Hon. Daniel D. Diskey See Rating Details

Circuit Court
Pasco County
6th Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 4 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 6 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Daniel D. Diskey



Comment #: FL9850
Judge Diskey does his best. He needs to speed up family law. My children are now older and have been alienated due to large time gaps in seeing their mother. I do believe this case will resolve and my family can be whole again. I married and had another child. He is such a blessing. I love being a mother and wife.
Sara Hobert


Comment #: FL9231
Thank God he's retiring soon. How a person with such poor intuition and decision making skills is allowed to become a judge is beyond me. Boyfriend is still going through custody battle after 7 years. He absolutely favors women. My bf has no criminal record, not even so much as a speeding ticket. The wife is diagnosed schizophrenic and bipolar. She's a meth addict which was proven by blood test when she was arrested after coming to the safe house that DCF placed him and the kids at, with a guy armed with a knife to kidnap the children. The dude that tried to stab his uncle is serving seven years. Somehow her charges were dropped from felonies to misdemeanors and she was released from prison during COVID. My bf had an injunction against her on behalf of himself and the children after she assaulted him while he was holding the youngest. She was finally convicted of those charges from 2019 recently. Since the attempted kidnapping, she has been in and out of jail, in drug rehab, and is now homeless. The attorney [Redacted by Ed.] was appointed as the guardian -absolute worthless man hating pos. Try to get another guardian if you get her. She's an unethical pathological lier that has other motives than to work on the children's behalf. She would call us and tell us the wife is so crazy, she won't stop calling me, I think she's back on drugs or she stopped taking her medication then go to court and recommend 50/50 custody while the mother was squatting in some dudes condo after she put the dude in jail on fake assault charges! I literally wanted to kill the guardian. Like I actually wanted her to die. You have no idea the things she put us through, it was a roller coaster. And actually come to think of it the guardian is the reason this has been ongoing for so long bc Diskey listens to her for the most part. Thankfully he was smart enough to NOT listen to the guardian at one point and only awarded the mother every other wknd. But long story short they are all a bunch of [Redacted by Ed.] morons.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL8038
There is NOTHING Honorable about this judge, he is totally biased, he favors women he crucifies men. He is totally blind to material facts, always rushed and leads witnesses, which is maddening to the legal system.
He does not care about justice, he does not care period.
Just wants to get to the next case, doesn't care about the kids. [Redacted by Ed. ]
May god judge him as he had judged the people who had come before him.


Comment #: FL6052
Rating:Not Rated
My opinion hes bias letting under aged kids go in the hearing thats been aleinated aginst a parent that dont have money i had a stroke when this happen to me the father dieng of liver failer giving my kids to a friend that does drugs and a drug record they facked the father lived whith them fake documents stated they where mom and dad to the school every time i talk to my son very angry was straight a student didnt graduate now he drinks does drugs he had has heart problems that he was born whith these people filed fake reports about me at the end the dad died and no one showed up for last court hearing and the boys are a mess alienation is abuse no matter how you look at it destroys lives there is alot of cases of case for aleinaion there should be a law passed my sons have server panic attic attacks mentel problems and they where very happy boys

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL5752
Bias judge who favors mothers, and money. Disgusting and should be taken off the bench.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL5658
He's disgraceful.

Court Staff

Comment #: FL5522
This man is dangerous!!! He allowed a father of a child who simply didnt want the baby fabricate domestic charges for an injunction against his pregnant girlfriend even though the cops actually sided with the woman and didn't arrest her, they felt the evidence supported the woman. Because she was black the judge sided with the man, even throwing the woman out in the street. Basically saying if you get a woman pregnant and don't want it you can just come in his courtroom and make up something and he will stamp it for you and free you of your responsibility! This woman was a business woman, decorated in accolades and the father was a telemarketer living with his mother who had been preying on this wealthy woman for money with his family, him and his family decided to frame this woman for money to try and sue her, and take custody of the child he didn't want for money, first they tried to lock her up and that didn't work, cops laughed at his attempts to frame her, so he filed an injunction instead and Judge Diskey gave it to him. Yet every white person that went before her was given a second chance. This woman was completely railroaded, giving the father a better chance at custody since the woman now has this bogus domestic violence injunction against her. Crazy! This man needs to be removed from the bench and thrown in jail!

Court Staff

Comment #: FL5392
Very bias and unfair. Disregard to law enforcement officer findings and bias to African Americans


Comment #: FL4964
Rating:Not Rated
This Judge is very biased. He is very unfair. It is very odd, that this Judge just happens to lose the documents, then the opposing side offers to share their copy, and it just so happens that the copy has a sentence underlined that is the opposing sides argument and that is all this judge saw. Poor child is endangered. Where is the JA? Not making sure he had all his paperwork?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL3758
i observed this judge allow a woman who was caught lying several times in the courtroom and this girl had active warrants for her arrest..everyone in the courtroom knew she was lying except,apparently the judge. The dad was clearly the stable one and had prof of her lies but the judge sided with the psycho mother. All I can say is poor kids yikes


Comment #: FL3578
This judge took over 6 months to make a ruling on my simple divorce and we had a pre nup. He allowed opposing counsel to rechedule hearings and pre trials and trial dates multiple times, sometimes the day of. He did incorrect math on his final ruling which cost me thousands of dollars. He is incompetent, arrogant and should be removed immediately!


Comment #: FL2790
Absolutely horrible. He sent my 9 year Grandson back to his father who beat not only once but at least on 2 occasions that I know of. He took the word of a Counselor - James Wasenda whom had only met with this Father 5 times and said he was "OK" for this little boy to be with him full time and my Daughter on every other weekend. The Father should have been on every other weekend with supervision. This Judge weighs to much on people whom he knows as friends. Wish we could have another Judge when my Daughter goes back for the final decision.