Hon. Carmen Luege See Rating Details
Superior Court
Orange County
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.4 - 6 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   3.0 - 8 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. Carmen Luege



Comment #: CA55279
Horrific. Egregious over reach and completely 1 sided approach. Did not follow procedures and look at all the facts.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA55069
Rating:Not Rated
Total egomaniac! Only wants to talk and waste court time. Won’t allow attorneys to try their cases without interference. Has no clue about family law and is biased against male litigants.


Comment #: CA55015
Rating:Not Rated
Luege has to be one of the worst Judges I've ever come across. She cares more about creating equity than doing what's in the best interest of the child literally stating "I want to level the playing field" as she referrers to our child. If you are ever assigned this judge in family court, ask for a new judge.


Comment #: CA54948
She has no idea about family law. She claims that therapy for kids is not beneficial as she doesn't believe that it does anything. Which as someone that has worked with children in a school setting with therapy services, she is very incorrect about that. She deemed the father as irresponsible and not interested in being a father but yet gave him time in order to be a father. if a person is determined to not be interested in being a parent, she should've never allowed for more time. She is completely incompetent at what she is doing

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53725
I feel sorry for the family law department, but glad she gone from civil. Note all the bad comments come after she was assigned to family. I quit practicing landlord tenant law because of rent control initiated in 2019, all the crazy covid eviction restrictions in 20 and 21, and Judge Luege being only 1 of 2 judges handling the matters. The poster below asks rhetorically: "How is this person a judge?" Because she was appointed by Gavin Newsome after losing 2 elections running against incumbents. The most irritating quality about Judge Luege is that she revels in not allowing anyone to ever finish a sentence without interrupting, be it witness or lawyer. Did an eviction trial in front of her that took 3 days because of her constant interruptions; should have taken about 2 hours. I've been practicing over 30 years, and I've never witnessed a judge in a trial that does more talking than the lawyers and witnesses, and she never stops interrupting. Didn't detect any bias, and she clearly knows the law. She just won't let anyone talk, and won't let a lawyer put on their case. Steer clear if at all possible.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53005
This judge is constantly saying she "doesn't know" basic things about civil procedure or the practice of law while presiding over civil cases. She sounds sarcastic and it is unfathomable that she really doesn't know some of the things she claims in open court to not know. Her rulings every time I have been in front of her have been the opposite of correct. She doesn't follow the law, she simply rules in favor of whoever she views as being more of a "minority." Ridiculous reasoning is employed if you get any. How is this person a judge?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52867
Rating:Not Rated
All of the complaints on here about Judge Carmen Luege are spot on. She in not educated in Family law. She sides with female litigants. She does not listen to all the evidence. My sources tell me she is presently being “court watched” by the DOJ and there is an ongoing investigation in her. She does not even know what people in front of her do for a living, lots of them Fire/Police officers that are very well connected. She needs to listen to the experts and not make these retarded rulings.


Comment #: CA52670
BEWARE: [Redacted by Ed.] Every high power Family Law Attorney that is assigned to her will immediately request a transfer to a different judge due to her exreme incompetence. Just like the complaint below, Judge Carmen Luege does not review her cases, [Redacted by Ed.] If you get assigned to her, have your attorney file the paperwork needed to get out of her courtroom immediately. It is sad that the Family Law Division can appoint people without any formal training. She was recently [Redacted by Ed.] by the appeals board for a ruling she made against a father. My postman can do a better job than Carmen Luege. If you have a complaint against her, file it below:


Carmen Luege is ruining families in Southern California. Let's put an end to this now. File your complaint today!


Comment #: CA52635
Judge Luege is fair. She considers the well being of any children involved during Family Court.


Comment #: CA52634
Hon. Carmen Luege is professional and does not waste time. Judge Luege in thorough and focused on what is being said. Judge Luege treats everyone in the courtroom with dignity and respect.


Comment #: CA52023
Judge Carmen Luege is extremely incompetent, bias, and shows extreme favoritism in what strongly appeared to be pre-determined rulings. She also blatantly, ignored the law, facts, substantial evidence, and the merits of the case; beside the fact that my ex. and his lawyer, are pathological liars and no better, than common criminals.

Judge Luege was transferred from the civil division to the Family Law Division 1-1/2 years ago. It is very obvious that she knew very little about family law, knew very little about the case at hand, along with absolute cluelessness, about the facts and evidence, in front of her. None of this seemed to matter, since she had already, strongly appeared, to have made up her mind, before we even entered the courtroom.

The funny thing is she claims to come in on the weekends to read all of her pleadings before hearings. You will find this to be false as she knows absolutely nothing about the parties. In fact, there was a police officer that came in front of her for a divorce, she was admonishing him and did not even know he was a high ranking Sergeant for the Orange County Sheriff's Department.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA51471
She is extremely biased in favor of consumers, and has shown this inclination time and again. Instant 170.6.


Comment #: CA49431
She doesn't care about the child's best interest. She knows nothing of family law. She is absolutely bias and just awful.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49154
This judge accepted only one party's evidence and not the others. She also overlooked contempt of court from respondent as the respondent withheld children for over 3 months with zero contact to the petitioning coparent. Respondent claimed the petiotioner was late picking up their children when in the original court order it stated that respondent was supposed to be dropping them off to petiotioner. The children have been affected by all this and are afraid that it will happen again. There is currently a petition on Facebook against this judge from a different party and source because others have had the same horrible experience with this Judge. Please help and spread the word.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49104
This judge accepted only one party's evidence and not the others. She also overlooked contempt of court from respondent as the respondent withheld children for over 3 months with zero contact to the petitioning coparent. Respondent claimed the petiotioner was late picking up their children when in the original court order it stated that respondent was supposed to be dropping them off to petiotioner. The children have been affected by all this and are afraid that it will happen again. There is currently a petition on Facebook against this judge from a different party and source because others have had the same horrible experience with this Judge. Please help and spread the word.


Comment #: CA46726
Absolutely horrible, not fare, doesn’t really know FAMILY Law.
Does not follow THERAPISTS recommendations!
Should be fired!!!
She has such approach that will eventually make children mentally unstable because of her poor judgement.