Hon. Erick L. Larsh See Rating Details
Superior Court
Orange County
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What others have said about Hon. Erick L. Larsh



Comment #: CA52202
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Larsh is an absolute moron. He dosen't follow the rule of law and has childish outbursts in court. He is a little man who abuses his title. I know that his colleagues think he's a joke and shouldn't be a Judge. Eric larsh is a pathetic little man.


Comment #: CA37434
Judge Larsh should be removed from his position as a judge. It’s sad to think this monster is one of the very people that help represent the state of CA. A child is begging for help, begging to not be beaten or molested, and you are sitting on your ass as if her voice doesn’t matter. You are just as guilty as Athena’s abusers. Are you waiting until it’s literally too late to hear and acknowledge what she is saying?! Do you realize the physical and psychological trauma you are allowing her to be put through?


Comment #: CA37123
Rating:Not Rated
Comment #: CA37119

Your post is abusive and you sound abusive and should be ashamed, especialy when victims are falsely imprisiones and aome abuser's lawyers and judges they are in bed with, are even more abusive, lying, perjuring and crooked - and they are held to a higher bar--that they have violated .


Comment #: CA37119
How anyone can’t let a child be in a home where they are abused/ assaulted is beyond me. If you willing let this happen the your as bad as the abuser and should be punished as so. A judge is supposed to protect people not put them in harms way


Comment #: CA37087
How could you Judge Eric Larsh allow Athena back into the hands of her abusers. You are absolutely terrible and need to be removed from this type of decision making. I'm not perfect either, but never in my life have I seen a video that is viral show evidence of a poor girl, Athena, being escorted back to people who abuse her.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37057
His true colors are shining through. He needs to stop talking out his past and upbringing on children or fathers that really needs his help.
He is purposely putting children who are being RAPED by their family members BACK into those said family members custody. I just don’t understand it. Why is he even a judge? Does he enjoy knowing that because of his lack of heart and brains for that matter that precious children are being harmed, PHYSICALLY BEATEN & RAPED. But it’s fine. Send them back to Conroe to get beaten and raped right? That’s fine. Wtfffff


Comment #: CA37056
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Walsh is a terrible person. He’s shouldn’t have the right to tell a child she has to stay in the home of her sexual abuser.


Comment #: CA37018
I am filing a complaint against Judge Erick Larsh for his inability to make moral and just decisions for children who have been abused. He should be deemed a criminal for knowingly placing children in the custody of dangerous predators. The judicial review should look into this further and appoint someone more qualified for the job.

Impeach Judge Larsh!!!


Comment #: CA37016
Stripping children from people who truly love them and forcing them back into the hands of their abusers is disgusting. This judge is a disgrace. I cannot comprehend how someone could ignore the cries of a child. They are literally screaming for help yet this judge puts them back in the most harmful and dangerous environments when his job is ensure their safety and get justice for them. He is the worst kind of person and should not be a judge whatsoever.


Comment #: CA37010
The worst judge to exist On this planet.


Comment #: CA37006
He should not be a judge because he keeps giving kids to their abusers. It will get so rough for those kids that they’ll either run away or take their own damn life. You need to get your judges understanding what the hell it means to be a Judge. Her dads girlfriend or wife treats her better then her own biological mother and it’s sad to see little kids like her getting grabbed from the police officers so harshly. The mother knows what she’s doing and doesn’t want to be recorded for proof. In my opinion that’s not alright. That women should NOT be a mother. The dads new family and his daughter both need restraining orders against the mom due to her mom and uncle abusing her. You can tell damn well she’s better off with her father. The police officers wouldn’t let the child say goodbye to her dad. Like what the hell?? From what I’ve been seeing is that he keeps giving to the abusers on any case and he should be the one who is judge and/or monitored to see if he’s doing the same acts that the abusers are doing. Please take him out of the courthouse because a lot of innocent people are getting the shitty end of the stick when it comes to Eric L. Larsh.


Comment #: CA37000
I saw a video were a girl was forced back to her mother by the police. The mother abuses her mentaly and physically and let's that her brothers the uncles of the girl sexually abuse her. He doesn't deserves to be a judge ?? it's so sad whats happening to that little girl only because of you.


Comment #: CA36996
I’ve seen a video that has gone viral of him sending a little girl back to her abusive mother. This is ridiculous and he needs to get what he deserves. This needs to be taken care of ASAP and it is very disgusting that it’s even been going on this long. Special place in hell for people like him.


Comment #: CA36947
Unfair to children's rights

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35255
Rating:Not Rated
VIOLATIONS OF constitutional rights 1st, 6th, 13th, 14th, AMMENDMENTS, of the, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Constitution.



Title 42 u.s.c section: 14141-PATTERN AND PRACTICE

Title 18 u.s.c. section: 241- CASE LAW



You, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, are violating DUE PROCESS and committing HIGH TREASON!!. Against the american people. Under the 14TH AMMENDMENT, of the, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Constitution. That is, HIGH TREASON, which the only remedy for is, DEATH!!.

We the people, are entitled, to LIFE, ?? LIBERTY the presuite of happiness. A child is a ?? LIBERTY, INTEREST. Its a god given right!. To which a parent is entitled, to the full, CARE, CUSTODY, CONTROL, of their CHILDREN!!.

No man or GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS are above the laws of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land. All man are created, equal, according to all laws, made and created, in the, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. All are entitled, to the full, RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES, IMMUNITIES, PROTECTIONS, of the, Constitution. Violations of DUE PROCESS, is HIGH TREASON, Which the only remedy for is, DEATH!!


Comment #: CA34949
He always includes hear say. Does not care if he leaves a mon and her children homeless. Does not try to enforce any child support orders even if the they are in arrears for $80,000. Has absolutely no empathy to a single mother and will say she isn’t telling the truth on the stand because she takes a deep breath. Is against any stay at home mom going through a divorce and custody.


Comment #: CA31478
Rating:Not Rated
It was taking 1 hour to take the sit!! I strongly believe, he is always late & he just doesn’t give a dumb about it. Because he knows, nobody dare question the [Redacted] Judge!!!
[Redacted] We don’t have any rights in this Country: such as crappy Democracy, Freedom of Speech … all these nonsense is to fool us!
The US Lawmakers are destroying this Country because of money, sex, Power, ….. & passing Shitty Laws, 90% of them are piece of shit & recruiting by the Big ones (Slavery). Your votes will end up in Toilette, that’s why they are there for Gooood!!
We are so stupid being Democrat 1st & being Republican then! Who the Hell is American!?


Comment #: CA28992
Rating:Not Rated
Gave weekend visitation with monitors (mother and brother!?) to a drug dependent father. Only 2 drug tests which showed he was taking more than sleeping pills, anti-anxiety meds, and pain pills. Then without another drug test gave him 3/4 of the summer. Held the mother in contempt of court for taking her own coffee maker. Took no action when "father" threatened mother's attorney. Chastised his for not working or bringing documents, pen or paper to court. Drank water throughout his testimony to dilute drugs in his system which the judge noted. I witnessed another father have his rights taken away when he was accused of having a flask in his pocket at visitation. But this guy has not been drug tested in 6 or 7 years and is still taking pills. Larsh would appear to agree with mother's appeal but would then quickly switch to "father"s" favor. Larsh advised in the beginning of the case that both parents would be bankrupted if they couldn't agree. When the case was set for trial, he dragged out the court proceedings to the extent the mother had to give up her attorney due to high costs. The "father" did not return the children at scheduled time 2 separate times which required emergency court action by the mother (court fees, overnight hotel stay costs, missed work). No consequences for him. This guy hasn't worked in nearly 8 years and is behind $22,000+ in child support. Finally after 5 years, the judge agreed to allow the case to be transferred to the mother's residence county since he was not able to resolve the major issues. The only thing he did right was to have this guy's gun taken away due to his past threats.


Comment #: CA16140
Rating:Not Rated
I thought he was mare than fair when obeying the law even though the laws need to be reformed on spousal support. Spousal support is only needed now if you were a stay home mom or father. If you work your Entire marriage you deserve nothing but your own paycheck not you ex's.


Comment #: CA15755
I actually thought he would be different but he just believes what he hears from my sons mom. This guy has completely ignored all the unjust and manipulative things my sons mother is doing to me. He totally ignores the fact that she is trying to ruin my life. He has all this power as a superior court judge but uses it to be bias ruining a child’s life. Remember he was appointed by a republican governor. Tried to act like he’s not bias but I’ve shown that the other party is just being manipulative and he just doesn’t care.


Comment #: CA14751
Worst judge in the history of family law. He is prejudice against all minorities. He threatens, he has zero knowledge of the law. He is on an ego trip and thinks he remembers but contradicts himself mid-sentence. He makes rulings before he knows the facts. I have see him try to rule on issues that were not even in front of him and the attorney's had to correct him. Judicial review should take a look at removing him. He's a liability to the profession.


Comment #: CA12447
I love the law and the idea of rules and order. I decided to observe particular cases. I was so appalled by one in particular I had to chime in an opinion.
I observed a particular case from beginning to end and at first I was impressed and in awe of Judge Larsh. And then I saw him lose patience and exhibit favoritism and bias.
At one of the last appearances he decided the means justify the end. The same rules do not apply to both sides i.e. Does not enforce his own court orders (spousal support etc.). Beware if you stipulate out "in the hallway" as he will direct you to do, he will not enforce the stipulation in full if he believes parts are not fair -he does this not knowing what was compromised. When you file contempt for non payment of support (he is nice enough to tell you that you have remedies) I watched him mock the petitioner and said that the support amount isn't significant to justify a contempt. Whoever he favors will not be held to the same rules.
I watched him revise a judgement without concern with what was given up for the other's benefit.
Most disturbing I witnessed him call one party a liar and said the reason was because he didn't answer quick enough. Arrogantly told him he can tell when someone is lying and continued to berate him. It was sad as this person's demeanor was "slower"(slightly autistic maybe?) and appeared to me to be his natural way of speaking.
I agree with another opinion on here. He either doesn't read the filings or just doesn't care.
Will tell you to go to civil court to enforce a judgement he ordered and he refuses to support.


Comment #: CA12321
Judge Erick L. Larsh pays little attention to the law, is not detailed, will not read pleadings and motions ahead of time, everything is off the cuff. He is late to court every time. He is so LAZY! WOW. He sits on his bench and has a "kumbaya" attitude. If I didn't know how old he was, I would think he was an ex-hippie. Puts forth as little effort as possible with case review. Forgets what he said in previous hearings. His clerk is inaccurate with court minutes. Best bet is to obtain transcripts. Keep motions, pleadings, and everything else in written form BRIEF. He has, at most, a 1 to 2 page attention span. Make sure what you are requesting is 100% rock solid in accordance with the law! If there is any gray area that requires him to use his own logic and common sense, he will not rule in your favor. He does not care about case law or your specific circumstances. He is fair with the financial aspect of cases i.e. fees, alimony, etc.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10864
Judge Larsh truly cares about people and will go beyond what is expected of him to help children. I had a case where I represented the mother and the daughter wanted nothing to do with her father. Judge Larsh went above and beyond what a judge would do to try and help this little girl work through her issues with her father.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10504
Arbitrary. Unfair. Refuses to take sufficient time to understand a case or distinguish merits of the case. Erratic. Poor judicial instincts. A definite black mark on the reputation of the court. A typical former Court Commissioner: not capable enough to warrant judicial appointment on his own, he instead obtains office as an afterthought.


Comment #: CA9898
Dangerous prejudice against women. Leaves women and children without justice and penniless when fees are run up over years of delays until they can't afford counsel. He delays by promising future action, then denies his promises and recreates history on the record to support his refusal to follow the law and provide justice. Total waste of taxpayers money and litigants life's savings. Appeals are only way to justice in his court. League of women's voters supported his election and should be ashamed.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8965
Unfit to sit. Took bench 40 minutes late without explanation or apology. Suggested client's absence due to medical cause was fabricated notwithstanding no evidence to support; issued bench warrant for client's arrest while client being prepped for endoscopy/colonoscopy for post-cancer follow-up testing.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA7851
Does not know the law, will NOT make a ruling, extremely prejudical to allowing hearsay, recesses in the middle of trial constantly then forgets whats happening in his courtroom

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA565
Excellant judge he will work with you.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA539
A fair judge, you will get to argue your case, and he will hear you out and you will get a fair opinion