Hon. John A Slawson See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. John A Slawson


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA40785
I’ve seen Slawson turn a blind eye, in unbelievable fashion, to extraordinarily CLEAR evidence, in favor of a moving party, so that he can rule in favor of another party, for what in hindsight seems like sus and very suspicious motivations (like what the other person said, appeasing his bully courtroom staff at the time). Totally not a “fine” judge. And by the way, fine judges rarely exist nowadays, as that requires good people to serve in such fine capacity. From what I’ve seen nowadays, there are no more good people on the bench.[Redacted]

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA39366
Judge Slawson is a perfectly fine judge, but I think he might be happier as a professor, he clearly likes to hear himself opine whether or not whatever topic he's fixated on that day is relevant to the case before him.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA37848
In my opinion, this guy is totally not fit to be a judge. Went to the Dishonorable John Slawson’s courtroom back when he was in Pomona and from the get-go it was a weird feeling in which we all got the sense his courtroom was being influenced by his bully staff (in a not-so-conventional racial sense). Like the other reviewer below said, this puppet “judge” didn’t even look at all the evidence, obviously a behavioral pattern of this jurist, only seeming to refer to the expressions of his clerks/staff by side glance. This makes me believe that Slawson is a weak man. My case was vetted by three attorneys who said I would prevail. I did not prevail. I later learned from mutual acquaintances of friends that they, too, had experiences with this so-called judge. And their experiences also seemed “off,” with an outcome far from just and right. Rightfully, Slawson has also earned the nickname “Judge Dumbass” by at least one attorney that I personally know. And this attorney never talks smack about other judges, which is telling in and of itself. Suffice to say, I don’t think this Slawson Clown is in Pomona any more. I believe he was eventually carted off and installed at a different courthouse. God knows where he is now. As a side note, how do these types of “people” get into power? In my opinion, people like Slawson are completely incompetent. Slawson has a degree from a no-name law school, with an extraordinary low bar pass rate, and Slawson has no discernible intellectual ability (from what I’ve personally seen and heard from others) to make up for it. I guess this proves it’s not about what you know, but who you blow? Suffice to say, I have a total loss of confidence in the court system. Why do we pay taxes to fund these crap judges, crap public service, and a crap “justice” system not worthy of a banana republic? With these types of people “leading” America, no wonder America is headed for the dumps! As the other reviewer said below, “karma is a b*tch.” Maybe one day, God-willing, this judge will have a taste of his own injustice.


Comment #: CA37626
Rating:Not Rated
Why would you write this, about this judge's son? Seems personal to you, you are obviously a fool, failed Los Angeles attorney, or judge. Karma is a bit*ch.


Comment #: CA25773
The man is either an idiot or he's senile. Does not read the papers, does not know the family code, does not understand the case law, indulges his own prejudices. A self important, low information, hack who brings disgrace to the entire judiciary.


Comment #: CA13972
If he represents competence in our federal judicial system, then we citizens should very, very worried. For the record, I won a child custody case as the respondant, but only due to the strength of my case, my attorney and the fact I had to pay over $30k for a family evaluation. Non-the less, I have never seen a more disorganized and carless judge. He spent hours pontificating and sharing his own mis-understanding of the facts. It took him over three court dates to even read the results of the family evaluation costing thousands and thousands of dollars. In the end, he ruled based on the evaluation results which my attorney admitted would be the only way to get him to rule as he is a judge that can't make a decision. Did you hear this, is this keyboard working, a judge who doesn't read evidence or have the ability to make decisions based on facts. His ruling on visitations was so vague and inexplicit, that it creates nothing but headaches with my ex. The irony is he was moved out of Torrance right after our case closed. Unbelievable.


Comment #: CA13629
Awful, just awful. Not prepared. Doesn't read. Doesn't listen. Indecisive. Cost me thousands in legal fees because he refused to enforce his own court order.


Comment #: CA8923
Rating:Not Rated
What an excellent Commissioner, why isn't he a judge? And why doesn't every Family Law judge have Slawson's list he gives the litigants to help them move through their cases faster. He should copywriter it and and make it mandatory for everyone downtown. Especially the new ones who look like deer in headlights, reeking havoc on poor families, costing time and money.