Hon. B. Scott Thomsen See Rating Details
Superior Court
Nevada County
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What others have said about Hon. B. Scott Thomsen



Comment #: CA47354
Rating:Not Rated
And a final thought for the judge:
You gave my ex husband custody and let him keep our kids in Nevada county, because “it was important to keep the kids where they had been raised”.
This was all bull crap. And you were too ignorant to see you were being payed by a narc.
On Easter weekend of my youngest son’s senior year at NU (where he had a 1.6 GPA), his dad had him call me to say they had decided that it would be better if my son came to finish his senior year with me.
Then— without any other discussion, both my skns were dropped off at my house and my driveway was filled with all of their things, stuffed into garbage bags as their dad drove off to Utah with no word to me. He closed his accounts, two of the child support checks bounced, he stopped paying any of his child support, and he hasn’t laid a Penny for anything for his kids since he left the state in August of 2021.
I bought my son a car.
I paid for their phones
I’m paying for college for both of them
I’m paying for health and dental

My son has a great group of friends. He rides everyday and has lost 40 pounds. He has a gym to go to with his friends, is getting A’s and B’s in his first year of college. He goes with his friends to church and to youth groups every week. He just went to the sea otter classic bike race with another friend and his family and got first place in the expert division.

What has his dad done? Well— as soon as I got my son a car and paid for insurance and registration and new tires— his darling father told him to drive out to Utah to visit him.

My son is thriving with me. He’s matured and has taken responsibility for his school and his health in ways he never did in Grass Valley. His dad pays for nothing for him. He left him while he was still 16, and hasn’t paid a dime to care for him since.

I pleaded with you to see the man my ex is. I gave you proof and had you lecture me.

Shame on you for your choice to remain ignorant and uninformed. Shame on you for not giving me the same patience and understanding you showed to a man to actively engaged in alienation techniques.
And finally— fuck you for not giving my kids a chance at a this life earlier.

Good bye and good riddance.
I’ve got it from here. You’re a disgrace.


Comment #: CA36043
Rating:Not Rated
And here we are again. Fourth of July
I’ve been harassed for a year with my ex telling me he was taking the kids for the whole summer. I’d take it to a judge but what the hell did you do to stop this in the past?
Now… I have to go get my youngest because his dad refused to fix his bike for their ‘family vacation’ so my son can’t go to Mammoth. This is the third family vacation he’s been omitted from and left to sit alone in your town, Judge. (I can’t even keep a straight face when I use that that title for you). My oldest has been left to drive himself to Mammoth because their dad had other things to do. Their dad left a few days ago and left them to fend for themselves. My 16 year old was left to fend for himself for two weeks with no bike, no car I no longer have any idea where the crazy step mother has gone to.
And by the way- my youngest is now going to finish his high school where I LIVE. Because ‘grass valley just wasn’t working’. Hmmmm… maybe those multiple D’s and F’s from the school you claimed he would ‘thrive in’
My oldest will also be living with me because his dad refused to pay for any college, talked my son into skipping any college education bc it was ‘too expensive’ … and then told my then 17 year old son that he would be kicked out. I asked my son what he needed and told him I would do anything I could to help him towards whatever
Goals he wanted to work towards. He told me this my dear “judge” (gotta let the bile go back out of my throat when I say that)… my son said “mom, right now I just need a place to live”.

Who is blind to truth, blind to the well being of children, and consumed with your own self righteous ego.


Comment #: CA34408
My youngest son just came to my home
Upset because he’s been cut by his football team because his grades are so bad. His homework is not being done at his dad’s house.
Remember how you said ‘my kids would thrive anywhere’ when I asked you twice to please let them change schools?! Remember how I told you I had been responsible for their schooling that had helped them maintain good grades?! Remember how I told you I had a mother who was a Magna Cum Laude chemist and a teacher and was there to help and eager to teach my kids?! Remember how I told you my father was a professor and was there to help my kids?! I pleaded with you to understand what was going to happen. I pleaded with you to help my kids have a more normal life away from a narcissistic sociopath.

I will keep posting on this site every time my kids suffer because of your ignorant, ego driven judgements. And I’ll remind you that the last ‘co-parenting’ counselor i went to (alone— my ex just called and told him I was crazy and never came)... that counselor told me immediately that my ex was a severe narcissist, and that my job would be to “pick up the pieces of what their dad was going to do to them”. That’s on you too, “Judge”.


Comment #: CA34393
Rating:Not Rated
And here we are again. Yet another call from a doctors office thinking they were contacting Helen, the STEPMOM WHO HAS LISTED HERSELF AS MY KIDS’ MOTHER. And by the way— when I called these places to correct the medical record and ask that I be contacted bc I’m THE MOTHER!!! —- after not being informed of yet another appointment—- I actually got an email from the dad accusing me of ‘playing high school games’ and ADMITTING THAT HE HAD NO INTENTION OF TELLING ME ABOUT MY CHILD’S MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS— INCLUDING SURGERY. I’ve spent hours on the phone tracking down doctors and appointments and correcting the medical records. But what do you care? I told you twice in court that the father was doing this and you didn’t give a shit that my rights as a mother were being stripped from me in every way by a diagnosed ‘severe narcissistic sociopath’.
I pleaded for your help for five years and YOU. DID. NOTHING.
Disgusting what you deem ‘appropriate parenting’.

By the way- my youngest son I asking to move in with me for his senior year. My oldest son— the one you said would ‘thrive anywhere’ states he’s ‘just hoping to be able to walk across the stage for graduation’ ... bc he’s failing three classes while living with his father.

Just once I’d like to hear you just try to rationalize your decisions to me, because absolutely no-one else understands you, including police, counselors, therapists, and lawyers.


Comment #: CA33083
And here we are again..
Just got a call from a doctor about my son’s
CT scan a few months ago,
and possible surgery for sinus issues.
The thing is, my dear judge... I haven’t been told about any of this other than having my son mention something about his dad giving him Benedryl EVERY NIGHT. No information at all from the dad. I wasn’t even informed so I could be present for these appointments. But ... I’ve told you in the last that the dad does this and you didn’t give a crap. So I expect you don’t care at all that my rights as a parent have again been completely stripped from me. Shame on you.

Oh... but I did get an email informing me that $2.50 is being taken from my child support to cover ... itch cream from Walmart.’

And— as I’ve seen in the past... that $2.50 is MUCH more important to you than the fact that my kids are going through medical procedures without my knowledge. I’ve sat in front of you and had you say as much as I pleaded for your help to help me protect my rights as a mother.

You’re useless as a judge.


Comment #: CA33064
Rating:Not Rated
It’s a ‘two-fer’ day!!

First- both my kids are positive for covid— as are their dad, stepmom, aunt and uncle.
In addition I’m now being charged $311.00 for my son’s passport because they’ve decided to take the kids out of the country this summer (by the way— they’re doing DURING MY CUSTODY TIME. They’ll be keeping my kids from me for TWO WEEKS. I’ve told them that I already had plans and that they need to obey the order. They’ve said they won’t let me have my kids— THAT’S WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A JUDGE IGNORES YEARS OF PLEAS FOR HELP AND REWARDS THE PARENT WHO’S BREAKING THE ORDERS!!!! The judge has already given them carte-blanche to do whatever the hell they want to. My family and I thank you- Thomassen, for taking our family vacation away from us. but hey- he’s already kept the kids from me for days and weeks at a time and you told him you were just fine with that. I’m just thankful that the father who wouldn’t help pay for driving lessons and permits because “they weren’t medical or school related”, has now reasoned his way in to charging me $311.00 for a passport so he can take my kids out of the country during my parenting time. Sterling job, judge.

The other note is for my friend:

Remember that friend who fought for his kids a few years ago? You know— the kids you sent back with the drug addled mom and the stepdad in the army, AFTER she had left her husband and dropped the boys off to their Dad in grass valley and randomly showed back up when she wasn’t high?! Well, they’ve moved from Georgia to Hawaii. The stepdad is deployed again. Mom has been to rehab— again. So now the boys are alone with an unstable mother and a stepdad who’s gone for six months. Nice. The oldest has asked AGAIN to please come and live with his dad. It’s tough bc the mom (gasp!) DOESN’T FOLLOW THE CUSTODY ORDERS! Oh— my friend?? He’s a construction worker making $110,000 a year. He lives with my good friend. She’s an OR nurse making over $100,000 a year. They own a house in grass valley. They’ve lived in grass valley for decades. They’ve been together for over 10 years. So... judge Thomasen... you had a child ask three years ago to be able to live with his father. His father and significant other came to you asking for help to get both the kids away from the mother who was actively using meth at the time and had- at that time - left her husband and had the kids randomly sleeping on the floor in a strange man’s apartment on the rare times she actually came to get them (and by the way told the boys NOT to tell dad where they were) in grass valley. BUT instead of keeping these kids in the Alta Sierra school they were put in while their mother sat drugged up in grass valley; instead of putting these boys with two responsible adults with good jobs and a nice house, who had cared for those kids while Mom was methed-up in a strange apartment....YOU chose to send the kids away to Georgia with a drug addled mother and a violent, wall-punching stepfather (who - by the way- calls himself the boys’ DAD!). YOU CHOSE TO send them from Georgia to grass valley to Georgia to Hawaii with a mom who’s now been in rehab twice, and an absent stepfather. Well— that kid is still asking to come back here—three years later. I wonder: how long would you deliberate before deciding that drugs, violence, an itinerant life, and intermittent parental figure was SO MUCH BETTER FOR THESE KIDS and send this poor kid back AGAIN, just like you did before. Shame on you!!! I really have to wonder about the kind of mind with the ability to ignore things that EVERYONE else around them sees. you care more about enacting some kind of parental revenge against those you deem beneath you than actually caring about the welfare of kids.


Comment #: CA32847
Rating:Not Rated
12/29 Update:
Kids were kept for me for two days while their dad kept them on a long Christmas in Utah with sick relatives. They were dropped at my home with no notice, while I was at work, with fevers, chills, and shortness of breath. THEN two hours later their dad let them know he tested positive for Covid. We’ve just finished $300 of covid tests for which I’m sure their dad will refuse to pay his half. I now cannot work at my physical therapy clinic for at least the next five days.
But hey, Thomasen— the dad’s a stand up
Guy. Your kinda guy. Doesn’t mean ANYTHING he says, lies ALL THE TIME, doesn’t give a shit about those silly COURT ORDERS... but you didn’t see anything wrong with that, did you. I asked you for help repeatedly. I brought you emails and texts and witness reports. You ignored all of it. Repeatedly. Everyone else (cops, co-parenting counselors, therapists) diagnosed or recognized this man immediately for the narcissistic sociopath that he is. But not you. And now my kids and my family and my career are paying the price for it.


Comment #: CA32693
Rating:Not Rated
December 10 update - boys were kept from me again last week. Haven’t seen my kids in two weeks. I got them iPhones to hide so we could talk. Their stepmom found them and now hides the phones until the boys go to work — where she calls them. Finally got ahold of my son tonight at work. He says he wanted to call me but has not been allowed to (they are not allowed access to the land line and are not allowed to use their dad or stepmom’s phones). My youngest said he was upset because his friends would plan to see each other but has no way of contacting my 16 YEAR OLD son.
Here’s a tip for Thomason- READ ABOUT NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER AND UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'VE IGNORED AND WHAT YOU’VE PUT MY KIDS THROUGH. And- hopefully you’ll lose as much sleep as I have over the emotionally abusive, controlling and manipulative household you’ve allowed them to live in — in spite of the number of times I pleaded
To you for help. EVERY OTHER PROFESSIONAL HAS ACCURATELY PREDICTED WHAT IS HAPPENING— EXCEPT YOU. You turned your head and Ignored it. Repeatedly. And then rewarded it. Repeatedly. SHAME ON YOU.

By the way my kids who were doing so well
In school when I was able to care for them... the ones you said would ‘thrive anywhere’...remember?
My senior is failing most of his classes and my junior is failing one and has C’s and B’s in the others. Of course they’re with their dad during the school week— but I’ve received blistering emails blaming me for all of it. If you understood narc disorder this wouldn’t surprise you. But you obviously don’t because you bought every line of the story he told you.


Comment #: CA32471
Rating:Not Rated
Update to below comment:
Had to call police again to simply get my kids to me. Police officer asked why the court won’t do anything. Told them the judge just doesn’t care.

And now having to call the police again because dad is refusing to drive kids. They want to be here however their father has just stopped doing his driving. Many weeks, I’m doing 4-6 hours of driving just to see my boys.

Cops know me. Hate my ex. Want to arrest him. But when the cops go to their dad’s, my kids are turned against me by their step mom
Who tells them that they were called because I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to and lied to the police.

I’ve brought this to court several times, pleading wjth the judge to help me. HE DID NOTHING!

I’ve reviewed my experiences with a counselor who actually deals with the aftermath of an abusive narcissist. She was stunned when I showed her emails and texts, and relayed to her what my ex was doing to the kids, and then told her Judge did nothing.

I spent five years pleading with Tomasen to help. My lawyer told me she’d ‘fall off her chair’ if the judge didn’t help. HE. DID. NOTHING.


Comment #: CA31440
Rating:Not Rated
Went to this court five times asking for protection against a severe narcissist. Co-parenting counselors had refused to work with my ex. Every one of them diagnosed this man with a severe personality disorder. The custody evaluator had said that ‘the father has already aligned the kids with him’. The police had said that I needed a better custody agreement after the eighth call. The police have recommended that I have the dad arrested and have now given me their direct number so I don’t have to go through the general switchboard when I need help. The police have told me “he’s gonna do this again”. The judge refused to do anything. We went last year pleading for him to sanction (?) this man so he could be fined for the numerous times he had broken the court order. Presented him with texts from the ex sent to my kids as we boarded a plane for our vacation which said “if your plans crashed I’ll see you in heaven”. Judge Thomason did nothing. The therapist that my kids are now seeing has called their father’s parenting ‘scary’. The judge did nothing.
At the start of this, we presented proof of what the dad was doing to alienate the kids. Judge Thomason sat in his chair and and said, five times In a row: “I will not tolerate this. I will not tolerate this. I will not tolerate this, I will not tolerate this. I will not tolerate this”. And Judge Thomason did nothing. Not only did he tolerate it, he rewarded it over and over and over. Lawyers, counselors, Coparenting counselors, police officers— all said that the dad was going to break the court order, was going to ignore everything, was going to twist facts and continue to alienate the kids. The last co-parenting counselor was chosen by my ex. My ex never came to an appointment but called the counselor to tell him I was crazy and out of control. When I arrived, the counselor looked at me and said, “what is he? I know what he is, but I need you to say it”. And ended by telling me that my job would be to pick up the pieces of what the narcissistic sociopath was going to do to my kids.
And Judge Thomason did nothing.

He sent my friend’s kids with their mother who had a known drug addiction. The last call they got from the kids was when they were hiding in a closet across the country,’calling to say they were scared because their mom
Was in rehab and their step dad had just punched a hole in the wall.


Comment #: CA16790
I have observed Judge Thomsen over many years in many capacities. He is firm and stern, but always fair. He is very sharp and has excellent recall of the particulars in a given case over substantial periods of time. He is not an impulsive man, and provides fair opportunity for litigants to bring their case forward without making up his mind in any manner that prejudices his ability to make the most sound and appropriate rulings in matters before him. The people of Nevada County are well served by this honorable man, who I hope remain on this bench for many years to come. Among the stories of trauma, corruption, and loss so common in California family Court’s, Judge Thomsen stands out as a beacon of hope and a model for all.