Hon. Matthew J. Gary See Rating Details
Superior Court
Sacramento County
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.5 - 14 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 19 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Matthew J. Gary



Comment #: CA30267
JUDGE GARY WAS JUST PUBLICLY ADMONISHED BY THE CJP AND HAD TO PUBLICLY ADMIT HE WAS BIASED AND EMBROILED TO AVOID FORMAL CHARGES. Aggravating factors include two prior private disciplines for the same conduct, there appears to be a pattern!
There is a lot more than what is in the decision but all went away because he agreed to the discipline. STAY AWAY!


If you have been wronged by this judge please contact the CJP, if you need help let me know.


P.S. he gets a rating of 2 because he showed up, mainly to make his own laws and order children kidnapped out of state all while ignoring the facts and evidence.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA23564
Judge Gary is your classic narcissist. Very biased, doesn’t know the law as well as he thinks he does and is vindictive. Amoral in the fact he cares only for himself (and his clerk) and if it’s convenient for him and his narcissistic needs will rule in your favor. If at all possible stay away from his courtroom. Why he’s still on the bench is a real head scratcher. He’s been turned into the CJP numerous times.


Comment #: CA22073
While I can only speak to my personal experience with Judge Gary, I would like to thank him for his no nonsense approach to my previous family law case. After years of my son’s father taking me back to court every 6 months to fight for 50/50, this judge maintained the longstanding order which provided much needed stability for my young son. He also told us to actually try to work together. Crazy as it seems, it worked and that was our last day in court. I am forever grateful!


Comment #: CA12891
Rating:Not Rated
Excellent Jude. He Knows What he knows. Let me say he's moral ethical individual he is. He Knows best also...

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA12890
I have appeared three times now in front of this judge including one trial. I generally keep my opinion to myself but not with this judge. I am writing this to warn other attorneys - civil, prosecution, defense, whoever. This man is an awful human being. He is the poster child for short man's complex. He is hands down the most arrogant judge on the bench, which is certainly saying something given some of the egos in the building. He will make you hate being a lawyer if you have a trial with him because it is hands down the most miserable experience of your career. I never file 170.6s ever, but I will file one every time categorically against Judge Gary and hope to never cross paths with him again. BTW, his clerk is equally bad and unfriendly.


Comment #: CA11398
Refused to hear or see evidence to refute false allegation made by counsel. Also gave no consideration or compassion towards the financial circumstances in the case. He tried to appear unbiased but his ruling did not deal with all the relevant facts of the case. It was unprofessional.


Comment #: CA10834
Disgusting individual, and terrible judge. Never reads his cases, and bases his reputation on bro'ing out with every dude in Sacramento. Hates black people, indigent litigants, and women. I also saw him hock a loogy outside of the courthouse after a hearing. I almost barfed.

At least he has some good ratings here - I'd get my friends to write some too if I was so unqualified for what I did.


Comment #: CA10644
This guy is not only the worst judge but a bad person. His head is so big I'm surprised he can stand up.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA10437
Rating:Not Rated
Gary, is a liability to the establishment. He is a poor representation of the Judicial system. I wouldn't put it pass that he is a brothern of the Sons of Italy. There is no way an incompetent person as him continues to be on the bench.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA9825
Rating:Not Rated
Exellent Judge. He even thanked us for bringing back a matter on a Ex Part. Knowingly knowing there's a issue of non-compliance. Once a liar always a lier.Is why you stay true be honest never lie even if it means admitting to true and correct statements even if not proven by other party.

I agree.. "HE SAID SHE SAID CASES LAST FOREVER" Alagations flying everywhere. Want what's best for the child be a honest truthful parent of society with morals,ethics,value,self worth.


Comment #: CA9674
Absolutely bias against pro per litigants, 10 years i have been fighting and every time i go back to court
i get less time with my son, even after complying with every hoop he has thrown me through. He has causes a lot of heart ach and has even killed. All the damage he has caused and he shows no remorse for his actions. It says a lot for our judicial system. and everyone is wondering whats wrong with our society today, well maybe its because our society has an anger and trust problem because of the abuse that they have encored from fatherless children and childless parents. Bottom line...... worthless judge, person and soul.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA8960
From what I hear he is being challenged in the next election. For the sake of justice, and for the sake of sanity among all lawyers who have to appear in his department, lets all hope the challenger wins. This man needs to be off the bench for good. Terrible human being. By the way, his court clerk should join him in retirement - they are much the same.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8585
Definitely if you get this Judge 170.6. He has his favorites in the bar and if they are opposing you. Forget it, completely biased and unethical.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA7975
This man never should have been made a judge. He is awful. He is as arrogant as they get. He is everything that is wrong with the system. His rulings are bad, he is unfriendly to litigants, he thinks (wrongfully) he is always the smartest person in the room. If you are a lawyer and want an unpleasant trial, he is your man. If not, I strongly suggest a 170.6.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA7913
Rating:Not Rated
Awful. Doesn't know the law, and doesn't care. Even more biased than most toward the prosecution. And not very bright. 170.6.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7582
Judge Gary is a reactionary conservative who is neither particularly intelligent nor ethical. He is demeaning to counsel and parties alike, and he believes in his own mind he is a good man. He is certainly timely, but his decisions are without much legal reasoning. He is an emotional man unable to properly separate his politics from his position on the bench. I would hope his retirement would be sooner rather than later, so the law can be represented by a jurist of ethics, intelligence and diligence. In short, not Judge Gary.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7191
Awful judge. Bad for all sides. If you want a miserable day in front of a judge - Matthew Gary is your guy. 170.6 this guy all day long. Other than being an awful judge in every sense, he is just an awful person.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA6243
Perhaps the most arrogant, bigoted judge I have appeared before in my 20 year career.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5871
A friend of mine tried a case in front of a Judge who might be this one. He had a stroke and was required to continue.


Comment #: CA4835
Rating:Not Rated
I have been told that Judge Matthew Gary will be moved to probate court.


Comment #: CA4819
Despite my reading of the previous judge's order to him, and reciting the law regarding how title to real property is held, Judge Gary denied my motion -- with, of course, no explanation. On another case, he was researching case law while sitting on the bench! He doesn't know the law, and has no idea what it is that he is doing.


Comment #: CA4753
I rate Judge Matthew Gary as being horrible. He is biased, egotistical, and very discriminatory against women. His powers of judgment are very poor.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA4285
Awful judge. Way too conceited. Short man's complex in every sense of the word.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4116
He is a straightforward judge. I am a family law attorney, and had a case with him. The other party was unrepresented, and he leaned more towards her testimony. I wouldn't say he is a bad judge. It is just that you don't know what to expect with him. I like that he doesn't let litigants ramble over and over about the same issues. He gets to the point.


Comment #: CA3885
Judge Gary didn't even remember my divorce by default hearing, and rather than take the time to look back at the records (which were right in front of him) he set aside the whole case (which in the end had the exact same outcome) and cost me $12,000 in attorney fees and countless more hours of paperwork and turmoil to re-divorce my ex-husband. He also disregarded another judge's restraining order against my ex-husband, protecting me and our young son, and allowed my ex-husband unsupervised visitation with my son, even though he has a proven record of drug abuse and physical violence.


Comment #: CA3661
Rating:Not Rated
This judge does not fully read what is submitted and before him; imposes ridiculous wage orders that put father in poor house while granting mother income well above her standard of living during marriage. If it's nearing noon, he rushes to judgment so he can go to lunch. Very biased and has horrible temper.


Comment #: CA3436
Rating:Not Rated
I have observed Judge Gary in court a number of times while acting as a court watcher. As other posts here have noted, it is clear that the judge has a bias against unrepresented litigants. I once watched him give step-by-step ex parte instructions to a new attorney and have his clerk print out the correct forms to give to the attorney. That would never happen with a pro per litigant, who Gary's treats as second class citizens. A good online source of information and documents about Judge Gary's conduct is Sacramento Family Court News. Some of the records posted there may be useful to those seeking to disqualify the judge. All SFCN Gary posts are at this link:


Comment #: CA3411
This guy is horrible and should be stripped of his Judaical responsibilities. He is unfair to litigants acting in Pro Per.. He is a mockery to the Judaical system of Ca.


Comment #: CA3243
The less then honorable Judge Gary is more interested in lecturing his opinions than ruling by law and trying to maintain the farce he rules by law. For the sake of any fathers out there who are assigned to his court room, be aware you will NOT receive a fair trial. He is anti-father and rules for the mother despite the evidence presented even when the facts show clear harm to the child. On both occasions when I was in his court room he seemed more interested in getting to his lunch break then performing the job duties he has been entrusted with by the law. Any father who is unlucky enough to be assigned to his court room should immediately request Judge Gary recuse himself from the case based on being denied their due process of law based on his lack of ability to even consider the parental rights of the a father


Comment #: CA2816
He's not Honorable at all and doesn't deserve the title. Totally BIAS towards women and doesn't care for the fathers who fight to be in their children’s lives.


Comment #: CA2808
Facts don't matter, waste of time submitting paperwork he does not review it and wings it at time of hearing. VERY prejidicial towards men. Complex case and you get 15 minutes to present your position with no review! Avoid this judge if possible. Condesending, disrespectful if you are Pro-Per. If you have paste agreements, he totally disegards. Not once asked what best interest of child was.


Comment #: CA2717
A real weirdo. Stringy piece of shoe leather and not a nice person. Hooking up with his clerk on the daily.


Comment #: CA2714
He is very dangerous. He placed children with an abusive father and placed mom in contempt because she asked..."how could you?"

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2584
Generally wants to criticize and lecture from the bench rather than making decisions on the issues placed before him and the facts present.

Last time I was there, he lectured two attorneys, saying he was only allowed to give them 15 minutes of time. Thing is, he lectured them for over half an hour! This was not the first time I have seen him sit on his high horse and lecture people who, for one reason or another, have a genuine dispute over a family law issue.

Every lawyer in the room knew that the two lawyers at counsel table were working up their cases, and that the issues to be decided by the judge would help the attorneys negotiate with their clients the opposing parties. The judge seemed to take pains to undermine the attorneys' relationships with their clients rather than resolving the very simple issue before him.

Whenever possible, disqualify this judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2510
gives legal advise to attorney when he believes they are wrong. no consideration to tactics. egocentric


Comment #: CA2401
Rating:Not Rated
I have disqualified this monster twice but needed transcripts to prove the obviouse BIAS OF THIS MONSTER! He deserves to be prosecuted for TREASON and placed behind bars the good old boys will see to his needs.......
This is a CRIME of the COURTS.....and a violation of 18 U.S.C.§§1961-68.....the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act!


Comment #: CA1954
Judge Gary is not an honorable man. I am an attorney that has to go into his courtroom on a monthly basis. His staff is very rude, I agree with the attorney below. I don't care what you do outside the courtroom. It's none of my business. But don't take the bench acting ultra righteous. It's off-putting. The local California Bar do know you having 'something" going on with your female staff. All we ask is that you be impartial with your rulings and consider your own humanity. You're like the current clerics that preach righteousness but have horrible things going on behind the curtains.


Comment #: CA1821
I'm a family law attorney that has been practicing in Sacramento for years. How Mr. Gary was hired as a commissioner initially is an enigma, but how he was elevated to a judge is really bewildering. As stated below, he is very arrogant and his staff is very unfriendly. He gives this air that he's beyond reproach but most of the bar knows he has something going on with his female staff. If at all possible, stay out of his courtroom.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA1807
I have practiced law for a long time and have a good reputation. My experience with this judge was one of the worst in my career. Extremely arrogant guy. Don't expect justice - expect to get a "I'm way too cool for you" lecture. His staff is equally unfriendly. Sadly, we will be dealing with this egomaniac for a long time.


Comment #: CA1754
He is not very bright. Although he ruled in my favor, I was not impressed.


Comment #: CA1408
He's an arrogant, petty, short tempered, controlling, insensitive asshole. He is very dangerous because he is young, overly ambitious and hobnobs with the more seasoned and experienced judges. His father is a partner in a local major law firm.