spent and nobody was hurt or got killed in my brother's case. I will never forget this man and the effect he has had on our family.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL8561
I’m so upset I cried for a while after appearing before the Hon. Echarte. He told me he had already read my motion before I had a chance to open up my mouth then told opposing counsel if he had anything to say.. Of course not, why say anything when you know Echarte is ready to rule for you. He dined my motion and told me to have a good day when I tried to say something he stopped me and wave me goodbye. I never had a chance to argue my motion, I’m so depressed I’ve actually thought about not practicing law anymore. We need help, please. Someone out there please let’s do something about the Hon. Echarte. I can’t believe he is so f….Ins rude and inhumane, Judge Please Remember your Cuban Roots, be more humble, treat women lawyers with respect.


Comment #: FL8356
Hon. Pedro P. Echarte, Jr. has to be one of the worst judges in the entire country. He is impatient, has poor listening skills, lacks basic communication skills, is a manipulator, and doesn't care about facts. Only his "facts" matter not the real or true facts. He should be removed from the bench.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL8335
This judge tries to intimidate the clients as well as the attorneys with his degrading tone and manner. I cannot believe he has been on the bench for this long. He forgets the testimony between different hearing dates. He makes up his mind prior to hearing the testimony. He cannot control himself and has a childish fit when you defend your client. He is full of rage rather than knowledge. Zero respect for the clients, his staff, or the attorney.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL8291
This guy started off well, but that was nearly fifteen years ago. Today, he still sits in the Circuit Court while several of his colleagues have been appointed to higher chambers and he has remained where he began. Perhaps his job has taken a toll on him, but his rulings are absurd, his orders are not profound nor thorough. In fact, all he does is yell and sanction everyone and my guess is to compel settlements. I feel he has seen better days as a judge and perhaps after this new term is over, he should retire and move on to play golf tennis or take up painting. Definitely something that will make him happier than the miserable human being he currently is.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL8263
I appeared in front of Judge Echarte as appearance council, and he started screaming at me and saying I was unethical, simply because I was covering a motion. Then, he stated he needed to see the attorney of record the next day, "And you can't be there!" as if I'm some vagrant who is going to hang out at the courthouse, attempting to cover hearings for which I wasn't hired. I totally understand that this judge wanted to yell at the attorney of record for screwing up. But it's not actually MY fault that they didn't want to face him. I thought maybe he was an emeritus judge, since he seemed unaware that appearance counsel is a thing that exists. However, it looks like he is only in his 60s, so age isn't really an excuse for his rude behavior.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL8096
Rating:Not Rated
this Judge should have been out a long time ago how old is this guy in his 90 's he forgets what he told you the last time you were in court then is rude and nasty this guy is worthless and should not be a judge it is disgraceful. But we let this happen by voting this guy in and then like idiots we voted to alow judges to be over 75 its crazy ,get him out ,get him out get him out! he let a lier get away with saying he had no court orders in other county's when he had a order and final judgment in broward and they were working with Georgia to get child support this guy drives to Miami with no knowledge the wife and lies and says he has no open cases and then the mess began over 200 times in court because of miami and this judge


Comment #: FL8095
Echarte means to take in Spanish. He "took" my daughter's home of 22 years from her because she had no work due to covid and could not pay the mortage. What a guy??? He must be a Democrat because he has no feelings or brain cells.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL7780
i had a medical issue that did not allow me to drive per doctors orders, i filed a motion for new hearing date and motion to appear by phone. nope. he denied both. he wanted me in person and his pound of flesh. i had to pay for a coverage attorney and he threatened sanctions against me after i documents my medical concern. i filed an ADA complaint against him. 6 months later, covid happened and now he's forced to make electronic appearances. he is the rudest judge ive ever encountered. i wish i voted in miami so i could vote him off the bench. black rob syndrome. abuse of power.


Comment #: FL5668
Judge Echarte has a very difficult job to do, as do most court officials. He allows for logical discourse as much as other judges, but really in the course of a highly emotionally charged family court case, could anyone claim to be "good"? The previous judge in the case was worse, at least Judge Echarte didn't fall asleep during the proceeding like the other did. He probably does more ex-parte work than 3 other judges combined so cut him some slack on being a bit short with the litigants.....the lawyers who are not prepared, just stay out of the court room and shut your traps.


Comment #: FL5437
he was mean and nasty did not want to hear anything i said nor did he ask for any of my doccuments. he orderd the childrens father being where my children live and my now 9 year old daughter is still in the 1st grade cause he was all for dad now my 12year old has an f in one of his classes and my children have been living with their abuela instead of me he is awfull and i do not want him on my case when i file another motion.


Comment #: FL5240
Judge Echarte is the most careless judge i have encounter in all three courthouses in Miami.
He made me come to hearings just to tell me that I should go to the 24th floor Self Help without listening to the facts. I am a father and opened a case to be able to spend time with my child and he have given me no opportunity to modify the timesharing. He acts like he doesnt want to be bothered in my opoinion he is a terrible judge and a person. Its time for him to retire.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL5146
Had a matter requiring some thought and an ability to determine the law from cases presented to him...he had neither the inclination nor the apparent ability to do either one...Shameful that a person of these qualities would be in a position to impact people's lives...

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL5125
Rating:Not Rated
Arrogante, Prepotente y Descriminador. Tal parece que no nació de una mujer, discrimina a las mujeres y prefiere dar custodia a drogadictos y hombres violentos. Sáquenlo pronto de su silla esta destruyendo madres y su relación con sus hijos.


Comment #: FL5042
His performance is tough to tell. Ruled against me in an alimony modification trail even though my income fell 78% from when I divorced. It may have something to do that when he got assigned to my case, my ex's attorney paid $500 into his campaign. So, how can anyone claim his decision was or was not based on that fact alone? The Judicial Inquiry Committee washed their hands even though the timing of Raymond Rafool's payment was so flagrant that no other argument can be made that this was not a fair and impartial judge.


Comment #: FL4926
Rating:Not Rated
This is the worst judge , he is a absent minded never rememberd what he said or even his own orders , does anyone know how to get rid of these judges that don't belong on the bench? Instead of talking about it we should figure out a way to get him off the bench , this judge should have never been appointed it says a lot about the system and the rest of the judgesand staff if they can't tell this judge has alzines disease something is really wrong!


Comment #: FL4913
worse possible man in the world. I thought my child's father was bad, this man could be his father. This judge will not listen to any evidence, real proof. he will side with the drug using father regardless. I don't know how this man sleeps at night, he needs to retire ASAP. He is a disgrace to good men in high careers.


Comment #: FL3984
Is the worst judge I ever met or had for a trial in Miami-Dade County. With him on the bench no justice will be served, So sad. What is the justice system coming to?

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL3963
Probably the most temperamental, lest knowledgeable, lackadaisical, most arrogant and biased jurist in front of whom I have appeared. He allowed a trial to proceed after ignoring his own order as to how much time the party would be given to obtain counsel, had the trial in his kangaroo court with only one side appearing, then entered the Order 7-8 weeks after the trial, He then refused to grant a new trial thus depriving thousands of homeowners out of substantial benefit. I asked for a reasoned opinion and he looked up and screamed "NO!!!!!" I hope I never have to see him again.


Comment #: FL3908
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Encharte forgets his OWN orders and then BLAMES and SHAMES the petitioner for actually following his OWN orders. He has actually rewarded the respondent for BREAKING his OWN orders. It has been proven multiple times that the respondent lies, however he keeps being favored in court, despite the Judge's multiple threats of consequences. I would like our government to hire a third party regulatory agency to ensure our Judges (that we pay their salary to make our lives miserable) are actually making the correct decisions for the families involved, instead of just ranting and raving because he is having a mood.


Comment #: FL3897
judge echarte should call his courtroom, "the DICTATOR'S ROOM" he rules against me, as the mother and the respondent. my son's father, the petitioner, re-opened a family case after he was released from federal prison for mortgage fraud. bottom line is, he went to jail for lying. he spend two and half years instead of the complete 5 years because he snitched. he was released on jan 10, 2014. he has continued his lies in judge echarte's courtroom and this is acceptable by echarte. my son has MARLENE VALDEZ as a guardian. it is apparent to all that MARLENE VALDEZ has left her role as the guardian for the child and has clearly been given advice to the father and his attorney. she makes recommendations but then when asked by judge echarte for her recommendation, she completely deviates from what she has recommended and stays quiet. she does not stand for my child. both echarte and marlene valdez have been willing to force the child to be with the father without the father having proper therapy for reunification. he truly does not care about this child, this case or family


Comment #: FL3741
Judge Echarte is the most amazing and proficient Judge in the Family division. He is no nonsense and does not allow for the B.S. other court rooms allow. His staff makes sure things are done quickly and if anyone is complaining about the time for a matter to be handled, needs to look at their attorneys or themselves as there is no other courtroom where matters are resolved as quickly as Judge Echarte's courtroom. Love this Judge and his staff.


Comment #: FL3580
Judge Echarte conducted inappropriate ex parte communications with a respondent in a civil matter, going so far as to conduct a portion of a hearing (including taking testimony from a witness) while excluding a pro se litigant from the courtroom.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL3508
There is no justice here in s.fl this judge one week was on my side the next week on my exs side he is losing his memory ruled then didnt remember its all about money here this judge needs to be taken off the bench he is a disgrace they were so happy he left criminal court why didn't he just retire we should all get together to get him out!


Comment #: FL3507
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Pedro Echarte, He hurts the children and families of the divorcing couples by his un fair, un just rulings. It seems that he does not care for the well being of the children. It seems that he rules pro or against you depending solely in the mood he is in, either he likes you(you will win even if you lei) or he does not like you (you will loss even if you have factual proof).
1) Does not uphold the Law, does not uphold Justice
2) Lacks Court unbiased judicial temperament
3) He rule by intimidation, he has no respect for Pro se. If you cannot afford an attorney (you lose)
4) It seems that he rules according to what he wants, not according to proof or basis of the law
5) He help further damage the children of divorcees by allowing cases to be longer than 7 months and thus allowing attorney to take away the money from the family. It seems he supports attorney ripping families saving and children's education monies, and thus support and give the money to attorneys families.
6) Abuses the Power and discretion of the Court. He does not belong in family court.
7) Family Division, The core of what this division stand for, is FAMILY. But what family? Attorneys!
8) Allows innuendos and heresy if he does not likes you
9) It seems like Echarte is too much into himself, he does not uphold the law nor he represents justice.
10) I believed in the American judicial system, a judge like this one makes me doubt there is Justice in America without money to buy justice!


Comment #: FL3488
This judge is horrible..he places children with convicts,drug abusin father.i hope he is removed Immediatly as a judge.he dont listen to mothers side .i worry for my kids safety but this judge abuses his power.


Comment #: FL3324
He is a horrible judge! He knows absolutely nothing about family court, and makes terrible decisions. Someone please take him off the bench! He places children with criminals, instead of with their hardworking mothers. He abuses his power as a judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL3062
He does not belong in family court. He is often abrupt and sometimes rude to the attorneys who appear before him.


Comment #: FL2903
Judge Pedro Echarte is one of the worst judges I have ever met. His lack of knowledge of Family court is really worrisome because he is supposed to uphold the law and represent justice, but this could not be any further from the truth. Maybe he has more knowledge and experience in civil court, but in my humble opinion, in Family court he is a fiasco.


Comment #: FL2853
Rating:Not Rated
I had this judge today for custody dispute the father of my daughter was taking me back to court because he claimed I was denying visitation which is not true this judge was very fair and only cares about the safety and well being of the child. He listen to what we both had to say. He is a great judge


Comment #: FL2819
It's great to see a Judge who holds abusers of fathers/men accountable!!! I hope this becomes case law for all of the malfeasance against fathers! Taking their drivers licenses and passports is counter-productive and anti-best interest of ANYONE! And, when it's false - even more so! This Judge is a HERO!!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL2803
Judge Echarte is an excellent Judge. He is very intelligent and rules fairly and in accordance with Florida Law. Attorneys needs be prepared- but this is absolutely expected of counsel no matter what Judge is on the bench. Judge Echarte listens to both sides in making his determination and it is up to the Attorneys to present him/the court with case law and to make the appropraite legal arguments. Many attorneys do not adequately prepare and come to Court thinking that the Judge is going to somehow make that better or make the case for them (which then results in an unhappy attorney making negative comments about a Judge on websites like this). Overall, Judge Echarte is a wonderful Judge and I trust in his direction, decisions, and wisdom. he is the kind of Judge who teaches valuable lessons to young attorneys like myself- come prepared, get to the point, never speak over the Judge and show professional courtesy to your opponent.


Comment #: FL2707
horrible judge ,he is losing his memory this is the worst judge ever he needs to retire.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL2007
Happy to see him go. Good luck to Family Court!

Probation or Pretrial Officer

Comment #: FL2006
This judge has a horrible judicial temperment. He is arrogant and frequently rules according to preferences not dictated by law. Even if you are well-prepared and in the right, if your a woman, forget it! He is clearly a male chauvinist and an embarrassement to the 11th Judicial Circuit!


Comment #: FL2004
Rating:Not Rated
Arrogant, defensive judge. If you question his understanding of the facts, he will use that to rule against you. Horrible judge who allows his own insecurities to control the outcome of your case. He does not have judical temperament or capacity. He is a disgrace.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL1833
Once you get past the intimidation factor, great judicial qualities are apparent.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL1760
If a lawyer is prepared, appearing before Judge Echarte is a delight. But woe to counsel who is: late, unprepared, or can't articulate a cogent argument.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL1582
Very fair, very intelligent, very hard-working, always pushing to get cases to trial and seems to have more trials per year than any other judge in Dade County.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL1484
I believe Judge Echarte may be quite the intellectual. However, his arrogance and inability to be neutral on the bench affects my rating on his ability to handle complex litigation and evenhandedness which necessarily requires a different temperament.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL1235
He may be a decent trial judge, but has just an awful disposition. He's one of several judges who feel the need to rule by intimidation.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL973
Good judge who is prepared in advance of a hearing, tries to get it right and has a very respectful demeanor towards everyone in the courtroom. A refreshing change from most of his colleagues.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL534
Good solid judge who tries to do the right thing. Willing to say he doesn't know and to research an issue before he rules. Runs a very good trial.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL329
Firm but fair. Excellent trial judge. Runs a tight division.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL205
Would be so much better if he'd get over himself.