Hon. Karen Kaufman Salic See Rating Details
District Court
Hancock County
District 2
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 1 rating(s)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Karen Kaufman Salic



Comment #: IA62
Shes very rude and judgmental and she has no clue as to the best interest of children in fact she could care less. She allows lies, hearsay and perjury from DHS but yet if it were anyone else they would be fined or arrested. She believes that the best interest for children is for them to be taken away from their family and then to terminate the rights of the parents. The sad part is it doesn't ever get put in nots as to how hurt these children are when they have to say good bye to their parents, it's not noted how much these children cry when they have to say good bye to their parents. When its put in notes by certain LSI workers that there are no concerns and that LSI worker puts in the notes about moving to semi supervised visits and that literally gets ignored and disappears from any reports is complete bs. When a parent is clean and sober but cant prove it due to covid-19 closers and LSI workers also looked into ways for drug testing and they were told there is no face to face and there is no drug testing anywhere this judge completely ignores that and does not care. My children were never not once abused in any way shape or form, they were never neglected or ignored, the always had 3 meals a day plus snacks, they had clothes on their backs and a roof over their heads. They were and are still loved more then anything in the world by me their mother and their father. Yes we were addicts we are still sober but she did not care she terminated our parental rights and in that moment I died inside. She refused to keep our case open longer because as she stated it was in the best interest of the children. She has no idea of the hurt and the pain she caused my children or us. I will never give up fighting for my kids. I have documentation and proof of the lies and I have enough proof to go after her and the crooked ass DHS workers and so help me god I will and in the end I hope they all are terminated from their jobs.


Comment #: IA56
Seems to exhibit extreme bias in select cases.


Comment #: IA55
She does not follow her oath of office nor the constitution both state or federal. Does not look at any evidence provided. allows hearsay and perjury by state workers allows state workers or foster parent to use past social media posts from when a parent was a child. Made excuse for dhs/cps not following their own policy and procedures removes children from safe loving homes for the federal funding a real pos


Comment #: IA51
She’s unfair doesn’t look at evidence. The layer submitted evidence she looked over at computer clicked her mouse and looked right back a head. Didn’t even read it. Had her judgment already made up before we walked in the court room. Totally bullshit made her judgment on her on believes not what was stated in court! Also believe a DHS officer that struggled to answer the lawyers question kept back peddling and chasing her statements but believed every word that the DHS officer. Also the so called allocation wasn’t even found but still took the child from the home


Comment #: IA30
Rating:Not Rated
She is unfair and types orders as lawyers are arguing how do you get someone to listen about her

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IA16
Totally a Horse Shit Judge. USING her Religion and Misusing the Law. You Dont Find people Guilty without EVIDENCE!! She Does All the Time! :Iowa needs to Remove her Stupid Ass!