Hon. Francine Zepeda See Rating Details
Superior Court
Fresno County
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.5 - 4 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 16 rating(s)
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* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. Francine Zepeda



Comment #: CA54896
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Zepeda is often times rude and condescending to counsel and litigants. She is unprepared and goes into the hearings without reading the pleadings. She favors the fathers and is bias against mothers. She told one mother if she called the police or CPS one more time she would be on supervised visits!! You can’t restrict a parents rights to file police reports for custodial interference and so forth. She intimidates and threatens mothers in the court room with supervised visits when the make a showing of domestic violence by father and history of his abuse.


Comment #: CA31750
This judge is incompetent. From the cases that I know of, she favored the abusive fathers and the children paid the horrible price. One time she told the mother that she could not request separate mediation due to DV which is incorrect. Additionally, she said, " I don't understand why these women are always wanting a separate mediation if she got with the father to make a baby, she can work with him to come up with a reasonable parenting plan"! The last time I heard her comment that "children don't know who they want to be with and I don't care how old they are, it does not matter what the child says, they have no say in the matter"! She comes into the courtroom unprepared and asks for the case file because she had not read it, she usually implies that the court judicial assistants are to blame but she gives off discombobulated vibes.


Comment #: CA31741
Zepeda needs to be removed from the bench. She removed child from loving secure home after Mother attempted to protect child from being molested in Fathers home. Child lived full time in Father’s home with molester for 4 months only seeing Mother in Supervised visits. Supervision at Fathers request only. Mother had no issues or concerns warranting Supervision. Zepeda Was biased and only listened to Father, turned chair and ignored Mother when she spoke. Father had Battery conviction against Mother and extensive drug abuse history. Child emotionally deteriorated during separation from Mother. Molester was finally caught. Child eventually returned to Mother with consistent time with Father. Narcissistic Father never held responsible for manipulation of court. Mother never heard. Zepeda never apologized. Child suffers from PTSD and has spent years in therapy recovering from a decision made by Zepeda.


Comment #: CA29087
Rating:Not Rated
This Judge just Separated my Son from his little family of 4 by ordering a restraining order against my son to stay away from his fiance and 2 babies of 1yrs son and
a 1 1/2 month baby daughter

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA22833
Rating:Not Rated
Tomorrow will be my first trial. I pray to god she gives me an opportunity to prove myself. I’ve made some mistakes but I’m committed to changing my life for the better. I never want to be introuble again. God be with the judge and myself


Comment #: CA16968
This judge made me homeless!!!! with having 3 properties , Ex got house, got condo , got it alll
I am homelss as we speak, she kicked me out of the condo without money or job.
cruel woman, didnt want to listen ever, I told her you are discriminating me, I am from Poland, ex is an American


Comment #: CA15347
Judge Zepeda enters the courtroom most of the time unprepared. She is extremely bias against most women and at often times a bully to women who have suffered domestic violence.
Judge Zepeda rules against Mothers quite often she ignores the prior history of Domestic Violence from the Fathers. Judge Zepeda should not be assigned Family Court


Comment #: CA15110
This judge favored the father even after he had a domestic violence restraining order against him. She said the DV was my fault because I made him mad and eventually gave him more custody because maybe "that would make him/the abuse stop". In 9 years, she has never read or considered evidence. Rating should allow 0s. My childs best interest was never favored, even with medical evidence.


Comment #: CA14158
This judge and the court mediator refused to put my child’s interests first and only listened to the “truth” the father spoke. She said she would NEVER give full physical custody to the mom even with my daughters wishes and concerns about living with her dad. This judge is anti mom! I actually lost additional time with my daughter that her father and I agreed to. Judge said she didn’t like the additional time I got with my daughter and that it has to be 50-50 custody.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA14066
Rating:Not Rated
Francine Zepeda is unfair she is bias won't let you defend yourself she suppose not listen to hear say but won't ask to see proof. Allowed the father which is mental and physical abuses to our children smh

Court Staff

Comment #: CA13704
Rating:Not Rated
Her attitude was beligeran, passive aggressive, and intimidating. She didn't look at my file beforehand but she was quick to try to diciplinary me like I did something wrong. She also threaten to not give my daughters a chance to decide which parent they want to be with even dough they have been physically and mentally abused by their father who had a restraining order, no custody and no visitation due to his misconduct.


Comment #: CA13515
She is OK, can be a bit arrogant. I just wish she would apply more "law" and stop relying so much on what the attorney's convince her on what the law is. She is a smart legal person, just gets lazy....

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12942
Judge Zepeda has an issue with women and mothers. I have watched her silence Mothers over and over and let the male/Father speak freely. She does not read submissions and is often confused and references other cases in the midst of discussions and then tries to gather actual applicable information last minute. She then gets flustered and makes knee jerk judgements. She is totally biased and not factual. She uses her own opinion instead of the well being of children and leans heavily on emotion. She rules very reactionary instead of factually and fairly. These are children’s lives she is putting at risk. She has never fairly assessed our case and rushes through it with very negative impact on the children she’s sworn to protect. She should not be in family court any longer.


Comment #: CA12676
get off seat and step down she help[d wrong people


Comment #: CA12648
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is biased !
Pro dads ! Denied my restraining order
I almost died , went to criminal court
They sent me back to family court
Judge Tharpe heard the case , then finally granted it !!!! If it wasn't for him
I would of been Baried dead in the ground !
ZEPADA cost me 40,000 dollars !!
I have never not trusted my court system this much !

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA12636
This judge has been doing this for too long and is insensitive to cases and does not use fair judgment. Out of line in her tone and reasoning in some cases. I guess when you look like her you don’t have kids of your own for a reason.


Comment #: CA11811
My son was 6 months old and she suggested 50/50 with my ex husband and I and said that I was to provide enough breast milk for my son as he was with his father. My son was ONLY on breast milk! There was notation of how there was a history of abuse from my ex husband and he was still granted 50/50! Now there my son is experiencing abuse and when I requested a restraining order she denied it. She knew what she was doing and still compleatly bias....


Comment #: CA11219
Judge Zepeda is a very caring and respected judge in my opinion because she over looked my case with humanity, with empathy, and justice. She heard the testimony while I was in her court room and made her judgment with the professional skills and understanding needed to be in a judges seat. I thank Judge Zepeda and her court staff for the professionalism and justice that it takes to oversee my case. Thank you, Robert T. Jones Jr


Comment #: CA11211
This woman is a complete fraud. She is biased and dangerous. She should not be in the position she is. Families and especially the children need someome who actually cares about the individual cases, which are unique. She instead says, "Well, I feel this way and this is how it'll be done." She does not comprehend the intensity of the situations, but rather rules on her own feelings and more by her power to do as she desires. She's unprpfessional, unethical, arrogant, and incompetent. Is there a way to get her removed from her position?


Comment #: CA9919
This Judge doe not put the children first! What happen to the law that puts "the Best Interest for the children"? She is very bias towards women in general!


Comment #: CA9798
She is a horrible Family law Judge she is very sexiest and its her way or no way. She doesn't listen to the female in the party. she believes that everyone should have 50/50 no matter what the situation. Worst family law Judge.


Comment #: CA9754
She is a pro-daddy judge. My kids dad failed two drug tests, lost an attorney due to that, didn't show for court appearances and she gave him more time than he had. Its been on going for 5 years.


Comment #: CA9740
Terrible terrible terrible judge!
Her decision making is disgusting. If anything were to happen to these children because of her negetful choices will she be held responsible?! She is completely careless, she does not read the cases and she makes assumption and decides without a care in the world about the real situation and don't you dare try and correct her because then you will for sure lose the case. She is terrible and who ever decided she should be a family law judge was dropped on their head and beaten with a stupid stick. Also like to add I was a witnesses to her belittling and being out right awful to these women, VICTIMS of domestic violenc. the way she spoke to them she might as well just have asked them wwhat they did wrong to get smacked around.


Comment #: CA9730
This woman doesn't understand the law. She doesn't acquaint herself with the cases she judges and makes dangerous decisions based on her ignorance of the facts. I understand judging in family court is a difficult job, but this judge is flat out weird and should not be a judge at all. It's as if she judges in opposition to the facts. Her treatment of victims of domestic violence is abhorrent as she berates, belittles, and degrades women who are clearly in a bad situation. She is absolutely frightening to observe in the courtroom, and even more horrifying to deal with one-on-one. She should never have been given this position (or elected?) as she is cruel, unfair, and dare I say it, stupid. No one who behaves the way this judge behaves should be in a position of authority over the lives of others.


Comment #: CA8647
Rating:Not Rated
Horrible judge. She's very unfair. Regardless if there's evidence in front of her that proves the other party real intention, she refuses to consider all evidence if she's made up her mind. Also, she completely tuned me out and started talking to other court personnel when I was presenting my evidence to her. I find that very rude and disrespectful. It is very unfortunate when a judge behaves this way because it is people's lives that people like her deal with. My ex was very uncooperative as far as co-parenting and communicating was concerned while I was the parent that was trying. I provided all evidence (emails, text messages etc) proving so; however, instead of ordering my ex to co-parent, she continues to force the both of us to take unnecessary classes. It's unfair and frustrating.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8039
This women is a HORRIBLE JUDGE and should be FIRED, SENTENCED & SERVE TIME herself for her irresponsible behavior, screwing with peoples lives & families. She should be dismissing cases that have no context (non violent texts messages as harassment?) REALLY? That warrants loss of custody? Not being prepared for trial or case AT ALL!!!! Lying on the stand was not only tolerated, but encouraged!!! FIRE HER FIRE HER, assign an honorable judge and help REAL FAMILIES! Families that need to court tine and a fair judge!! Judge Zepele did even read the opposing parties declaration on TWO SEPARATE TRIAL DATES!!!! Then proceeded to complain how overbooked she was, she set a trial date, sided with opposite (ex husband) although there was NO EVEIDENCE NONE NOTHING HERESAY ON A 47 yr old man vs his ex 5'4' ex wife!!! No evidence at ALL; revoked 50/50 custody & ANY communication from a stay at home mom of over 6 years based on non-violent texts from ex husband, when mother was only trying to co-parent & commuincate ex; NEVER EVER police problem, police called or reason for police to be called in parents communication; this judge was SO BUSY SIDE CHATTING about the weather in the court room changing, texting on her cell phone and JUST NOT PAYING ATTENTION OR LISTENING!It is beyond me how she was even APPOINTED in the 1st place???? She issued a 1 yr domestic violence restraining order on mother; father isnt paying alimony, child support and cheated support bonus over $10,000; is choosing not to pay support bills, AND SHE STILL issued a 1 yr restraining order on mother, NEVER RULED OR EVEN SUGGESTED COUNSELING for SOCIOPATH FATHER, it went on for 3 days and she complained the ENTIRE time HOW OVERBOKKED AND BUSY she was TO DO HER JOB, HOW READING DECLARATIONS WAS "CREATING MORE WORK FOR HER" I could go on and on and on; this judge was a NIGHTMARE, literally I still have nightmares, she is a DISGRACE TO THE JUSTICE SYSTEM AND NEEDS TO BE FIRED AND NEVER ALLOWED IN A COURT ROOM/BENCH AGAIN! Typical Fresno SO TYPICAL!!! SHAMEFUL SHAMEFUL SHAMEFUL!!!! UGH DISGUST JUST DISGUST!!!! unbelievable....cant belive she has her job STILLLLLL


Comment #: CA6800
Rating:Not Rated
Did not let respondents witnesses give testimony. Said cases were taking to long and there was no time to allow it. She then stated that unless the witnesses were police officers it would not change her perspective on the matter. You could see in her face after 5 min that she was on the side of the young girl, who had done more abuse to the young male by her own testimony. Sad that life for these people are in her hands. What a let down to freedom. Just what Gov Brown wanted. Lifes stuck in the system of there control.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA6396
This judge is totally biased and incompetent. I think it's amazing how she is totally related to one of the other parties, and sides with them and thinks no one else sees it WOW you should be ashamed of yourself! Make more step families! How honorable is that ? I once saw her laughing about the shoes a man wore in court. And he did not have a one thing wrong in his case yet did not get his visitation with his child. In fact she cut him off and sided with mom in under 10min what a judge ! Oh that lil girl has daddy issues and is pregnant now ! No biggie right !?