Hon. Danielle K Douglas See Rating Details
Superior Court
Contra Costa County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.4 - 7 rating(s)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Danielle K Douglas



Comment #: CA54142
She is a Judge that needs to recuse herself from my case. She knows the prosecuting attorney and a family custody case personally They are on Company boards together. She favors the husband and he doesn't even have a job. He has never raised this child kick the child out of the mother s and the mother out of his home when they live there only and she was 1 years old. They don't even live in her County anymore. She had made her decision and did not close the case. She is doing all she can at this lawyer's request that are unreasonable and she knows it. Once again. I said she should recuse herself. A filing will be held against her and I'm just a friend but I will see how she has gone to far now. [Redacted by Ed.]
Such a disgrace to our Constitution.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA47404
Rating:Not Rated
Danielle Douglas is immature, emotional, arrogant and ill equipped to be on the bench. She come to the bench with a tangible chip on her shoulder. She completely disregards law and gives passes to non compliant parents. The father of my children disenrolled my children from school without my permission or knowledge, the school called the police because he was taking them, tried to get one of my children on psych meds and took them to a CoCo County therapist without to do it, again without me knowing and physically abusing one of my children. Said I was harassing him and all kinds of things. Though there was a report from the police dept, Dr’s report from scares, teacher witness statements, Douglas said he was good father (though he had only been out of prison a year and a half) and maybe he wanted the children to go to a better school. CLEAR violations of the custody order. This joke of a judge completely ignore police report DV report and restraining order for me, teacher statements, even his neighbors!! And gave him temporary custody of my children and said from the bench, that “she knows my kind” and “I look like I just want to control him”. I COMPLETELY agree with the last comment. Whoever wrote the fake positive review is probably DANIELLE DOUGLAS. Just because she’s mad at her mother for keeping you from her father, don’t take that out on good mothers that come in to court. My child has been diagnosed PTSD because of trauma endured at the hands of the father. Because of Douglas negligence and unmitigated emotions. She needed to be removed from family court and any court. My lawyer said she acts like she hates you! Did you take her boyfriend in high school? She’s petty and horrible. And she does not care about the children in these matters. I feel sorry for the daughters that she’s raising.


Comment #: CA46478
Rating:Not Rated
The person who wrote the positive review about this judge and putting down parents calling them sore losers is OBVIOUSLY Danielle Douglas herself or someone related to her personally. These parents are losers, it’s not about winning or losing it’s about FIGHTING FOR YOUR PRECIOUS CHILDREN. This is SERIOUS and her POOR JUDGMENTS impact the children more so the parents. Danielle Douglas is the poor loser, she lost district attorney and she has been on a mission to make others suffer since. She was removed from family law for a REASON! She does not read evidence. She does not read the files before the hearing and she is incredibly biased against women. These are FACTS. She would not review the evidence against a father who was clearly committing litigation abuse against mom, had evidence of domestic violence against him with a restraining order and pages of harassing text messages and physical threats, she sided with the father and the child was molested by a family member under his care, due to mom not being able to provide child care. Father could not provide proper child care and passed the child off to unstable untrustworthy family members. This is Danielle Douglas’ fault due to her negligence. She is also racist, which is odd since she was birthed and raised by a white mother, she does not like white women with African American fathers. Facts. When Douglas was removed, mom got custody back of the child and the child is now safe. Complete 180 from what Douglas ruled. Facts speak for themselves. Shame on you Danielle Douglas, karma misses no one. You put hundreds of children in danger, what do you think is going to happen?


Comment #: CA39920
Danielle Douglas goes rogue and does not care about the laws of civil procedure, her ego takes presidence

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA39310
I think she's great (especially for being appointed by Brown). I think most of these comments are from haters who are just mad they lost. Poor sports, basically. I found her to be straightforward, friendly, personable, helpful, intelligent, and well spoken. She's not the least bit arrogant, rude, or anything like these deceitful comments. It's disheartening to see people say such dishonest statements. Remember, a judge's job is to hear an attorney's argument, interpret the law (that an attorney presents), review evidence, and conduct a fair trial/hearing. It's not to know all of the laws beforehand-that would be impossible. Perhaps some of these comments are from people who could not articulate the law well and if that's the case, that's their bad, not the judge's. Rather than attack the judge, why don't you figure out how to present yourself and your argument better so you don't disservice your client? Or perhaps learn to spell (I mean how can you be a good parent or comment on a judge if you can't even formulate a sentence correctly)? To be honest, anyone writing a bad review of this judge should be hit with a spoon, just like my grandma did me. This is the best judge I've been in front of, and I hope to be so lucky to sit in front of her again. If all judges were like her, we'd have a far better legal system.


Comment #: CA39270
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is very bias not ruling righteously caused me many heart ships in my 28 yr divorce never ruled in my favor made life difficult not awarding me spousal support nor recompense for domestic abuse nor rightful division in assets , she has now been removed from family law thank God maybe now I’ll be heard

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA36077
This Judge does not enforce court orders concerning discovery. So we were on our THIRD motion to compel on the same missing items before she ordered sanctions and it was for only 5K. She talks a lot of smack, ,making threats of what she will order, but then doesn't. Her calendar is a mess and has a lot of cases because SHE won't enforce her own orders. She punts a lot causing delays and then she looses her temper, but she creates an environment of non-compliance because she lacks enforcement. This is very costly to litigants. There is a lack of consistency in her orders, but that is just an issue with all Family Court Services judges up in Martinez.


Comment #: CA35484
She will side with you if you are a woman. If you are a woman and violate court orders, she will just smile and say find a reason as to why it’s not a big deal. Very arrogant. Thinks she is above the law. Does not care about evidence and does not care about details. Ruling is based on emotions only rather than evidence. She believes everyone who comes in her court room is a millionaire and has no regard for people with low income and often assigns minor’s counsels and other very expensive things. You will be ruined financially with this judge.


Comment #: CA34109
This judge rejected several complaints against an unfit parent. The case has now escalated and the child is suffering, mentally incapacitated temporarily due to trauma inflicted by the unfit parent.


Comment #: CA33028
Judge Danielle Douglas is one of SEVERAL Contra Costa Family Court judges who is incompetent, emotional, biased, [Redacted by Ed.] and blatantly ignores the facts. This system backs their own lawyers, therapists, mediators, and evaluators and keeps CHILDREN caught in a money-extorting system without one concern for what is actually in the best interest of the child. The [redacted] Contra Costa County Family Law system needs to be brought to light because these people are DESTROYING families with their inconsistent rulings that keep families trapped in the system while they collect a paycheck and ignore the abuse they perpetuate.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31577
As a trial judge: smart, even-tempered, even-handed, pretty good on sentencing.


Comment #: CA29333
Rating:Not Rated
Horrible. She just wants a free paycheck. Doesn't read, doesn't care and seems to have anger and psychological issues. She is biased towards women. She is using children to purposely hurt their mothers. She gives custody to abusers and seems to get a kick out of it. I pray for her children to suffer the same way my kid is suffering. I pray every day and every night for her to witness the pain of her kids and be unable to do anything about it. I will keep on praying and I'm asking all mothers she is abusing to join me in this prayer. Every time my child goes to his father a part of him dies at return. He is scared and psychological abused. He used to be a happy kid, now he wants to die.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA28889
She will take the line of least resistance. If the argument is complex, then she will not grasp it. Lazy. Sloppy. Bureaucrat. Increases the cost of the litigation, because she will not decide issues that could short-cut litigation. Definitely file peremptory challenge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA27220
Complete idiot. An arrogant dolt.


Comment #: CA25530
Stay far far away from this judge!! I was in this woman’s court room for not even three minutes and she gave custody of my three little girls to an absent dad, who had never even met one of them! Screw going into court with proof of domestic violence and 10k in debt of child support!! This woman won’t care!! she favors men and she will wipe away years of neglect and abuse in a matter of seconds! This judge needs to be taken off the stand! I pray anyone that is ordered to appear in front of this woman has a damn good lawyer and lots of money Because you’re in for a battle of a lifetime! Someone seriously needs to look into this woman’s judicial misconduct! Weird that someone who got pregnant in high school and was a single mom would favor men of all people....sick woman!


Comment #: CA24199
Rating:Not Rated


Comment #: CA23578
Our case was assigned to Judge Douglas for an ongoing 8+ year custody dispute. I’ve never been more disheartened by our judicial system after having her make custody orders. Previous judges have made reasonable rulings but she didn’t care about details and it was clear she already made a conclusion. We have had 4 hearings in front of her, she is extremely favorable towards men and makes rulings based on her assumption of the situation (vs. reading the court file). Note to future parties in front of her- she will let you know her opinion of you and make a ruling that affects a child based on that.


Comment #: CA17038
Brand new Judge to an over litigated case. It was obvious that she didn't read anything about the case prior to the hearing. Made her decision before we even appeared. She made zero eye contact when I was speaking, looking at what was going on in the back of the court room entire time. Rotating Judges from Criminal to Family and back and forth does nothing good for anyone. Family law is complicated and takes a competent Judge. So far I've had Hinton, Laudau and now Douglas who is now supervising Judge. This is ridiculous. I'm female by the way.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA14960
tough draw. do peremptory challenge at once.. you are screwed!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12727
not impressed in first encounter. After a year since divorce filling, tried to get divorce, doing property later, just as bad as Landeau, continued