Hon. Donna D. Geck See Rating Details
Superior Court
Santa Barbara County
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.4 - 15 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 20 rating(s)
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* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. Donna D. Geck



Comment #: CA55533
Rating:Not Rated
I am appalled that this judge is still handling cases. Are the numerous complaints not enough to justify her dismissal? Taxpayer’s voices, concerns and complaints should be addressed.

My experience was right on par with many of the others I have read. She falsely claimed that I didn’t file correctly, thankfully the court clerk approached her to confirm that I had filed correctly, she did not familiarize herself with my claim, then she displayed favoritism to the defendant (who is an attorney). She is incapable of being unbiased, abuses her power and lacks integrity. She NEEDS to be removed from office! There is nothing honorable about her.


Comment #: CA54965
Very discriminatory and incompetent. She accused me of being antagonizing because she thought that the restraining order case was against me and didn’t realize I was the one being protected. Then she dismissed my requests all together once she realized that wasn’t the case, refusing to enforce the conditions of the order. During my hearing, she accused me of not submitting evidence while gleefully acknowledging that she had read the evidence of the other party already. She shows extreme bias in her behavior from the beginning and it’s embarrassing to watch. When she finally reviewed the evidence, she admitted that the other party’s evidence was not able to admitted in court but still used it to make a decision against me. She claimed that both parties are at fault, but all of the “punishment” came my way. She then proceeded to say that it was a better option for my child to have to live on the streets with his father and I can only see him once a week and every other weekend, because I did not have stable housing. It would have made more sense for my son to stay with me for the 30 days while I was still in the house since his father could not move back in until then. His father admitted he was homeless because of the move out order and she still gave him majority custody. All of the attorneys I spoke to had no idea why she made the decision she did and could not figure out how she thought this was best for the child. I was not accused of any type of child neglect and my only fault was fighting with his father, and depending on him financially for 7 years while I homeschooled my step children and took care of him since he is a disabled veteran. Punishing me and my son by keeping us a part because I did not have financial stability is cruel. Especially because a huge part of me not being able to secure my finances is because they refused to enforce the part of the order that required him to continue supporting the household. It wasn’t until I got legal aid from the UC system and name dropped a bunch of staff that was helping me out that she finally gave me a fair custody order. The people in the legal resource center must be aware of this because when I explained what happened they acted as if they didn’t believe me, when I gave them proof, they just dismissed me and told me they weren’t in the court room so they can’t speak on what happened.

It is scary to think that there are people in this position of power who find joy in tearing children away from their mothers and putting them on the streets with someone who is homeless and disabled. It is also scary to think that she was able to sit in the court room on numerous occasions, supposedly there to make an order, and was not even aware of the details of the case and the submitted documentation. It is EMBARRASSING and disgusting to witness. Even my son’s father was shocked and realized how fucked up the system is, despite things supposedly going in his favor.


Comment #: CA52722
Rating:Not Rated
She's straight out of decades of "SERVICE" to the Insurance Defense IN DUST try.....don't expect any more. I have a million dollar cash judgment from a FORGERY, a fraud exhibit filed once in 14yrs of litigation attempts for a single "day in court" i.e. face of with my financial fiduciaries as being ordered to show my signatures and financial documents to prove me the supposed "LIAR", I strongly, don't have the facts to "prove" without doubt at this point, but I strongly believe the woman has been colluding with other "STATE" "Actors" to keep me destroyed, why? Because I am a long targeted whistleblower accountant for a near $160 MILLION DOLLAR SECURITIES FRAUD! She was supposed to recuse herself when I called her to do such by way of a motion re: LAW; that I cleary stated I was not "alleging" her of wrongdoing at that point, but that LAW, called upon her of her own volition to recuse herself, because it would "appear" to a neutral third party she was in fact "Biased". Furious as all get out, I believe, at me calling law out to her, instead, she decided to "show me" who had "power" and she started ruling against me, despite the FACT I WON THE Public Securities Litigation Reform Act STANDARD for my complaint and she was SUPPOSED to try "matters of fact". Instead in her devised legal rape methodology she has forced into place near 14 years, she allowed my 1st Amendment fraud allegation of the exhibit to be raped out of existence and with a court cop license, allowed the blame for a $160 MILLION securities fraud to be REVERSED out from a "HEDGE FUND" tied to her local county judge partner and his senator wife, ties,a Hedge Fund partially selling retirement products to the SB Superior Court RETIREMENT SYSTEM, to go forward and NEVER BE TRIED FOR MATTERS OF FACT, with all the "blame" instead focused upon me by years of slander and fingerpointing, my prosecution, all "behind the scenes" of our Court System to blame me and deny myself and my co founders the right to be heard in our COURTS OF LAW; I
AM DYING ever so slowly from her fraud on Court upholding forgery judgment on my head, destroying my health and throwing me to the street with the Dogs

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52701
Does not read filed papers before ruling, relies entirely on incompetent staff for important rulings that blatantly contradict the plain language of applicable statutes. She makes rulings that ignore the public policy behind laws such as the Tenant Protection Act and regularly hurts vulnerable litigants when they are in the right. Her bias toward big law firms is obvious, and she regularly awards outrageously inflated fees. She's barely paying attention when she's on the bench and constantly looks bored and distracted.


Comment #: CA52700
Obviously didn't read filings and replies. Thoughtless rulings that harm children. Picked a side and closed off to counter arguments. Get her off the bench and let someone with integrity and fairness take over. Families and children's lives are more valuable than stubbornness and bias.


Comment #: CA46757
Her time is hopefully nearing,,,but what does it really mean when supposedly she "announced" her impending "retirement" i.e. she got away with it....was she paid off??,,,her collusion and defiance of law is being exposed, over and over...it is up to the State to hold her accountable...Will they? We'll see....this is still in process with the exhibit links being uploaded now, please submit any evidence you may have as to her bad acts, [Redacted] near $1Million judgment on my head and the rape-theft of myself and 30 other peoples' retirement monies for the Klein Groups local hedge fund, [Redacted]



Comment #: CA46695
She recklessly denies appeals from fit mother and grants custody to drug-addled father. Please remove!


Comment #: CA44593
Rating:Not Rated
Her connection with San Marcos High School places her in more conflict, and further illustrates should have been a recusal, further into question. Her refusal to grant a continuance until mid to late January and instead setting it smack in the middle of the holidays forcing a life altering, crucial hearing on the day before her 3 week vacation further justifies the discipline she needs to receive and immediate removal from the bench. She knows attorneys are on holiday during this period of time, as well. An opinion which is clearly not singular. She is a danger to children and families - in addition the the legal system in general. An opinion which is clearly not singular.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA44592
Should be removed from the bench and disbarred. Invariably rule with with who she has determined has more money. She is truly a danger to the legal process AND TO CHILDREN. It is a puzzle as to why she avoided recall.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA44459
Absolutely horrible "Judge!" Blatantly biased towards women. Makes decisions without hearing from the other side and couldn't care less what the other side has to say when they ask to be heard. I have appeared in front of bad Judges, but she takes the proverbial cake!


Comment #: CA39861

Thank god someone started this. Please join in signing the petition!



Comment #: CA39688
This is the 27th rating of one star about this "judge." The four others in the city of Santa Barbara combined have one.

Small claims case against a construction company that only works with municipalities:

1. The construction company planned on defrauding the court by sending a person claiming to be the “project manager,” but I knew this company was sleazy and proved he was not with a document and email from the city of Santa Barbara. When questioned by this “judge” he admitted he was not the project manager. He perjured himself, yet she let him testify even though she knew he had not been at the site during the time the incident occurred, and probably never been there, and had nothing to offer. Since only the “judge” can ask questions of the defendant, she never inquired why he was testifying or why the real project manager was not there.

2. This incident happened in May of 2021 and they did not know about the case until months later.

Their defense was undated photos taken months later when the site was totally different for what was a repaving of a bike path and building a 3’ security wall. Every question she asked he had the same response, probably told to him by a lawyer, and it sounded like a mantra: "This was a construction zone." What else could he say? So they had no evidence as to how the site looked when the incident occurred.

3. He did not deny that the company was responsible for my injuries for what is an OSHA violation. He came with the company controller and they drove the 75 miles together so she knew he was not the project manager, although she never uttered one word.

4. I explained what happened supported by dated photos at the time of the incident conclusively proving my case and refuting their absurd claim about signage along with the medical reports, etc.

I lost.


Comment #: CA39670
She does not read the case, she bases her decisions on her relationship with the attorney of the well-funded, well-connected husbands. On a recorded Zoom court session when my attorney asked for my children to be interviewed without hesitation she said they were too young. My son was 15 and court ordered to go from 100% at Moms house to a 2 week custody arrangement. This is a teenager with a history of emotional regulation challenges and anxiety. Of the 4 times matters went in front of this judge 100% of her decisions aligned with the well-funded well-connected husband including taking Christmas away from them being with their mother. I cried when I saw the attempts to get her recalled as she represents anything but the kids best interest. Joy came to me thinking another family would t be subject to her bias. I feel she needs a psyche eval herself as she is somehow taking her own emotional trauma out on families or narcissistic injury from her childhood by aligning with attorneys who play the strategies to deplete the opponent the verbally abusive false accusations. I believe even if my eyes were black and blue she would have aligned against me… and absolutely cloaked under the illusion of the kids best interest to serve her own agenda. I feel this judge took a family court case and created unnecessary trauma for two adolescents who will reconcile her damage for the rest of their life.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA39306
Just a horrible judge. Here decisions are not legally sound and seem totally biased based on her relationship with the attorney vs. the facts of the case and what is fair and right. She should be removed immediately. I can't imagine how many families she is wrecking based on her flippant decision without regard for what's best for the children.


Comment #: CA39190
Rating:Not Rated
This Judge is now in the process of recall which is very unusual and for a Judge unheard of but shows the dislike of the community to this Judge. See Independent
November is to long to wait maybe we all will get lucky and other forces will address this Judge's damage of the community she is suppose to serve


Comment #: CA38416
[Redacted by Editor]. doesnt follow the law, fails to even read what is filed or even know what the details regarding the case even are. Repeatedly denies motions while refusing to even hear them. How on earth is she given such power!?!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA38273
There have been alot of negative talk about this Judge. Also Speculation on her removal. It is not just this Judge but the entire system that is a problem. I believe,am inform that this Judge wrongs are being addressed as well as the entire system. If you have concerns for your case I would document it immediately by filing a Disqualification for Cause and deliver it to the Executive Administrator and the Judge who is currently presiding. If your case is important I would not file one Motion before this Judge and wait until the problems are addressed and finalized.
Good Luck.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA34178
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

I have received information on Judge Geck that is very disturbing. A plaintiff has sent me evidence of fraud upon the court that occurred in judge Geck’s courtroom, including materially altered documents found during discovery. I have the full audio recording of these proceedings and will be publicizing it.

The defendant has blatantly defied a court order to compel discovery of these documents.

The people need a voice that speaks for them. Anonymous #OpVentura fights for the truth against corrupt public officials. The People have a right to know the truth.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33710
Rating:Not Rated
I am especially interested in any CJP private admonishments.


Comment #: CA33708
Rating:Not Rated
I left a comment on here YEARS ago, I was THEN contacted by email from someone ELSE who also posted here and they told me YEARS ago that a supposed "FBI" investigation was "going on"....I have yet to see, hear or observe a WHIT of that IDEA!!!...these recent posts are ridiculous, can't believe they are in fact being posted or allowed!

As for my interaction(s) with the Judge, I'll hand it to her that she apparently could blame her Court being thrown by way of false evidence for her rulings against me, but the REAL problem for her is denying the constitutional right to have a HEARING TO DETERMINE the false evidence' origination in the first place,,,,all her subsequent "rulings" were really crooked against Cali law because she NEVER made a "determination" as to just what kind of "fraud" on her court had occurred; extrinsic or instrinsic, she just blocked ANY ATTEMPT to find out which way the wind blowed

AND THAT's dirty

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33707
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

This is how real change happens, by holding our leaders to account and exposing the truth.

We are Anonymous.

We are the voice of the voiceless.

We are the eyes of the blind.

You cannot escape justice. You cannot arrest an idea. Expect us.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33706
Rating:Not Rated
Please note my redactions below in two similar posts. CA33698->CA33704.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33685
Rating:Not Rated
If you have information on Judge Geck, I want to hear from you. Email me. RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA31732
If you are a man and your kids are involved and you are assigned this judge you must file a peremptory challenge asap! Judge Geck is not an honorable judge, she is a extreme liberal feminist out to destroy men and their relationship with their kids just to protect women and women attorneys who are members of the SB women's lawyer association whom Geck is a member of as well. Her name needs to be removed from the court house. She is a bias, shrill and a terrible judge. SHE WILL VIOLATE ANY AND ALL FAMILY LAWS AND CALIFORNIA RULES OF COURT AND DISREGARD ANY EVIDENCE THAT WOULD SHOW A WOMAN INCOMPETENT. I even hear she refused to take custody away from a mother who was a heroin addict in jail for driving around shooting up in front of her own kids while driving her car! GECK MUST GO AWAY!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA29950
I can't say how awful this judge is in terms of her legal acumen, judgment and temperament. She is terribly biased, and you will know early on whether or not she likes you and will side with you, despite the law, or not. If you can, you should file a 170.6 as early as possible to save your client from this poor judge's irrational rulings and just odd demeanor.


Comment #: CA25849
Rating:Not Rated
this person doesn't deserve the title honorable or judge she neither cares about nor understands the law she is charged with administering as others have noted on this page with comments like dumb bias rude unintended all of that applies. It doesn't sufficiently describe the terror she is raining on Santa Barbara citizens and their children. This person produces more victims than she does justice. I've been involved in an ongoing matter for over 6 years in family Court which in and of itself is a violation of the family code and have been sentenced to jail three times notable lie when she had no jurisdiction but forced jurisdiction into her court through unseemly means. this judge needs to be removed charged with the crimes that she's guilty of and punished accordingly.


Comment #: CA22077
her "rulings" after a demurrer win and motion to compel discovery order by Judge Brown, instead "threw" a near 200 MILLION dollar tech fraud action, throwing near 20-30 FOUNDERS, some of which committed suicide, out on the street from their retirement securities......how did she do it? She quasi criminalized the Whistleblower, blocked the co founders from joining, and REFUSED 20 attempts for a SINGLE evidentiary hearing or subpoenas for depositions to be complied with, NOT ONE EVIDENTIARY HEARING OR DEMAND on the BILLIONAIRE LOCAL TO PRODUCE SECURITIES DOCUMENTS AS THE FIDUCIARIES THEY WERE, to preclude TRYING FACT, rumours are about of the FBI.....we'll see

Court Staff

Comment #: CA20135
TERRIBLE JUDGE!!! I wouldn't even call her a judge. She is a man-hating bias and ignorant vindictive witch that has no regard for the law! AT ALL! If you are assigned this judge never go before her without an attorney and dear god if you have a kid involved she is the worst! totally bias and always sides with the woman no matter what and she will never follow the law. SHE NEEDS TO BE REMOVED!!! Even the family law facilitators are complaining about her.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA14107
Four letters sum up this judge. DUMB.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA14106
Incredibly unintelligent and ignorant about the law. And she's incredibly rude, biased, short tempered, unprofessional and shrill. She needs to be reported to the Commissin for Judicial Performance.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA14105
stunning a three year old could have seen the facts in this case but clearly she is biased or that poorly trained in basic law

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12930
As the last poster noted this Judge "will cut and past from opposing local counsel's motion VERBATIM." This is exactly what Judge Geck did in our case. Cut and Pasted VERBATIM from local counsels papers. Problem is there were significant problems with the attorneys papers. There is a reason this Judge IS NOT preparing her own orders.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11554
As others have noted this Judge favors local counsel in every regard and will cut and past from opposing counsel's motion VERBATIM. I cannot determine if this Judge just does not know the law or does not concern herself with following it.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11367
Luckily have not been in front of her for anything serious like a trial, but she stands out as awful based on one CMC I had in her courtroom. She was extremely rude and laughed at me for asking her to clarify one thing. She does things very differently from other judges so asking one simple question for clarification hardly deserved a laugh.....


Comment #: CA11250
Similar experience as others. Cut & paste. Didn't seem to really read the docs or if so, understand them. Just one example - at the start of my divorce, ex's attorney and mine were waiting for Geck's initial ruling, ex's told mine, "We're going to lose this one." Lo and behold, Geck pulled in ex's favor - ignored out finances, facts, etc. Made rulings not in the best interests of our youngest son. I found her very biased and shallow.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10917
Worst judge I have ever been before. Did not make an attempt to follow the law. I had the same experience as a previous reviewer that she cuts and pastes from opposing counsel's briefs. But the worst is her inability to think critically. She would rule that the sky is green and grass is blue if local counsel writes it in their brief in a suit against an out-of-town lawyer. She is either blatantly biased or completely stupid.


Comment #: CA9049
This new Judge does not seem to review the pleadings and motions of both sides. Will take the motion from one side and literally cut and paste from that motion into the order. I have never seen a Judge "Cut and Paste" completely from attorney's motion. This is a sure way of getting censored on appeal if the Judge's order is reviewed on appeal. Additionally this Judge does not know CA Rules of Court or the local rules. Attorneys at bar have actually reminded this Judge of the rules then to have this Judge ignore them. It is very hard to understand why this Judge was placed on the bench when she seems to not understand or follow the law.


Comment #: CA8720
Worst judge ever. Hates men, picks a lawyer and gives that lawyer whatever they put in proposed decisions, copies and pastes and likely does not even read them. She is bias, prejudiced, ignorant of the actual law, sexism and bugoted. She needs to be removed. I interviewed 6 attorneys in town all said it's a crap shoot going in front of this judge because her rulings are rarely well thought out and usually without proper authority.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA8718
Remove this judge she does not allow a fair trial


Comment #: CA8717
She does not follow the law and is clueless on new laws , SB 900 and rescission matters and rules for the bank every time.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8662
She has not bothered to learn family law. Even if she did, her bias against men is totally out of control. She makes bad decisions based on her gut and ruins lives.


Comment #: CA8591
Judge Geck is biased and favors women when making decisions in family court. My husband has been the primary caregiver of his son since birth. The judge gave custody of his son to his ex wife and in her judgement the judge cited facts that were not true. I don't think she even read the declaration submitted by my husband. She needs to be removed from family court and should be subject to judicial review.


Comment #: CA8517
Judge Geck does not rule on the law or Points of Authorities. She should be taken out of her position. She has ruined many people's lives based on HER beliefs not the law. Please report her to the judicial board review. She must be removed.


Comment #: CA7325
This Judge believes she is above the law, and proves so in her Orders. With sufficient evidence and proof with Code cited to make decisions easier for her she still goes off her gut instead of the law. Her own personal opinions are more important than law and code. If you want a Judge who is above the law she's for you!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA6403
get rid of her, multiple locals are complaining about her horrific rulings