Hon. Victor M Torres See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Diego County
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General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Victor M Torres


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53585
After hearing opening arguments judge Torres said it was time for a little break but at that moment he felt inclined to give both parties the restraining order or we could both agree to dismiss. With this type of coercion even though I had a good case but he wasn't listening I opted to dismiss. And I hate it because no judge should listen to half the argument and then state his opinion thus far basically what he did was threaten us both if you proceed with this court hearing I'm going to give you both the restraining order. What an ass how unprofessional mostly that he did not hear the rebuttal or all of the argument or evidence in my favor. Horrible as far as a judge goes absolutely ridiculous he took the matter so casually. I have a torn knee and a broken windshield and other property damage he could care less. I had evidence I had video that I had to subpoena from the other side because they wouldn't hand it over because it was incriminating judge Torres didn't care I guess he had a good lunch to get to absolutely pathetic


Comment #: CA53584
Seems obvious this judge is ready to retire and takes a very lackadaisical approach to my case. I am a college professor and the alcoholic girlfriend of a co-worker attacked me twice. The first time bringing me to the ground and tearing my left knee joint. Mr Torres could care less about my lifelong disability or the property damage she caused to me. After hearing our first declarations he had had enough and said he was inclined to give us both the restraining order or we could both agree to dismiss. Maybe he felt like he needed to go to lunch early but he had zero empathy for my position and seem to have a lot of empathy for her. It seems you should not go to court and be honest in front of this judge during one of her attacks I pushed her away this action seemed to sway the judges opinion. I should have been an angel and not even defended myself. Victor Torres makes a joke of our legal system My time and energy for 7 months preparing for this I hired a lawyer because this woman filed a counter restraining order based on complete bullshit. But I knew being a woman she might have a chance of making her restraining order stick so I hired a lawyer to defend my career. A horrible waste of money and a pathetic judge. I guess attorneys who are not doing very well financially can apply to be a judge and get 100k per year and a pension if they do the proper amount of time in our court system. The court system should weed out these types like Victor Torres. And I should have gone with the rural attorneys association where I would have qualified for pro bono representation. But since my career was riding on this I was too worried. If you have the opportunity to not go before this judge I recommend you do that


Comment #: CA53573
This judge did not pay enough attention to facts, yet paid attention to demeanor. I was very nervous and no one in the room had the mic close enough to where I could hear them properly. My case was a restraining order against a very dangerous alcoholic woman. You all should know, The courts don't want to take a side and try their best to divide the situation down the middle in the end he dismissed the case. Pending a couple more months. When this woman's violence was well documented property damage and physical damage to my body doctors visits and a torn knee this judge is horrible did not want to bother to hear out the facts of the case but halfway through told both parties he was inclined to give a restraining order to both of us or we could dismiss. He just didn't want to hear anything further yet he had not heard both sides and claimed to have read all the facts We submitted. How could he come to such a conclusion if he had read the facts property damage in the thousands a knee that will never be the same police reports documenting testimonies of her abuse and violence. Yet because I pushed her as she was pursuing me during one violent action he chose to see that we were both at fault. Absolutely ridiculous horrible judge who does not seem to enjoy his job or want to be good at it he doesn't care. Good luck to you if you go before this judge

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52357
This judge has no common sense when it comes to Narcisstic abuse and covert abusers. He did not pay attention to the facts associated with my case involving toddlers but handed more custody over to my alcoholic abusive husband who is solely seeking custody just to hurt me. He got hung up over my tone in texts which is completely irrelevant to the best interests. I work with children as a career! Husand is an alcoholic. This judge is biased against women! Praying for a new judge on the bench and for my case. San diego Judicial system is corrput.


Comment #: CA47766
What these Moms commented here is exactly what I’ve see too!! [redacted by Ed.] adding even more abuse and trauma upon the real victims, by granting the abusive Fathers anything they want without ANY evidence and dragging the cases out for YEARS with no visitation to the Mothers. He does not care what psychological damage he is causing or the danger he is putting very young children in, who do not know what is normal yet. He is helping the Fathers punish the women by aiding in parental alienation by dragging cases out for years without any visitation, or only zoom visits where the Fathers get to control what everyone does and says for 30 mins, as if in a hostage situation where they are being legally kidnapped by permission of this [redacted by Ed.] judge. At this point, there’s no way to say [redacted by Ed.] But that being said, I have never seen a good judge in the Vista Court ever! There are many very amazing attorneys who have to look the other way from the judges [redacted by Ed.] and still go in every day to fight for their clients while trying to pretend something seriously wrong isn’t going on in the court system there. PLEASE!!! Get all these [redacted by Ed.]judges out of the courts because they are helping the abusers and putting our kids lives in danger. [redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: CA46925
Horrendous, completely incompetent, does not understand children's needs at specific ages, has no experience with young children or their attachments, and is so incredibly biased against mothers (especially if they bring allegations of abuse by the child's father-watch out!!! He will dismiss your DVRO that another judge granted, make you pay OP's attorney fees, then allow hearings to take place without your knowledge, without any declaration being served to you, and will give your very young children to their abuser 100% of the time. If you're a mother who experienced domestic violence, and brought this to Judge Torres' attention, you will not stand a chance and will very likely lose all custody, regardless of the relationship your ex has with your child, OR if ZERO evidence was produced BACKING UP ALLEGATIONS AGAINST YOU, all of this in the hearing you were not allowed to be at. Mr. Torres has no experience with young children and it appears he hasn't read any books or educated himself on the very basics of the developmental needs of young children (I can't speak on his competency in giving child custody orders for
Older children as my child was 1 year old. Judge Torres' was a criminal defense attorney. Civil or Criminal Law would perhaps be a better fit. Somebody MUST do something to get this man off the bench before he destroys more families and places children in unspeakable situations. He just doesn't care if nobody agrees with him, if his orders are drastic & unwarranted, or if studies show the child is very likely going to show negative behaviors & mental health issues later in life by his orders. I've witnessed his bias against mothers in other cases. He did the EXACT OPPOSITE of every single professional recommendation from FCS mediator, Pediatrician, Child Psychologists, CWS worker(s), and the child himself. These children need the CA State court's to PROTECT THEM, AND DO WHATS BEST FOR THEM! JUDGE TORRES'PLACES CHILDREN IN WITH THEIR ABUSERS, WITHOUT ANY SUBSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. THIS HAS RESULTED IN CHILDREN BEING PUT THROUGH HORRIBLE & ABUSIVE SITUATIONS, and he continues making the same horrific custody orders with other cases. If you get assigned to Dept 18, file a preemptory challenge while you can and RUN! Anyone is better than Judge Torres'. He needs to come off the bench immediately, for the sake of these kids.


Comment #: CA42818
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Victor Torres is nothing but a lazy judge who rarely reads anything lodged in court. He is a woman hater who dismisses any cases that has to do with Domestic Violence/Abuse. Judge Torres could care less of the protective parent losing his/her children. Real fathers DO NOT weaponize their children but Judge Torres allows this to happen. Judge Torres, you should be ashamed of yourself for being a part of a corrupt society and for ordering my children to be with their perpetrating/abusive dad. Judge Torres- please do your research in regards to reunification therapy and reunification camps. Abusive men seek sole custody not because they want the children, but as a means to punish a woman for escaping their grip of control and abuse. You are a part of the problem in why so many protective parents have lost their children.