Hon. Neal W. Cerne See Rating Details
Associate Judge
Circuit Court
DuPage County
Eighteenth Judicial Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.6 - 10 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 31 rating(s)
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What others have said about Hon. Neal W. Cerne



Comment #: IL4299
Has he ever made findings ( of fact ) , let alone findings which are anywhere in the record? Not in my case. Waste of time and money to go in front of him for justice- it’s just a high for his ego to slam down injustice, and yes, damage to children which lasts a lifetime. Not to mention financial devastation to the party not on team Cerne. I’ve had 10 years plus of his lawlessness.


Comment #: IL4298
Rating:Not Rated
Absolute worst judge ever! Doesnt listen to GAL or court appointed professionals (therapists and doctors) and gives children back to the abuser (father)even when excessive amounts of evidence is proven that the father molested his own children. Cerne by far is detached, uninterested nor caring to uphold the law and most definitely does not rule in the best interest of the children! He has ruined children's lives, he needs to go to prison for his rulings by giving so many children back to the abuser! Read on and see how many complaints are against Cerne. Hes rotten to the core!


Comment #: IL4161
Rating:Not Rated
This man should be disbarred from enforcing all law [Redacted by Ed.] He took children from a safe loving mother with no record. And gave them to an abusive mentally unstable man. He had years of back owed support and let him slide on it not paying it at all. Yet ordered me to pay 47.5 percent of my check to the abuser. The children don't know this man has he prior to being given them spent no time with them. How is this in the best interest of the child. Seems to me like he hates women and treats them horribly and doesn't uphold the law he creates his own on bias behaviors.


Comment #: IL3997
seemed detached and tired...


Comment #: IL3913
If I could give him a negative number I would. He gave full custody of my children to my abusive ex even though there was evidence of my son being physically abused. He granted me visitation but only when my ex said it was okay. He gave my ex complete control of my visitation schedule.
After reading all of these comments, my heart broke. I have a friend who's an attorney and he told me what I need to do to bring this judge's actions to light. If anyone else wants to help, please email me. We all need to come together to prevent this man from destroying any other lives . lauraf10128@gmail.com


Comment #: IL3867
Way less than honorable. He was the judge in my divorce. When hearing testimony from a atty’s and ourselves, he looked as if to be sleeping the entire time. At one point, over an hour into a hearing I I was given the chance to answer a question, he literally asked who I was. This is after about 5 months in. He did not take any of the domestic violence issues into account. My atty was so baffled at what was going on that he was convinced of him sleeping with opposing council. To the point that my atty washed his hands of it and dropped the case in his associate’s lap (who was less than qualified to handle a high conflict case). I had 3 minors, got no house, ex did not have to replace monies from draining our account. I basically got nothing but I allocated family support. It was a farce. In my post divorce case for monies the ex refused to pay us, we were pro se. My ex kindly reminded the judge of our divorce case as if to get a leg up. Ex was supposed to supply me with tax returns. Almost a year ago and gave them to me at the hearing. Judge did not work out the payment based on the wages, rather only on the ex’s bonus. Even through the judge stated 15 times it was based on the return. The ex lied at least 2 times in court. I finally got some relief, but amount was based on a lie. When I was writing up the agreed order I realized there was no time limit for payment. I asked the clerk to ask the judge about it and he returned the order with a statement at the bottom saying, “All aspects of the order have been complied with”. What? How could it be complied with when I am just writing it out and he hadn’t even signed it yet?


Comment #: IL3713
Rating:Not Rated
I thought something was not right when he excused himself to get a glass of water while i was on the stand. Then when my ex attorney left the court room at tge same time i thought ?? somethings not right. Needless to say my ex did not have to show his W2, did not have to pay any child care expenses, did not have to pay back child support for the year even though he made six figures for that year, didn't have to pay any of the marital debt, didn't have to give me half of the 36k that my ex had in his secret accounts. ?? Got to see him walk into my job a few days later actually seen many from dupage come into my job a few day later. Not at liberity to say why but learned aww they are friendly with each other. Sickenening


Comment #: IL3617
despicable! Far from Honorable! This man puts children back in the custody of known child molsters/abusers such as family members~ evidence is brought forward but Cerne wont allow it to be heard! I am convinced he is in bed with certain attorny's AND is a child molester himself!


Comment #: IL3616
Judge Cerne is clearly biased, judgmental, and does not have the ability to make decisions according to Illinois law. He makes outrageous comments and causes harm to children in his court. He separates support systems from children. He does not listen to GAL's or DCFS. He needs to get out of the court room. I agree that he is one of the worst human beings that is a judge. Punishes working mothers. Someone save the children from this judge.


Comment #: IL3591
Rating:Not Rated
My grandsons father has been arrested 6 or 8 times since he and my daughter split up over 2 years ago. Charges include DUI's, felony drug possession, drug paraphernalia possession, resisting arrest, theft, and weapons charges. The latest charges filed less than 30 days ago and possibly another arrest yesterday. Judge Cerne seems to think none of this matters and the father should be entitled to parenting time, which he never shows up for. I'm convinced Judge Cerne and my grandsons fathers lawyer are in bed together because no one in their right mind would allow a drug addict to have unsupervised visitation with a 2 year old.

Court Staff

Comment #: IL3518
By far one of the worst human beings I've ever met in my life.


Comment #: IL3407
Rating:Not Rated
Where should I begin. I am all for father's and Mother's having their rights. But when a Grandparent raises the child their whole life and along comes a parent--to rip that child away from all she has ever known was just crushing!! We had 30 minutes after the verdict to hand over the child. 30 minutes!! 30 minutes this child's whole life was ripped away from her and he didn't give a care. 1 call a week and 1 weekend a month. He did not take into consideration the childs well being mentally or emotionally. He should be ashamed of himself. He could of made a much better decision but didn't. He 100% completely messed up and lead a poor innocent child into the Lion's Den. All the facts where right in front of his face. And he still ignored all the signs. Sad sad excuse for a judge in my opinion.


Comment #: IL2811
Rating:Not Rated
Do you have specific info, a link or other where to get a copy of this lawsuit? Sounds like excellent news!


Comment #: IL2791
Rating:Not Rated
Dudes career is on life support worsened by pending legal developnents stay tuned

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL2764
Rating:Not Rated
I had two judges on my case. The first judge knew exactly what is going on and had the case under control. Ever since Cerne took over, The case went out of control. All what he does is the best interest of the female. I have seen him on my case and other cases. He always has a different standard to make the female win. very unfair. very biased. Shame on him.


Comment #: IL2763
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Cerne has been my judge throughout my divorce and post divorce issues and I have found him to be very fair and very wise and I think God for him that he is sitting on that bench. He has done well for my children. I am grateful and appreciative for this man's wisdom and ability to see people with the correct eye and grant proper Justice. Thank you Judge Cerne. I would vote for u to stay. I need you for 11 more years! :)


Comment #: IL2674
Rating:Not Rated
Kids that I know and deeply care about have been kept from their loving father because of judge Cerne’s decisions


Comment #: IL2672
In this judge’s courtroom, the rights of children and the rights of fathers are infringed upon. There is very little check on government officials involved in custody battles and child welfare.
I never knew it was possible for a judge to keep children from their loving father when no law has been broken. I never thought it was possible in this country. Until I saw Judge Cerne in action.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL2640
Rating:Not Rated
He is a very pro-female Judge. He doesn't listen to learn the facts. Instead he listens trying to find something to justify his pre-made decision why the female should win.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL2626
Although Judge Cerne has made at least one bad decision to the best of my knowledge, and in my opinion, that ruling was not appealed. Judge Cerne is otherwise an affable and congenial Judge who runs his Courtroom with even-handedness and decorum.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL2625
Although Judge Cerne has made at least one bad decision to the best of my knowledge, and in my opinion, that ruling was not appealed. Judge Cerne is otherwise an affable and congenial Judge who runs his Courtroom with even-handedness and decorum.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL2571
Rating:Not Rated
What do you mean "It's almost over"?.
I hope you have the proof and took action .

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL2489
Rating:Not Rated
I never imagined that there will be a judge that low. He does what he feels not justice.

I see a lot of victims here. We have to come together and do something. We have to get him removed from the bench before we finishes us.


Comment #: IL2370
Rating:Not Rated
This is THIS father's unique situation. I am a mother whose family was serious damaged by Cerne's outrageous incompetence. Am not taking it personally that it is a negative towards moms. Cerne is an equal opportunity damager. My former spouse was an attorney who WORKED in DUPAGE county. Imagine how horrible THAT was. These are DuPage county SWAMP creatures. YES, I agree with you, It IS Cerne who must go!!!!


Comment #: IL2368
Rating:Not Rated
STOP ATTACKING MOTHERS. you are making yourself look uncredible with your sexist remarks. The Judge is the problem. Mothers get F-ed over in Dupage too. Just STOP


Comment #: IL2315
Neal Cerne needs to be removed from the bench and disbarred. He is a mockery to the judicial system. A father of two girls brought the mother to court for 50/50 college tuition ruling. After the father had the mother served via certified mail, the mother refused the letters 3 separate times. When the father brought this evidence to the court, pro se, Cerne awarded the father 70/30 tuition and showed disgust for the mother. Only to have the mother contest the ruling and finally show up in court. At that time, Cerne accepted the contesting and then went on to make the father look bad by saying that she clearly didn't know about the court dates and he couldn't prove that she refused the certified letters. In the end and after the father wound up getting an attorney to keep the 70/30 ruling, Cerned overturned his original ruling and settled on 50/50. He could have just done that from the beginning since that was all the father was asking for in the first place. Instead, all involved had to spend more money that could have just gone towards the girls' tuition. He is a pathetic excuse of a judge and has no business being in this position. VOTE HIM OUT in the next election!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL2118
Plaintiff's attorney proved through non-refutable evidence, and the admission from the Defendant under oath, that Defendant was in contempt of several court ordered obligations.

Judge Cerne, after being woken up, stated that "he didn't care" and chose not to rule on the Rule to Show Cause, basically enabling the defendant to continue violating the court orders with no chance of being held accountable. When a judge chooses to not enforce the law, and instead rule on emotions, then justice fails to exist.

I asked him as he left the courtroom when he was up for re-election. This seems to be the only way we will be able to remove judges like this.


Comment #: IL2030
Rating:Not Rated
He was sleeping during my long, drawn out trial too!! When I pointed it out to my lawyer the worthless idiot (very young and green and inexperienced lawyer) told me it was ok because Cerne didn't care about what the other side was saying. Hello- he didn't listen to any of it, just went through the process so he could line the lawyers pockets. Such bs. Plan on going back to have his bogus judgement of giving a parent who would rather let the kids run the home and be their friend have custody instead of the parent who IS a parent and teaches their kids values and respect and consequences and responsibilities over turned. How is this guy still on the bench?!?! Ugh! Retire already!


Comment #: IL2029
I have many issues with this judge. First, he get's his facts confused. Secondly, he has a difficult time staying awake. At least I think he was sleeping when his eyes were closed. Don't confuse the man with the facts or evidence, he just is not interested in them. Said I was not a good parent because I did not spend time with my kids on Saturdays. He doesn't care that I work, and that I should ask for the time off. He is abusive, disinterested in what it best for the children and ignores the facts. When one parents admits that they abuse the children, why award custody to that parent? Because Cerene can and will ignore the law, the evidence and what is in the best interest for the children.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1947
Rating:Not Rated
This judge must go. He is very biased. There is got to be a way to talk to the chief judge. If all of us signs a petition or talk to him in a group, maybe he/she will do something.


Comment #: IL1941
You need to go to respective Department of Justice.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1940
Rating:Not Rated
Terrible judge and and an abusive man


Comment #: IL1927
Rating:Not Rated
ARDC and JIB protect these people. I"m going to the Governors office and planning media exposure.


Comment #: IL1924
Rating:Not Rated
Cerme's rulings and non judicial advocacy fo the pathological lies of my ex and the brazenly criminal acts of Attorney [Redacted by Ed.] without a shred of evidence or even an allegation of serious danger required for the lawless restrictions under which my children suffer unable to speak with or contact their loving cherished Father or the beloved extended family while Cerne promotes and protects the nearly 24/7 care by an abusive step father with a felony record who wipes boogers ony daughters kicks my youngest in the shin with cowboy boots till she cries and puts a spider in my 10 year olds bed t o punish her whom Cerne protects at all cost while seeking to destroy our family relationships [redacted by ed.] Judge Cerne must resign or be removed from the bench immediately.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1908
Rating:Not Rated
Has anyone tried to file a complaint against this judge? How ? Are they taking it seriously?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1900
Rating:Not Rated
I hope there are some practical actions can be taken against this judge!. He is incompetent to be a judge. Always goes on the side he prefers not by the law not by the evidence just what he wants.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1897
Rating:Not Rated
Correction the prior posting is done by a non lawyer litigant and racketeering was misspelled


Comment #: IL1865
Rating:Not Rated
Today in the same case as below 2012MR1074 Judge Cerne allowed me access to one hour a week with my kids supervised by government supervisors, despite zero evidence I am a danger to them. [Redacted by Ed.]

This is beyond a nightmare for my children and my family. God help us all.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1858
How much more negative attention does Judge Cerne need to receive before a change happens? He does not follow the law, rather his beliefs. A GAL can make a ruling (who is the court expert) and feels they are wrong. Who does this!

The power of some people have some an impact on the lives of kids and their is no accountability to their actions. Who can finally step in and help?


Comment #: IL1854
Rating:Not Rated
It is almost the same case with me too. Neal Cerne dragged the case unnecessarily so that the attorney's can pocket huge sums of money. he says he wants to get stanility to the family but really doesn't care how he is impacting kids, let alone the distressed parent (s). he favors attorney's instead of the famili (es) coming to the court. Its lime he is running a legal syndicate.
He appointed a depressed and sadist GAL Connie Gessner in my case and dragged it unnecessarily and awarded the custody to the depressed parent (already proved medically) and moreover allowed kids to transfer out of state.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1764
Rating:Not Rated
not just a bad judge but a bad man


Comment #: IL1754
Rating:Not Rated
Agreed. Several of us have reached out to some authors of these posts, but to no avail. Why is that?


Comment #: IL1751
Rating:Not Rated
This post was removed last week by somebody so I'm re posting it today to illustrate how this Judge [Redacted by Ed.] While Cerne denied my ex's plenary order of protection, instead of punishing the perpetrators of the fraud and misconduct, [Redacted by Ed.] He then issued a bizarre draconian supervised visitation order against me, not blaming my ex or her attorney for the fraudulent EOP and malicious misconduct by an attorney, but blaming me and all but prevented me any real contact with my children and giving my ex total control over the contact with my children, which means I have none. All done without a crime, all without serious danger, with no criminal record of any time. [Redacted by Ed.] If anyone wants to share their stories or develop some kind of support group, please email me in confidence at blackswanstrategicpartners@gmail.com and leave a phone number so we can talk in discreet confidence about possibly combining a legal strategy to stop this judge from ruining more lives as he works overtime [Redacted by Ed.]

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1742
Rating:Not Rated
This man is a monster and could care less about the children and families he devastates because he refuses to follow the law or the evidence if you are the side of the dispute he does not like. He operates as a king, and for some reason the state protects him on the bench despite the growing number of complaints he is generating from his psychopathic unfair rulings.


Comment #: IL1518
I have had a completely disastrous experience with Cerne. NOT because I have a bad attorney. NOT because the merits of the case were not in my favor. RATHER, because Cerne chooses to benefit the father, an attorney practicing in Cerne's own courthouse. He has no interest in protecting children. I have no explanation for this other than CERNE IS BIASED AND A VERY BAD JUDGE. He does not even follow HIS own recommendations. He lacks sophistication and knowledge of financial matters and is simply NOT SMART. Cerne is LESS THAN a poor excuse for justice.


Comment #: IL1517
Justice should be served based on the facts not who is aggressive. Petitions, affidavits and witnesses are presented so that the judge can understand full picture and the background of the case. It is the judge's responsibility to read all the material presented, differentiate between facts and false evidence and have a just sentence. Cerne failed to do so and sided with his buddies AND dragged the case for the clients to settle instead of give his ruling... A total loser. People come to court for justice not to settle and fill his and his buddies banks...

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1516
Cerne settles hearings in his chambers and forces decisions that are not agreed to. He is unjust and should be removed. A real loser!


Comment #: IL1514
I have had both Konetski and Cerne for Judges in this courtroom. I found Judge Cerne to be a better listener. Konetski gave into who ever complained and whined the most. Cerne ruled for whoever made the best case. The system is flawed and usually the best lawyer wins. I did better with Cerne due to a smarter, aggressive lawyer. I suggest if your case is going south, hire a Divorce lawyer from downtown Chicago. One who only does divorce and is not a part of the DuPage good old boy club.


Comment #: IL1480
Rating:Not Rated
Justice sounds to him like "just as long" as my buddies are taken care of


Comment #: IL1476
It's about time judge Cerne should apply the law and give fair ruling to the clients respondents or petitioners) rather than favoring his buddy attorneys for inside favors.


Comment #: IL1465
In my Opinion, He is not fit for the court room.
His decisions are based on the attorneys and how much he sees them regularly rather than the facts and the case. I am surprised to see that he don't even remember the basis of any order entered in his court room and he conflicts himself in his statements when we put together the whole case. And, he loves to drag the cases and doesn't care about the impact on the parties or even kids.


Comment #: IL1461
Neal Cerne was my divorce attorney, and did not support me as his client. I kept on paying Neal, expecting that he would go to bat for me, but that never happened. In the end, he basically gave away custody of my children, and I have realized that he was extremely biased against me, and did not believe the things I told him (in all honesty). Neal displayed unethical behavior on several occasions (saying that he was doing one thing, but doing something else instead, regarding emergency custody petitions, claims of visitation violations, and extreme under-reporting of income), leaving me wondering if he'd received an "incentive" from my ex-husband and his attorney, or whether he was just stupid enough to buy into my ex-husband's histrionics. I ended up standing alone, not knowing what was happening behind my back, and not understanding why it appeared that everyone was so against me. In the end, my health was ruined, I lost my job, and my engagement ended. I still don't feel that my life has ever been the same. A few years ago, my ex-husband was arrested for violent behavior, and suffered the consequences. Too little, too late, but how satisfying to finally have the proof of what I'd been begging Neal to believe for years.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1460
Not someone who is fair or open-minded in situations that are not what they appear to be!


Comment #: IL1441
Folks were posting valuable comments that were deleted. They tried multiple times but still got removed, i got emails as i am subscribed to it. My only suggestion to fellow victims is to keep your comments professional, short and split it in multiple postings, maybe one for each of your concern. This worked for me on other (media) postings, hope it works here too.


Comment #: IL1439
i am a victim of his injustice too. He supports and goes by the attorneys request and SUGGESTIONS he sees daily or often in his courtroom rather than decide what's best for the parties. He extends the cases unnecessarily without any regard to the impact on the families.
Attorneys from his courtroom including those whom he appoints like counsellors, gals work like a syndicate extorting money from clients and this judge does nothing to control it.


Comment #: IL1434
I wish I had seen these comments before my daughter's pretrial hearing. This judge does not look at facts or case law before he tells the woman what a wonderful life her (abusive) husband was providing her. He must be removed. If there is a way I can help with that, please contact me.


Comment #: IL1404
Rating:Not Rated
There is an insidious incestuous relationship amongst those who practice in DuPage County Family Court. Former spouse, an atty who practices in DuPage County, and I both have $. Former spouse has lost control of his victims (me and kids) so continues to exploit the court system to abuse. He blatantly perjures himself in open court and Cerne looks the other way. He continues to breech the divorce contract and is not held accountable. He thumbs his sociopathic nose at the legal system and Cerne acts as if he is his accomplice. It is egregious and willful behavior, Victims are re-vicitimized and the whole system needs daylighting. This Dupage county cabal has turned this into an 'injustice system' and must be stripped of their credentials. These horrible people need to go. Everyone, particularly the attorneys, endorsing Cerne should be investigated. Reach out to the media. Continue to beat the drum. Don't stop. Something's gotta give.


Comment #: IL1401
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Cerne dismissed my daughter's petition with prejudice, to vacate the marital settlement in 5 minutes without having read her petition and without giving her the chance to respond. I have written several letters to chief judge and the presiding judge of domestic relations asking to bring petition before one of them to vacate Cerne's order. I even sent the transcript. No response at all. Because Cerne's ruling is void ab initio because Cerne committed fraud on the court. When an order is void ab initio you can bring it back at any time in any court. Statute 2-1401(f). A well known Dupage lawyer told me you cannot attack a judge in Dupage County unless you want to be ostracized. So my daughter will refiled in Cook County. I got right through to presiding judge who said I could bring the action in their court. You can't give in to Cerne. I am in contact with investigative reporting at the tribune to expose the Dupage Court and Cerne! Wish me luck!


Comment #: IL1381
I'm reading the post by all these parents and I'm feeling outrage and now know I'm not alone. His logic and knowledge of the facts are missing.Sad


Comment #: IL1376
Terrible excuse for a judge. Tears families apart and puts innocent children in the custody of parents who alienate and bully. Facebook- Victims of Cerne Support Group


Comment #: IL1339
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Cerne is provided irrefutable proof of abuse but does not care. Instead uses his feelings to determine the outcome of a case. He is not at all concerned about the welfare of children or families. He is part of the good ole boys club and where that as is badge of honor.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL1338
Refraining my statements

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1337
Rating:Not Rated
Often it is so painful and draining, that taking action is an overwhelming effort. Judge Cerne's unreasonable and destructive decisions have head devastating psychological and financial effects on the well being of minors as well as the stable parent, while allowing for the destructive parent to run his courtroom. Cerne has proven to be an incompetent boob at best, and it's hard to say what at worse. He continues to prove over and over his own disregard his own prior statements made in support of the best ruling for the minor, thus keeping the litigation bucks rolling in, and the law. This system is an institutionalized sham, stealing from the injured and into the system's coffers. How does all of this money get divvied up?...

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1335
Should not be a judge. Citizens lives are at stake for which he has little regard. Puts what he thinks before the law.


Comment #: IL1334
Judge substitutes his own prejudiced opinion for the law. Little regard for whats right.


Comment #: IL1333
prejudice intention. You got that right.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL1251
This judge is not just a bad judge. He is a bad man who purposely hurts the women who come before him with fabricated legal decisions.

He does not provide any legal justification for his orders, just some tag phrase.

He should be punished, not just sanctioned or reprimanded, for his gross violations of the law.


Comment #: IL1231
This is the worst judge I have seen so far.He has a prejudice mind and doesn't apply the law.

Has anyone filed a complaint against this judge ?
Share with us. Encourage others.


Comment #: IL1222
Someone must take an action please. He must be removed!.


Comment #: IL1221
Surprise surprise....just heard about another woman & mother who was stripped of her children and given to her ex by Judge Neal Cerne. Since when does a complete stranger, a judge with minimal expertise in child psychology, thinks HE is in a better position to decide "what's in the best interest of a child"....he didn't bring into the world?!?


Comment #: IL1206
This judge is extremely biased. He needs to go.

Maybe we can all work together on getting this judge removed.

To the person who asked for contact information, please check your inbox.


Comment #: IL1203
Rating:Not Rated
I am very interested in hearing about your cases in an effort to remove this judge, particularly if the judgment was overturned in an appeal.

This man must be removed.

Please Leave your email address in your rating so that I may contact you or contact me at removejudge at gmail dot com. You will need to insert the proper character to make the address workable. My sincere thanks and help us to prevent this man and his unsound judgments.


Comment #: IL1143
Judge Neal Cerne is biased and causes children and families to suffer. He sits in the court room rolling his eyes and dismissing key evidence at the cost of the working family. It is obvious that he is prejudiced.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1140
How do you file formal complaints against this Judge?

he is incredibly biased, with a terrible temperament and a complete lack of legal knowledge. He refuses to look at any evidence presented.He has to go before he destroys more families.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1127
Rating:Not Rated
Dishonorable, biased and incompetent.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1085
Rating:Not Rated
Is it possible that Judge Cerne and Judge Konetski were separated at birth? Same courtroom....same blatant disregard for the law. Move along Judge Cerne. You've padded your pension robe enough now.


Comment #: IL1062
I don't know where to begin. This man just destroyed my life & ripped apart my family. I've had residential custody of my 3 children for 8 years, and to skirt responsibility for paying child support, my ex-husband a Naperville police officer, decided he wanted to modify custody. He had his FREE attorney in his corner. I accommodated his schedule to foster a relationship between him & the kids, there are zero drug or alcohol issues, I don't co-habitate with men, my ex-is $9,000 behind in back child support AND has yet to pay one penny from our divorce settlement in 2007! Despite 2 judgements ordering him to do so. Yet because he's a veteran of the police force, coaches sports and loves his kids ( don't we all?!) The judge stripped me of my custody ( he said I often fed them McDonalds for breakfast and they were habitually late for school) my children enjoy Egg White delights, aren't obese or even Fat, but in his eyes, McDonalds is irresponsible as opposed to sugar cereal. And with regards to lateness, I never received one comment from the school, and if my kids were late, so were the other 25 kids stuck in the car line. 8:01 is tardy. My kids are on honor roll, and have no behavior problems. That's it. It's public record, there's no skeletons in my closet, no dirt to dig up. So now I move on to the appellate court. I see them every other Fri-Sunday 6-6 and Wednesdays 3-7 for dinner. I paid for 2 Joint parenting agreements, and my ex never signed them. I'm shocked & sickened. My name is Laurie Geiger, my email is lgeiger4@gmail.com
I'm not giving up on my children. Even drug addicts retain custody of their kids and are given a second chance. What just happened here?!?!


Comment #: IL918
This judge defers completely to the litigant who can pay his lawyers, and issues devastating rulings against the downtrodden. Divorce attorneys should not be serving as judges.


Comment #: IL864
Rating:Not Rated
He discriminates against women in favor of crony attorneys who practice in his jurisdiction. He is disingenuous in his statements, and dangles carrots to elicit more funds from the plaintiff, only to do a 180-degree turn at hearing time. This is an institutionalized scam.


Comment #: IL862
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Cerne rendered an extremely inequitable and unjust ruling in favor of the criminal defense attorney respondent who practices in this courthouse, and against the plaintiff, his former spouse. It is very clear that the respondent perjured himself on several occasions, and outright stole funds from the plaintiff by not complying with voluminous court orders, and hiding cash and other funds in accounts considered untouchable by the judge. The respondent was not sanctioned equitably, and the plaintiff experienced great financial damage. Judge Cerne went completely back on his pretrial statements at the final hearing, giving the impression that something is greatly amiss in the DuPage County Court system.