Hon. James J. Konetski See Rating Details
Associate Judge
Circuit Court
DuPage County
Eighteenth Judicial Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.2 - 8 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 10 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. James J. Konetski



Comment #: IL1960
Crooked. Does not work for people, is not fair. Absolutely crooked. Looks to benefit himself

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1479
Since he is not in the former state's attorney's parade of judges, he is a breath of fresh air in the criminal division. He is even handed and fair to both sides. He is even considerate to the extremely inexperienced prosecutors who regularly emabarass themselves.


Comment #: IL1340
I was not pleased with this Judge and believe he forms quick opinions about defendants. Presently, he presides over DUI cases and expungement/sealings. Without going into details about my case, I found him to be very uncaring and unsympathetic to the circumstances of my situation and severe hardship. All said and done, this Judge did not examine the law and fairly apply it to the facts of my case. However, being this is DuPage County, I didn't expect much in the first place as I have yet to encounter a fair judge who truly cares about examining the law and accuracy doing the right thing. This judge and this county do not rank high on my list.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1084
Rating:Not Rated
Will the judges relatives, who leave any other star than a 1 , please stop posting. You're not fooling anyone.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1012
Really? "Best Judge?" Well, let me clear up a few things. First, this inept judge ( that's being kind) is no longer in the family court, and has been transferred to the DUI division. Thankfully. In 2008 I went before this man in post decree matters AND for a parenting agreement. $23,000 later, I left his room with my settlement cut in half ( mind you, this was a contract settled in a previous courtroom) AND I still didn't have a parenting agreement. Fast forward to today, my ex-is now fighting me for residential custody...because we NEVER had a parenting agreement. This guy destroyed families, and I place the blame squarely on his prejudice. In my opinion, perhaps this stemmed from his own acrimonious divorce. This man does not like women. He is a disgrace.


Comment #: IL873
Judge Konetski does not show bias against fathers in divorce and custody matters, and that apparently angers some other commenters. My own experience is that he is fair, and does what is truly best for the children, even if that means putting aside the strong bias in favor of women and custody in divorce.


Comment #: IL863
Judge Konetski created more pain and suffering for children and their mother, allowing his criminal defense attorney buddy as the respondent to B.S. his way through this broken, lousy court system to the point where it would take someone with great patience and fortitude to understand the horrific and chaotic behavior of an abuser who continues to exploit the court system to further his abuse upon his family. The respondent is a criminal with a license to practice law. He needs to be disbarred! Judge Konetski, wake up!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL795
One of the best judges in the county.


Comment #: IL662
Judge Konetski is the worst judge out there. He is rude, crude and very dishonest. How is he getting away with this? Please investigate him!!


Comment #: IL656
I don't know about you ladies, but I'm certainly not the wallflower I was 5 years ago. Being left homeless, on food stamps and with a huge legal bill didn't kill me..... It made me stronger, and I'm not going to go away quietly. I didn't deserve this abuse and neither did my children. In the next few weeks I will be putting up a website/social media account. The time is NOW to put an end to the good ole boys club here in DuPage county. And Bill Stogsdill/Anthony Sammarco are the next ones to be exposed. Do not give up, do not go away quietly. If you aren't part of the solution you are only part of the problem.


Comment #: IL631
In April 2012, in his bereft of facts JDOM, Konetski left me homeless, penniless and bankrupt, fullfilling my wealthy former husband's wildest dreams. No, I'm not a trophy wife...first wife of 22 years who abandoned professional career for husband so he could pursue his dreams while I raised two children. Konetski is an arrogant, well seasoned practitioner of the scheme often employed in DuPage County to enrich the "cartel" of DuPage insiders, who are really just dinosaurs by most standards, by oppressing the vulnerable spouse (in my case, the stay at home mother of two young teens whose father earns a million a year)so that the dominant spouse (the one who controls the MONEY)can get his windfall. And what would motivate a judge to facilitate multi million dollar windfalls while also lining the pockets of his cartel? (over half a million dollars to DuPage lawyers over 3 years while I got NO temporary support even though the judge knew my former husband cut off all my credit cards and took my name off all bank accounts). Konetski and the cartel are thieves. For example, in the JDOM following a trial, I was awarded four years of non reviewable taxable maintenance totalling, over four years, ONE-THIRD of what my former husband earns in one year. 22 year marriage - oh - and no child support. The layers of abuse put upon me and my children, who due to Konetski, were put at emotional and physical risk, are appalling. Konetski courtroom = 3rd world country. Seems I worked for free for 22 years (except room and board) and I'm not worthy of any "pension" (spousal maintenance)... but J.J. sure will try to collect his. I have filed an appeal with my last few dollars. I agree with former poster's comment which alluded to Drew Peterson.


Comment #: IL617
Rating:Not Rated
It is extremely important to recognize that this judge often appoints his good buddy, Sean McCumber, atty., as GAL in contested child custody cases. He did when in domestic relations (2011 and prior to). The GAL, McCumber, is a pathological liar. I am committed to exposing this destroyer of the INNOCENT--children and their protective mothers! Pray to God he is exposed in the near future - I'm shooting for a year and no more.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL599
Judge Konetski does not read or understand the divorce decrees already in place. Therefore, instead of enforcing the contract, he makes up his own game. He chooses a defense attorney that he is familiar with and jumps on the band wagon of the "man" It doesn't matter if the man is a convict, abuser, liar or cheater in matters of child support. He always chooses "the man" and leaves victims" further victimized. The worst Judge I have ever observed. He has some serious predjudices against women and shows an indecent amout of favoritism towards his "good ol boys."


Comment #: IL501
Judge Konetski is a liar. He ruled on something that wasn't even supposed to be ruled on that day and my lawyer wasn't even and wasn't even informed of the court date just because my ex-husband is a cop in Dupage County and he favored him.


Comment #: IL474
Rating:Not Rated
The judge gave custody of my children to a wife batterer and child abuser. He terminated my support which was part of my marital settlement and not child support. I supported my ex most of our 15 year marriage and was a student when the judge terminated my support. I lost my beautiful children, our home and my future career. My former husband is affluent and I am penniless and homeless. He appointed a GAL who was beyond corrupt, as were my two attorneys!! HELP

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL457
Shame on you, Judge Konetski. I had heard that he held a bias in favor of men; but didn't believe it. He ruled in favor of my ex in a MINIMUM GUIDELINE child support request of mine....even though my ex had admitted to lying and cheating to lose his job.... I was broke after paying so many attny fees, had all four children living with me -- and he STILL allowed my attny to deplete ALL of my excess funds (although I was paying regularly). NO mercy for me. My advice for Mothers -- quit your jobs before appearing before Judge Konetski !!!


Comment #: IL427
I simply can't put into words the serious misconduct by this judge...but I'll try. First off, he has no clue how to run the family court division. Thankfully he was recently rotated out, however, left a pile of crap for the new judge to clean up. This man despises women, there needs to be a full investigation as to how he has retained his position thus far. My POST decree case was before him...for 3 years! 3 years for post decree?! All he needed to do was enforce the original agreement, $18,000 in new legal fees, I walked out with less on paper, than what I walked in with on paper. PLUS no parenting agreement, a judgment against ME to pay 100% of my legal fees ( even though I wasn't the one in contempt) no Quildro, oh and I have yet to see one red penny from my 2007 divorce settlement. Not one cent. Thanks Konetski, you're a class act. And my children thank you too. By the way, my ex- husband is now $9,000 behind on child support. If that's not contempt, I'm not really sure what is. And here's the BEST part, my ex-husband is an officer of law. Must be nice to have an invitation to the old boys club. This judge is shady,Drew Peterson shady.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL406
This Judge is terrible. He has bad mood swings and does not listen. He is very biased towards his familiar posse of defense attornies. He attacks and punishes the victims in all the cases hat I have witnessed. In my case, he made up his own laws and was caught thru appeals. All the legal personnel know of his dirty deeds, but no one seems to be able to kick him to the curb. The Cheif Judge is well aware of his antics, but claims he has no authority to reprimand him. This is the legal system at its worst. The Judge seriously needs attention by both legal and mental health professionals.


Comment #: IL404
This Judge has a temper and it clouds his Judgment. He allows drama in his courtroom and plays favorites. Not the best at seeing what is truly going on


Comment #: IL394
Rating:Not Rated
Horrible judge doesnt listen, quick to judge! I thought these are two qualities a judge is supposed to have! I cant wait to move out of illinois after my kids get older so I dont have to deal with this judge anymore!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL357
Rating:Not Rated
How do you file formal complaints against this Judge? I agree with the comments posted. He's like a loaded gun ready to shoot mostly the VICTIMS in his court room. This Judge is as verbally abusive as ant convicted batterer!


Comment #: IL354
A very incompetent Judge. Chief Judge Culliton-- PLEASE observe this moody, biased Judge. A real woman Hater!


Comment #: IL315
Rating:Not Rated
I have been before Judge Konetski 20 times within the last 21 months regarding a post dissolution of marriage breech of contract. The Respondent is my ex-husband an practicing criminal defense atty in Konetski's playground. I am not getting a fair hearing and the cost to myself and the tax payer is absolutely unacceptable. Konetski's behavior on several court appearance resembles a mood disorder and his agenda appears to be anti-women.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL272
I found this judge to be extremely moody and quick to form an opinion before hearing all of the facts. His actions struck me as misogynistic. If you're a cook county attorney finding your way to Dupage, watch out as he has a strong bias towards male attorneys familiar to his courtroom. I witnessed him badgering defendants who he saw as vulnerable. Be on guard around this guy!