Hon. Virginia M. Kendall See Rating Details
District Judge See Comments
Average Rating:6.0 - 36 rating(s)
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*Temperament:   (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Scholarship:   (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Industriousness:   (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
*Ability to Handle Complex Litigation:    (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Punctuality:    (1=Chronic`y Late,10=Always on Time)
*Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation:    (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
*Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation:   (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Flexibility In Scheduling   (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Pre-Trial:   (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Civil Settlement Discussions:   (1=Least Involved,10=Most Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Trial:    (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Sentencing:    (1=Most Lenient,10=Most Harsh)
Typical Discount Off Guidelines for Cooperators:    (1=10%,10=100%)
  Items marked with (*) are averaged into the displayed overall rating

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What others have said about Hon. Virginia M. Kendall


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 35437
A review of some of the comments made about Judge Kendall could fairly lead one to conclude that we are speaking about an entirely different person. She is, to put it simply, outstanding in all ways.

We all have had adverse rulings (and who among us has not, as a result, been frustrated with the judge?). But to consider Judge Kendall as anything other than a stand-out judicial officer and legal citizen (she writes, speaks, mentors, and just generally cares deeply about those around - and who appear before - her) leaves the impression that axes are being ground.

Having worked around Judge Kendall since she assumed the bench, being familair with her reputation, and having known her when she served as a stand-out federal prosecutor, my perspective is that she has been, and remains, a model judge. What is more, I am confident that any random sampling of lawyers (and litigants) who appeared before her will yield similar results - whether on or off the record.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 35040
She doesn't do the job. Period. Fine example of why lifetime appointments are outdated and should be replaced with merit retention. She has no idea what is happening most of the time, even to the point of knowing why you are there. But of course, she will proceed as though she has studied all when in fact she is winging it at best. This is apparent to anyone with any wit about them, including those attorneys who have no compunction about misrepresenting the record, including their adversary's position, and are more than willing to take advantage of the situation. She tries to maintain a sunny disposition and grants motions off the cuff to get them off the docket but no real discretion is being exercised. She has an appointment for life but seems to view it as a title of nobility rather than a functional judicial position. In sum, a weak, nonperforming judge that our current system of lifetime appointments is not designed to deal with.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 33702
She would never let facts or law get in the way of a verdict

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 32757
Is the most arrogant judge in the NDIL, and that's saying a lot considering the competition. It's one thing to be smarter than everyone else and arrogant, but it's an entirely different story when you are the dumbest person in the room but truly believe you are the smartest. Judge Kendall is the latter. Worse yet, she likes to brag about how she "tries cases" and litigates quickly. What that translates for the lawyers who really do all the work is that she moans and groans about "how long it takes" and grunts when you ask for reasonable extensions (she wouldn't know they are reasonable because she was never in private practice and has never handled a civil case as a practicing lawyer), triggering her canned response "we litigate fast in my courtroom." What that really means is that she imposes tight deadlines, forces you to do a lot of work, and once you file motions . . . SHE sits on them for a VERY long time. I had a summary judgment motion where she didn't enter a ruling for nearly 1 year and then expected us to go to trial in less than a month once she ruled. That is, of course, until the only time lead counsel would be available (they had other trials before judges who promptly ruled on dispositive motions) was three months later and she acquiesced to their dates. Bush II appointed her to the bench and rumor is that the only reason she got the gig is because nobody else applied. I never used to believe that story, but now I do.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 32750
They should play the Imperial March from the Empire Strikes Back (aka "Darth Vader's Theme) whenever she enters the courtroom. She considers herself a "rocket docket." But her definition of rocket docket is that she wants YOU to have everything done yesterday and then she can take 9 months to a year to rule on even the simplest of issues. This is a person who clearly was never in the private practice of law, never had to do civil discovery and clearly has NO CLUE.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 32748
She is a legend in her own mind who likes to brag about her ability to try cases. Too bad she has no comprehension about basic civil procedure and can screw up a civil case in the blink of any eye. She has a pro-government bias, so avoid her if you can in any civil cases where you are suing cops, etc.


Comment #: 24429
I was prosecuted in Judge Kendall's courtroom recently for a crime I committed and I could not have asked to be treated better throughout the entire process. Judge Kendall is firm, knowledgeable and always professional. Being a middle aged man with no prior incarcerations and one violation while on bond which was truly an accident, Judge Kendall ensured I clearly understood her expectations and the consequences for not following them. While Judge Kendall did sentence me to a period of confinement, she did so with much thought and fairness after I believe careful consideration of the facts. Anyone who is not a career criminal, is genuinely remorseful and genuinely respectful of her courtroom can expect an even-handed result.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 23394
Judge Kendall has developed substantially over her the past 10 years on the bench. She was an excellent prosecutor and now growing into a fair and passionate judge. The critical reviews regarding her alleged lack of experience in different niche areas seem to miss the point that the federal judiciary is expected to preside over a vast array of matters. I would contend that it is more the fault of the lawyers for failing to better educate the court on the correct position if they feel a judge is outside of his or her expertise.


Comment #: 23382
Judge Kendall is just as bad as they say. She is really focused on getting off the bench and into a State's Attorney role. She wasted a year of my time and tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and literally did nothing other than to refuse to hear our case. Dismissed without prejudice twice. Who's ever heard of such a thing? For some counterpoint, see my review of Judge Darrah who inherited the case.


Comment #: 13802
Out of her depths in financial markets, and business organization processes and behavior. It is clear that her expertise in child exploitation, while admirable, has her painfully unprepared for commercial issues. Amazingly, she misapprehended fundamental dynamics of client controlled market speculation. Moreover, she explicitly acknowledged ignorance of other financial markets cases and ruled from a Capra-esque point of view appropriate for a 1940s romantic comedy. Completely disconnected from the modern business world.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 13276
Rewards the rats and punishes the ones who refuse to snitch. She does not understand drug business or culture she has no street smarts like some of the others and does not understand why people remain poor she is a northsider who grew up in a conservative family. I have had cases with her when she was AUSA she was always plesant and I do like her because I know what to expect

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 13092
I am not based in Chicago but recently had two cases pending in the Northern District. Judge Kendall presided over one case, and another judge presided over the second case. It was like night and day. Judge Kendall is a pleasure to appear before.

I have read the Ezell case for which she is receiving such sharp criticism and the 7th Circuit opinion reversing her. While I agree she got it wrong, she shouldn't be judged so harshly based on this one case. I found her to be sharp. She issued well-reasoned opinions in my case. She also ruled promptly on motions and was fair and even-handed to both parties. In the past, colleagues have criticized her ability to preside over civil cases, but I did not find that to be true. She has been on the bench for a number of years now and has probably grown as a jurist. I attribute early criticisms to her lack of experience with civil litigation, and colleagues at my firm would agree. I don't think that is really an issue any longer.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 12742
She was a mediocre prosecutor and clerked for a mediocre federal judge, so it came as no surprise that she has turned out to be mediocre too. Proof that making prosecutors judges is not the best template. When she replaced Conlon, somebody should have explained that Kendall was only expected to fill a vacancy and not mimic Conlon's insanity. Oh well, thanks Bush. Another wonderful appointment proving her worthlessness.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 12604
She woudn't understand constitutional or municipal law if she tripped over it. Either that or her personal dislikes and prejudice trump her duty to apply the law, Just read the Seventh Circuit's blistering reversal of her out of tough with reality and the law Decision in Ezell v Chicago (Appeal No.10-3525).

I rest my case.


Comment #: 12533
Judge Kendall really messed up on this case. 10-3525 Ezell v Chicago - 2nd amendment Nearly every ruling and decision she made was gutted and reversed by the 7th circuit. It wasnt even close. The court ordered an immediate injunction to nearly all of Chicago gun ordnance restrictins. Seems like Chicago enacted stringent requirments 4 days after McDonald -requiring 1 hr of firing arms training yet prohibited ranges within the City. Judge Kendall declined to issue an injuction based on the testimony of two city witnesses. One who never even was in a gun range. Amazing. In sum the 7th circuit says: Kendall's...decision
reflects misunderstandings about the nature of the plaintiffs’ harm, the structure of this kind of constitutional
claim, and the proper decision method for evaluating alleged infringements of Second Amendment rights.


Comment #: 12137
Sharp and fair judicial officer of the court


Comment #: 12136
Excellent Judge!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 12133
Very well versed in the law

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 12131
Judge Kendall is an outstanding jurist. She is an intellect who is conversant with current opinions and the law. She treats all litigants fairly and efficiently handles her Court call. She is a model for Judges who sit in our Federal Courts.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: 12128
Smart, fair, and knows the law and how to apply it. Excellent Judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 12127
Great Judge. Great atmosphere in her courtroom. She is smart, fair, and it is a pleasure to be in her courtroom.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 12081
Jude Kendall is one of the best judges I have been in front of. Her knowledge of the rules of evidence and the attention she pays to your case at trial are second to none. She is always professional, but also demands respect, striking a great balance. If you are a young trial attorney, she is the judge you want because you will be a better attorney after the trial.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 11811
Comment 8970 is correct. She spends more time bragging about her days as a career prosecutor and her "strength" in trying cases. That's nice, judge. Now how about ruling on the motions for summary judgment and keeping your civil docket moving. And no, don't just deny the motions because you aren't afraid to go to trial.


Comment #: 10161
I met Judge Kendall a few days ago, and had the pleasure with meeting with her. She is a very kind and virtuous woman. She undeniably is filled with moral principle and a kind heart.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 8970
sloppy work. Her lack of civil experience is very noticeable...unlike some of the other comments I don't think she is getting any better.


Comment #: 7590
Judge Kendall is fair, professional, and an excellent addition to the bench. Her fresh attitude makes for a more enjoyable courtroom experience. I look forward to appearing before her again.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 7568
Judge Kendall is constantly improving herself. She is fair, competent, and has a knack for keeping things moving.


Comment #: 6983
This judge is terrible. She was a judge in the the last of three bogus lawsuits filed against me by a spammer for calling him a spammer (one in IL state court, and 2 in fed in IL). She denied me my more than $12K in attorneys' fees for the case in her court, in which the plaintiff withdrew it at the last possible minute (for the third time), and she said that three bogus lawsuits aren't "oppressive."
Judge Kendall should hang it up and go play tennis or whatever she likes if she thinks three trumped-up and completely bogus lawsuits are not oppressive to an out-of-state defendant. Heck, fighting three bogus lawsuits is oppressive to a local defendant! I feel sorry for the next person who has to deal with an issue like mine in Judge Kendall's court room.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 6951
Comment No. 6865 hit the nail right on the head. She spent her entire professional career as a federal prosecutor, so she is accustomed to the "rocket docket" approach. That might be fine in criminal practice, where there is no discovery and the key witness (i.e. the defendant) rarely, if ever, testifies. Of course, that does not play out well in civil cases. Yes judge, there is a reason why we need the depositions and interrogatories: not all cases go to trial, unlike the criminal stuff.

In case you missed the earlier posts, NEVER, in this life or your next, interrupt her, even if the "interruption" is when she starts talking over you while you are talking. In that respect, she certainly has a serious case of "robitis."

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 6865
Her unfamiliarity with civil procedure is very obvious at times. She doesn't understand discovery and summary judgment practice as a practitioner would, and her rulings on these motions are made like a law student would make them after reading only the rule. She does try very hard. Also, never, ever interrupt her - I saw her chew out an attorney for interrupting her and being a bully generally.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 4160
Judge Kendall is getting better all the time. She is clearly working hard and listens to the parties carefully before making decisions. Her written opinions are very well thought out and well done. She moves things along, which is always a benefit.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 3971
J. Kendall is very intelligent and diligent, and appears to work hard to familiarize herself with areas of the law she has not previously dealt with regularly. Very knowledgable regarding procedural and evidentiary matters, and calls the balls and strikes fairly (not surprising given her extensive trial background as an AUSA who tried a lot of complex cases). Has grown a great deal in her first year on the bench, and seems likely to continue to do so as she gets more experience. And when compared to many of the others on the NDI bench (e.g., Conlon, Bucklo, Gottschall, Manning, all of whom have serious temperment and cognitive problems - i.e., are either impossible to deal with or just plain dumb) a real pleasure to appear before.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 3868
I don't practice criminal law, so I limit my comments to what I know and have seen. I had my doubts about her because I have my doubts about any former AUSA that gets elevated to a judgeship. Judges who were previously prosecutors only seem to have interest in criminal cases (Kocoras, Castillo, Holderman, Manning), and kick civil cases to the curb.

Kendall appears to have as much fun with her civil cases as she does with her criminal. As for comments about her being "average," well, that sums up most federal judges, even if their egos disagree.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 3389
Was a basicly fair, average, nonstar AUSA with the Office of the US Attorney ND ILL, not nearly as good as a U S District Court judge. Was effective in painting herself as more qualified for the bench than she has actually been. Adds nothing special to the Northern District bench as a whole. However remains generally a nice person and hopefully she will grow on the job.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 2242
She is new. Former prosecutor with no civil experience other than clerking for a federal judge some years beack. She does appear to have all of the makings of a good judge. Seems a little testy with discovery fights, but I figure that's simply because she doesn't have the perspective due to lack of civil practice background. Nonetheless, she appears to be very knowledgeable on evidentiary and procedcural issues, and can run an efficient trial. That, unfortunately, places her far above many of her colleagues.