Hon. Julia Craig Kelety See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Diego County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.9 - 13 rating(s)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Julia Craig Kelety


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52030
ANOTHER woke Democrat. Typical attorney who is to stupid to earn a living in private practice, so she joined the state Democratic party, and bought herself a judgeship. Shuld be removed from bench!!


Comment #: CA47027
Judge Julia Kelety displayed an overt and very disturbing animous toward me in a very complex guardianship case. Sadly beginning in 2013 my son abandoned his three sons individually over the course of 18 months. Kelety awarded me custody in every instance. Fast forward to 2021, while visiting my son (A Pimp turned Black Hebrew Israelite) named Ira Hatchett III to meet his (supposed) newborn 5th child, when attempting to leave with the three boys that I had custody of...(each suffer from mental and physical disabilities the court ignored) My son refused to allow the eldest child to leave with me by cruelly emotionally blackmailing him with threats that if he goes home with grandma (me) he will never see him again, he said he was moving to Texas and my grandson begged me to stay I said "NO" and called the police, explained my position when the police arrived I showed my guardianship paperwork and El Cajon Officer's refused to enforce my court orders and made me leave under threat of arrest with only one of the three grandsons that I had arrived there with. After an Ex-Parte hearing with Kelety a month later, she ruled against her own prior orders, she also admitted that she had not even read the case file, she assigned a Guardian Ad Litem, a corrupt vicious liar named Kelly James (attorney). Furthermore, Judge Kelety determined that my eldest grandson would be HARMED by removing him from my sons home that he had only resided in for one month in comparison to the harm my son was causing by the false imprisonment, the emotional torment and the physical abuse my son and his "prostitute" Tyesha Tarrant perpetrated against my grandson and each other... In a custody hearing three months later in July 2021, Kelety refused to address my grandsons "Special Needs" accepted the lies of her assingned guardian ad litem reported and terminated my guardianship in spite of the numerous pages of documented neglect and abuse I tried to have her consider. Kelety's shocking indifference to the health and safety of my grandson is just another example of "ABUSE OF DISCRETION and POWER" in the justice system that is often perpetrated by the Authoritative Majority against the Unfortunate Minority populations...I thank Jesus Christ daily for his TRUTH and pray that He (the God of Justice) overturn Kelety's ruling in accordance with the promises of Ezekiel 21:25-27 (KJV)


Comment #: CA39381
She lacks empathy and suffers from one sidedness. I have been at the brunt of her malicious criticism and utter lack of research in this case. Today was particularly stunning considering a declaration was submitted proving the respondent forged a signature for the witness in order to have the document put forth. She said she won't be hearing it and it didn't matter when in fact it very much did matter to prove respondents history of forging documentation. This case has been going on for over 5 years and when the respondent proved to not be following the court order the judge did not care and confirmed that the guardian could do what she sees fit, ignoring the respondents actions were not in the minors best interest but indeed retaliatory. She allowed inflammatory and slanderous statements be seen as fact despite no evidence supporting such statements. She lacks the bare minimum needed from a fair judge as well as to allow obvious forged documents go without question and in fact used as solid evidence. She is by far the worst person for the critical job as an unbiased and fair judge.


Comment #: CA36688
I have been subjected to Judge Kelety?s laziness and mismanagement of my mother?s probate case. She has been indulging the unethical demands of Sarah Bonds-Hickey, an attorney reported for her unethical behavior with others. She has violated my mother?s civil rights and my own right to a fair trial.


Comment #: CA33972
This judge lacks attention to detail. She seemed confused and did not ask clarifying questions. She made mistakes on her briefing and submitted an order for judgement on assumptions. Judge Kelety should be reconsidered. She cannot judge on easy probate cases, and much less on civil law.


Comment #: CA33693
Rating:Not Rated
Highly prejudicial. No fairness. Puts attorneys on pedestal. Individuals representing self are giving nothing. Continually violations a persons civil rights. Tears up trusts to conform to her own beliefs. Has repeatedly lied and changed her word. Needs to be removed from the bench


Comment #: CA20831
This judge has made mistakes in the case of conservatorship of my mom. The biggest being that when kelety was asking questions to my mom , my mom could not hear which was clear after my mom sat down and the headphones were replaced my mom stated she could now hear loud and clear. an attorny helping us askedto have the questions repeated and was ignored


Comment #: CA11812
Judge Julia Kelety violated the Civil Rights of a woman who should have been protected by the court. Kelety is guilty of violating the civil rights of an Alaska resident.


Comment #: CA10860
From the beginning of my case this judge sided with her attorney friends despite the fact that they were charging obscene fees and preparing totally botched, innacurate accountings costing 12,0000 to 14,0000. This was brought to her attention by the guardian on numerous occasions only to be bullied by the judge to protect her friends. She clearly showed her lack of concern to protect the minor children the guardianship represented but to ensure her cronies are paid regardless of their complete incompetence. A real "cash cow" for these probate law firms . This Judge should be investigated for unethical practices.


Comment #: CA8846
She had a noose around the case from the start. Tried to challenge judge to be dismissed. She had started one party meetings not realized. Found out too late as a consequence. The challenge deemed untimely. Like the wild west when the judge says:I'm gonna give um a fair trial alright,just before I hang um..

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8766
Judge Julia C. Kelety acts in ways that are unethical and violate the judge's obligations of impartial conduct. Judge Julia C. Kelety's misconduct is prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the probate court in San Diego. The appeals court constantly reverses rulings by San Diego Superior Court Judge Julia C. Kelety. She is pals with certain probate lawyers and she does not read files. So if you have the time and the money file and appeal as soon as possible or file to get a different probate judge in San Diego.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA8750
Rating:Not Rated
I want to second the comment #CA8744 and add that my elder mother was the victim of an attempted murder. This judge never granted an investigation and instead stated regarding court testimony of violence toward victim as being "irrelevant". I believe a judge should represent San Diego citizens and as such has insulted the dignities of very many when she made a choice to use this word toward a very worthy deceased citizen.


Comment #: CA8744
Rating:Not Rated
She never should have been appointed in the first place but for the management of this court to allow this incompetent, arrogant and lazy judge to deal with the lives and fortunes of Conservatees and their families is a groaa mistake.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8681
All she does is complain about her schedule and she can't make a decision. She doesn't read the filings and she just goes with what her favorite lawyer in the room advises.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7755
Great Probate Judge. We're lucking to have her. I have appeared in front of Judge Kelety many, many times since she has been on the Probate bench found that she tries to find solutions and makes decisions in the most expedient, fair manner.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA6493
This judge is a paradox . She comes on like your best friends mother but be warned she is more like a bad soccer mom willing to see the game from only one side of the field , at times seemingly willing to ignore the rules ,facts and peoples feelings all in the effort to support the side she favors. It has been over four years since I came to her court asking the court to protect my mother and her estate from my sister who had wiesled her way into being trustee. I was baffled by her comments and cold hearted action towards me when I was the one trying to protect my mother. My advice go to another judge this lady should not be allowed to wear the courts robe.


Comment #: CA5845
This judge lacks the command of the law and the maturity needed to be competent on the bench. If challenged in any way, she becomes aggressive toward that party and will not think twice about punitive actions against them, regardless of how unwarranted they may be. Once she favors one side she will be their biggest champion. Is this really what a judge should be doing?


Comment #: CA5490
I think she was very fair and nice, listen and she could see right through what was going on... EXCELLENT

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4582
I've appeared before Judge Kelety numerous times during my career in probate. I've disagreed with only two of her rulings, and both times I understood why she reached the decision that she did. Judge Kelety is one of the most even-tempered, fair-minded judges on the bench. She works incredibly hard at a job made more difficult by significant budget cuts. She is prompt, prepared and has an excellent understanding of probate law, as well as the realities of disputed matters where families are involved. I've practiced before six different probate judges, including Judge Kelety, and she is one of the very best. I hope that she elects to stay on the bench for many years to come.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4272
I think Judge Kelety has the intellectual acumen to be a fine judge, and would like to do a good job. But she perceives herself to be overworked and therefore gave me the impression that she never read anything but the Probate Notes, and sometimes a little bit of the Probate Court Investigator's reports. I agree with another commenter that when she is frustrated, she displays her impatience and favoritism. I have the distinct feeling that she had ex parte communications in my case with a court appointed attorney. She has not, in my experience, expressed a real willingness to change her mind when she is wrong. When frustrated, she was willfully (and I believe intentionally) unreasonable to punish us for not doing what she wanted, willfully and consciously ignoring the jeopardy to an elderly man suffering from dementia and predators. This was disappointing, since I think that, in the absence of petulance, she wants to do the right thing and is perspicacious, if not necessarily knowledgeable. I think she can learn from the lawyers before her, and she can handle complex material, but has not done so in my experience, probably because she thinks she does not have the time. It's regrettable. When not petulant or vindictive, she is pleasant, seemingly intelligent, efficient, industrious and downright charming.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4139
Probate is one of the hardest departments for a judge.

I have had the pleasure of appearing before Judge Kelety for a few years, and am always content. Although I do not always get what I ask for, I have never once thought she made a substantive error. Definitely one of the best educated judges on probate law, which tends to be a bit of a mystery for civil litigators and judges.

My only critique is that she is sometimes too lenient with attorneys. I wouldn't mind a slightly stricter courtroom sometimes, but that isn't her style.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2957
Judge Kelety is personable and approachable, but terribly, intellectually underqualified. She simply does not possess the intellect necessary to perform the job as an adjudicator. When frustrated, she displays her true colors of impatience and favortism. Another appointment to the bench based on sex, not merit. True to most San Diego Superior Court Judges, she possesses no humility or ability to admit fault.


Comment #: CA2913
Refused time after time to make any kind of a stand for us on our probate case. Our lawyer asked several times to have the person stealing my father in laws property thru a bugus trust add on Removed as trustee and from property Kelety would not rule. Kelety at one point insulted my wife in open court. Long story short: we won the trial in Judge Meyers court. Because of Keletys non action my father in laws house became a mecca for homeless and druggies. We now have the house back (everything he ever owned is gone). The house is a mess and she took alot of money. All could have been prevented if Judge Kelety would have taken allittle of her time to make a judgement on just one of the many petitions our incredible attorney filed.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2145
She is the best judge we've had sitting in San Diego Probate Court for a long time. She always reads pleadings, and is fully aware of the arguments. She is fair and flexible, and a pleasure to appear before. She tries to fix problems.