Hon. Herman C. Dawson, Sr. See Rating Details
Associate Circuit Judge
Circuit Court
Prince George's County
7th Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.7 - 29 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 17 rating(s)
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Herman C. Dawson, Sr.


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD9594
I’m so happy he finally retired. He was the worst judge in Maryland. He hated black women and is completely biased to the point where I to ink he takes bribes. Mr and my ex husband got a divorce and unfortunately the dishonorable judge Dawson presided over our case. From the start he was on my exes side completely, not allowing me to finish my sentences and cutting me off at every moment that I would say something true but negative about my ex husband. In the end he gave my ex husband everything we both worked for. He gave him our house, all three of the cars, no child support to me and no back payments for the year that I kept my son’s daycare payments up by myself. Judge Dawson is a joke of a judge and a horrible narcissistic maniac. He’s a midget and has short man syndrome. He should have never been allowed to be on family court because he hated family. I just wanted to post my thoughts because I think he should be investigated. All of his rulings are unfair and I’m sure he was laid off by a lot of people’l.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD9536
Quite simply, the worst judge in Maryland. He should have been thrown off the Court several times for the various scandals he's been involved in (google it). Now, he occupies spaces on the bench dispensing "justice from the hip" which is rarely legally correct. But, hey, at least he hits on every woman who walks into his courtroom.

Court Staff

Comment #: MD9518
Rating:Not Rated
First of all he shouldn't be a judge because he hates women.He deliberated on my divorce hearing, the first question he asked me as I stepped into hall is why are u still in a man's house who has said he doesn't want you..... from that phrase,I knew who I was dealing wit.i mean that is our house but I was the one he directed that question to.
On the Child custody part....we have a 3yrs old aultistic son, I did all the evaluations and therapy visits. I also enrolled our son in school. His dad is in a total denial despite all the medical records, his dad has missed 3 consegative medical appointments for the child that he caused me to believe he will drop the child. The dad is a 62 yrs old wit a deteriorating health. I am a fit mum wit no mental disability. I cook, dress,feed and care for our son. I sleep wit our son, I do his homework, I administer his medications and change his diapers. Herman found that it is of the child's best interest to stay wit the dad in our matrimonial home and I should go out of the house immediately.No child support was granted, no spousal support and he awarded me a $10.000 from our $500.000 home and instructed that this amount should be paid in 30 months of $300 each months..... being who I am, I requested for the $300 to be sent to him for coffee every month. Herman is a women's right abuser..... funny enuf on the last sentence of his decision he wants me to stay wit the child on Saturday and Sundays. I asked if he wants anything else from me? Like spreading a red carpet for him to walk on? He is a bastard, that should not even be an American. If he dies before me, I will find his grave, stand on it wit high heels and a red lipstick on to pee on his buried death body. His mother should have aborted him and his dad's sperms that fertilized the egg he was made of is a wasted sperm.i have a greater respect for a worm than him. I am still thinking of sueing him though


Comment #: MD9451
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Dawson epitomizes the reason why I as a black person, have ceased to believe that from a cultural sensitivity stand point, it matters to appear in front of a white judge or a black judge. I have never been so disrespected in my entire life like what I experienced coming in the court run by this Buffon. He uses the authority given to him, ignores the very laws that empower him and destroy you to feed his ego, even when he applies the law incorrectly. He does not deserve to be called honorable.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD9442
I, like many of the others leaving comments, have witnessed first-hand that Judge Dawson is unfit for his duties. If you have had a negative experience with him, particularly regarding his tendency to favor parties or counsel with whom he has a relationship, please email me at Betterjusticeformd@gmail.com.


Comment #: MD9380
This Dawson guy is a egotistical, power tripping, rude, unprofessional maniac. He feels he is above the law and [Redacted by Ed.] get away with it because he feels he can.
My life has been ruined due to him stepping in my family law case in which a woman I briefly met was upset with our prior judge so she wrote to have him appointed to our case and fed him lies about me so he pre-judged me and didn't allow me to explain as to why a 2nd DNA test where both parties are present was needed due to this woman not showing up for the 1st one and finessing the court with a fake sample to pin a child on me when she had already begun paying a process of artificial insemination. Mind you this woman has people in the law field and she is very familiar on how to maneuver to get things in her favor. (In which she did by writing him lies and having him appointed to our case). He totally denied a 2nd DNA test in which the judge before approved it. He over stepped the prior judges ruling and granted the woman a high rate of child support as well. Now this woman has disappeared with the child and has blocked all communication from me. Mind you I'm a heavily involved father in my 3 current sons lives who live with me. This child that she ran away with was the result of her artificial insemination and she knows it and got away with contacting her law people and pulling strings to finesse the actual law. She knows it and that is exactly why she disappeared. I don't have money for a good lawyer to stand up to Dawson's illegally biased above the law actions. I just need to find this woman for a 2nd DNA test where both parties are present unlike the 1st time when she never showed up and had her law buddies pull some strings for her along with having Dawson overstep previous rulings by the prior judge to be in her favor. Anyone who can help please email dwoods351272@gmail.com

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD9315
This Judge should taken off the bench. he is horrible

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD9158
Perhaps the worst judge you will ever encounter. Total narcissist and a bully. He was a total joke in private practice and was appointed because of political connections only. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Check out the news reports of his drunken escapades at a local establishment for a taste of his style.


Comment #: MD9036
Dawson (I won't address him as "Judge" because he doesn't deserve it) is by far the worst jurist I have ever seen on the bench. Back in 2009, my son was arrested as a suspect for a strong arm robbery. My wife and I had no clue as to the particulars of this robbery. The Laurel PD picked my son up and we didn't see him or get any details of the crime until we were in front of Dawson. When we were in his courtroom, we finally got details of our son's arrest. Dawson wouldn't even let my wife or I speak. He scolded both of us for not keeping better control of our son. However, what this idiot Dawson didn't know (and refused to let us tell him) was that my entire family was 400 miles away attending a family wedding on the day this crime occurred! We had the whole occasion on video, with photos, and receipts from our hotel! He detained our son for two weeks, while our private attorney pushed to get a motion hearing in front of this clown. In the end, we had our son's cased moved from Dawson's courtroom. With all of the overwhelming evidence that proved my son's innocence, the new judge tossed the case AND reprimanded the cop who arrested my son. Thankfully this incident didn't hurt my son's career, as he is no married, runs his own business, and is doing quite well. Dawson is the worst person to ever put on the robe.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD9034
Judge Dawson is allowing my son's mother to reside in another Country with a weekly rotation court order that he put in place and failed to hold her in contempt. He also denied my request to be placed on my son's birth certificate, while allowing my son's mother to obtain a passport without my knowledge or permission. He shows a strong bias towards me and strong favor towards my son's mother and doesn't give me a fair decision or fair argument no matter how much evidence of contempt I show.


Comment #: MD8433
Judge Dawson is a joke to the judicial system. They say you can’t sit as a juror and use emotion and bias to form your decision yet this man makes decisions that can ruin people’s lives solely based off of emotion and personal experiences. He’s ruined the lives of too many juveniles who were good students and made 1 small mistake. He’s given harsh sentences to kids and even held them longer than they’d even hold adults for minor offences. He’s found kids guilty of offences they did not commit with no evidence because he was in a bad mood when they plead not guilty. [Redacted by Editor]

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD8093
Needs to be off the bench. Ruins lives.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD7781
This man destroyed my family.
Allowed me to divorce my ex for prostitution in the presence of my children. Then made me spend 2 years in court trying to just see my daughters only to now for ten years never knowing them. Everything that could happen when a prostitute raise kids did happen. Then they made my father in law in charge of the Ethics Dept in Maryland. Thank you Sen. Mike Miller your law firm is Tops.
This Judge is for sale for sex workers


Comment #: MD5485
He should have never been allowed to sit on the bench and I'm asking everyone who can vote in the upcoming election to vote him out.


Comment #: MD3911
Rating:Not Rated

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD3877
Judge Dawson is a horrible judge. During settlement conference, he mentioned to opposing counsel (while referring to a partner of opposing counsel law firm) that "Tell Mr. XX that I will see him at the golf course later this weekend." This statement was said after he threatened to sanction me despite the fact that (by his own admission) he has not reviewed the case file.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD3703
Interesting New York Times Article about Judge Dawson that corroborates many of the posts on this web page.



Comment #: MD3636
How can this terror of a man be stopped?


Comment #: MD3036
This man appears to be basking in HIS OWN GLORY. He appears as though his interest is to appear quick witted and jovial with the court administrators and staff. He is prideful and bias in his rulings. If he is perturbed by procedural or human errors, then he has proven to be extremely harsh without regard for fact or reason presented before him. I have now lost complete faith and hope for Maryland's Justice system. This man appears to have a following of those who revere and dislike his actions in the court room, but that is exactly the travesty; JUDGE DAWSON SHOULD BE TRANSPARENT IN THE COURT ROOM, HIS FUDICIARY DUTY ALONE IS TO WEIGH AND MEASURE THE TRUTH AND APPLY IT TO THE PROCEDURES OF THE LAW OF OUR STATE AND COUNTRY. That is NOT what occurs on any given day when JUDGE DAWSON presides over the proceedings.


Comment #: MD2965
This Judge needs to be disbarred. He has no business sitting as a juvenile court judge. My son who is now 15 has been detained since he was 13 for his first offense. The central review committee and the department of juvenile services both recommended that my son be returned home stating that continuing to hold him and keep him away from his family was doing more harm than good. He still refused. My son has been detained for a year and a half for his FIRST offense no prior criminal history. My whole life has been disrupted. I can't sleep I am losing hair and have been diagnosed with depression. There definitely is something sinister about this man he is not here to help. There is strength in numbers we as a people can DEMAND change. My email is khogan755@gmail.com I am reaching out to the press, NAACP, ACLU and whoever else can assist. THIS MAN MUST GO

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD2784
Excellent Judge

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD2766
Worst judge. While attorneys are giving their arguments he interrupts them to have discussions with "audience" members he knows and/or county employees in the court room. After deciding several cases for me... he decided this past Friday that he didn't have jurisdiction. Just like that. Sent away b/c he can't, even though he just did 10 days before. He has reset hearings for one date, then when you get the notice in the mail its for another date.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD2684
Good Judge


Comment #: MD2228
I just read the Dec. 2013 comments, and they were fortunate that they did not see him at his worst, being disrespectful and not allowing testimony with facts that clear juveniles. He pre-judges and has his sentence ready before hearing the facts. I am certainly not saying that all juveniles are innocent, because some need help and direction. Unfortunately, my child was not allowed to have my testimony and printed factual evidence considered, and was sent to Cheltenham, disregarding his medical condition and innocence. Thankfully, the staff at Cheltenham were concerned enough that they independently kept him safe (he has a metal plate in his head from brain surgery), but the medical staff refused to give him proper name-brand medication for his seizures, even after being given documentation that generics were not effective. Imagine how I, as a parent, felt to visit him and see him have seizures due to generic medication. The female that made the accusation which caused his incarceration subsequently called him to apologize for the lie, and to tell him that she couldn't let the judge know or she would go to jail. The only good thing that came from this situation is that he is much more cautious of people, and more diligent about not being around people of suspect character.


Comment #: MD2227
Rating:Not Rated
I attended a drug court hearing with this judge, and it was a joke. He paid the kids to memorize poems by Langston Hughes. The kids pretty much played him and he allowed it -- for their repetitive and disrespectful behavior outside of the courtroom, which violates their "probation," Judge Dawson has done nothing. It is very unfortunate that he is an appointed judge, and not one that we as citizens can vote out of office.


Comment #: MD2226
Rating:Not Rated
My comment about Judge Dawson is that he is not strict enough. He and all judges make decisions based on the law, facts and credibility. People are accusing him of passing judgement on hearsay -- let me tell all of you something, because those who are complaining have to face Judge Dawson eventually for some reason or another. Facts speak for themselves, and so does Judge Dawson. You people need to know that when a law is broken, judgement is passed. Stop watching so much T.V. and thinking that because your child hung with the wrong crowd, or this is his/her first offense, that your child should walk. No, they should go to jail, just as the adults do that commit the same crime for the first time. As for the woman who stated that Judge Dawson kidnapped her children without any proof: you need to sit down because you sound like a fool. Your words may sound powerful enough for you to believe that lie. Show your fans your court case, and then let them determine if your kids were kidnapped. Overall, Judge Dawson has a boss, and if that boss thought that Judge Dawson was or is doing anything unlawful, he would be disbarred. I feel sorry for all of you, because I bet you and your children will be facing Judge Dawson again, only this time it will be for a new crime.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD2126
Could not Jack Johnson have delivered a more talented servant?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD2106
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Dawson really likes that he has this infamous reputation. However, he has a hard job to do. Which gives him no right to throw the book at juveniles as if he is perfect. I pity Judge Dawson because he has no real insight or discernment: he judges and rules on a whim, not by the facts of the case and not by the law.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD2081
Judge Dawson has prejudged several of the young men who came before him, the day my son appeared before him on 9/10/13. Several times he made the comment: "I am so tired of you guys coming in here." A kid accused my son of assault. The victim said that he picked my son out of a yearbook that he wasn't even in. But Judge Dawson said that the victim was more credible than my son. I think maybe because the victim's father had on a military uniform. I am a veteran myself; if he had asked, I would have told that. And maybe he would not have locked up my son, who had no prior criminal record.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD1871
Rating:Not Rated
If you believe that Judge Herman C. Dawson has done something bad against you, you can appeal your case to the Maryland Court of Special Appeals in Annapolis Maryland 410-260-1450. Then to the Maryland Court of Appeals. Then if nothing is done. To the United Sated Surpreme Court. They have packets that you can fill out so that your case can be heard.
None of us should allow Judge Herman C. Dawson to take our children and break laws. Fight for your rights. The United State Supreme Court can do something about Judge Dawson.
My email address is solomon482@aol.com
My name is Solomon
Judge Dawson abducted my children and put them in foster care without any evidence of abuse harm or neglect.

Robert C. Murphy Courts of Appeal Building
361 Rowe Boulevard
Annapolis, MD 21401
410-260-1500 • 800-926-2583 • TTY 410-260-1554
Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Fight back. Don't allow judges who are people to distroy you life.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD1870
Rating:Not Rated
To all that want to complain about Judge Herman C. Dawson. There is a place where you can go about judges who's conduct is bad.
100 Community Place Crownsville, Maryland 21032 phone number is 410-514-7044
You can tell these people if you believe any Judge has commited sanctionale conduct or if you belive a judge has a disability.
View Detail


Comment #: MD1853


Comment #: MD1709
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Herman Dawson has to be the worst judge in Prince George's county and in the state of Maryland. He very rude, unprofessional, and unfair. I was before him in a divorce case. Un- benounce to me, he prejudiced himself by accepting, reading, and filing a copy of a letter sent to him by my now ex-wife. He was suppose to send that letter back un-opened. I wondered at the time why was he coming down so hard on me? It was because he read and believed all the lies my ex- had written to him about me saying I was abusive, threatening and how "afraid" she was of me. I was none of that! She was the one physically attaching me! He ruled everything in her favor. He should be removed from the bench!!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD1612
Rating:Not Rated
Judge dawson need to know....that just because a child being accuse does not mean the child is from a bad home. Maybe at the time the child was involved in the situation, it was out of the control of the parent. And believe that behind the child getting accuse of what....that the parent will correct it to make sure it will not be a next time. Am speaking on good parents, and I no that am a great and wonderful mother.


Comment #: MD1577
I dont know judge Dawson. Yes he is a good judge he gets down to business with no mercy trying to teach trouble kids . As I sat in court and watch how most kids dont care. One kid name mikal was honest he stated "I was begin irresponsible, to me that was a start he could have lied and said I never receive the papers but he didn't his court date is in 2 more weeks I will be there to see the outcome but everyone deserves a second chance and 2 weeks in a detention center should give him time to think and understand he need be more responsible cause begin 18 you could do alot of time for begin irresponsible.


Comment #: MD1558
Rating:Not Rated
Dawson should NOT be allowed to practice family law. He is unprofessional, surly, and a misogynist. I have had to sit before him in a case involving my most precious gift- my daughter. My case was never heard. He ruled AGAINST the suggestion of the social worker of Prince George's court. I'm sorry to say, that Dawson is nothing but a reminder of the cronyism, male chauvinistic, ill-run, ALL Black broke as a joke, "PG" county. I can say this as a Black female that has lived momentarily in PG county and now in Calvert County (a way better system). Dawson represents the best and worst of PG county-- because there is no "best". The reason the county is broke and corrupt is because of "men" (and I use that term loosely) such as Dawson and the likes of Jack Johnson (which the two are close friends-- do the research). From the county government, court system, and school system. PG County is the absolute worst. Dawson epitomizes the effects of continued nepotism, social promotion, and mismanagement that PG is notorious for. I am not a native of this county (thank goodness) but I have lived there long enough to know -- enough is enough!!! People need to stand up and stand against the corruption of this county-- starting with the corrupt judges that are in office. Take a stand! Speak up and speak out!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD1556
Rating:Not Rated
A petty tyrant if there was ever

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD1550
He is the worst judge ever. A judge is supposed to hear both sides then make a decision after. That is the oath he is to uphold. I want to know who is his boss (everyone has a boss) and how do they allow this to continue to go on. I have read all of the comments about him and wonder why is allowed to continue to judge over children. I teach my children to respect the law and athority. I explain the roll of a judge. When they saw him in action it was the complete opposite. I think he needs to go back to school, read the bible more, or something to get back to doing what a judge is indended to do. (hear both sides and then make a decision)


Comment #: MD1549
Rating:Not Rated
He is the worst judge ever. A judge is supposed to hear both sides then make a decision after. That is the oath he is to uphold. I want to know who is his boss (everyone has a boss) and how do they allow this to continue to go on. I have read all of the comments about him and wonder why is allowed to continue to judge over children. I teach my children to respect the law and athority. I explain the roll of a judge. When they saw him in action it was the complete opposite. I think he needs to go back to school, read the bible more, or something to get back to doing what a judge is indended to do. (hear both sides and then make a decision)


Comment #: MD1453
This man is a monster, plain and simple. Not much different than the ones we were scared of when we were children. But this one is real and he doesn't seem to go away. The few times I have been in court, he is always the one presiding. Aren't there any more judges? It turns me off from wanting to fight my case because he is sexist and whenever I leave there I feel like ive been raped, assaulted (which it really is a form of that) and taken advantage of. He talks down to women, treats us like we're newborns or dummies and the men love it, why wouldnt they? They've won before its time to deliberate on the case. Sometimes I wonder why we women even bother. Why take a man to court. We may get the child support but in a case of him being told that the father is abusive and you would like supervised visitation, even for a little while, this high and mighty man denies it and then has to deal with the fallout once whet you said really happens. That is, if everyone survives to return to court. It might be dangerous out there, but its also dangerous in Judge Dawson court. You could have all the evidence in the world but if you're a woman, forget about it! And it also appears that the attorneys for the women know this and don't even fight for the women. Its just another situation of "the ole boys club " mentality. So ladies, if you really want a fighting chance fair and square, win or lose, definitely try and get a new venue, just like I will be seeking. When will this man be retiring? Anyone else has to be fairer than this sexist. I wonder if hes married because I read that judges like than like to be emasculated after hours. Well, it sure doesn't do anything to his personality. Hes still the monster in the closet.


Comment #: MD1289
Judge Herman Dawson is one of the most pompous and egotistical judges that I have ever seen or heard in my life. I have not been in court very much, but my experience with him as a plaintiff in a family court matter gives me some idea to believe that the comments about him-especially in matters where women are involved, is absolutely right. He is untimely for court appearances, unprofessional, and uses the courtroom as stand-up comedy act. He is insensitive in matters of family court and champion’s dead-beat dads. He does NOT listen to evidence or inquire about situations with families. He is a large part of why the judicial system in Prince George’s county is so corrupt. He should be disbarred. I would advocate for any woman who had an encounter with him in the courtroom where they felt they were not listened to, ridiculed, or chastised to immediately report him to the Maryland Commission on Judicial Disabilities. It is time for to be taken off of the bench.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD1288
Judge Herman Dawson is one of the most pompous and egotistical judges that I have ever seen or heard in my life. I have not been in court very much, but my experience with him as a plaintiff in a family court matter gives me some idea to believe that the comments about him-especially in matters where women are involved, is absolutely right. He is untimely for court appearances, unprofessional, and uses the courtroom as stand-up comedy act. He is insensitive in matters of family court and champion’s dead-beat dads. He does NOT listen to evidence or inquire about situations with families. He is a large part of why the judicial system in Prince George’s county is so corrupt. He should be disbarred. I would advocate for any woman who had an encounter with him in the courtroom where they felt they were not listened to, ridiculed, or chastised to immediately report him to the Maryland Commission on Judicial Disabilities. It is time for to be taken off of the bench.


Comment #: MD1243
Judge Dawson feels it appropriate to call out defendants in the court room prior to their turn before the bench and put them on the spot talking about their personal business. It is humiliating and unnecessary. He also discusses personal business of the prosecutors and attorneys which has nothing to do with the case before him. Wastes too much time, is arrogant and does not listen to what the juvenile says without trying to be amusing with his comments.


Comment #: MD1214
I think Judge Dawson is excellent jurist. He seems to be no nonsense but well thought and reasonable and fair person.


Comment #: MD1054
Judge Herman Dawson is rude and unprofessional. His comments to female attorneys and staff are unprofessional to say the least. He should not be allowed to preside over any juvenile case as he does not read background information provided and makes decisions before he hears the facts. If you are not saying what he wants to hear or you challenge him you can be sure your child is going to Cheltenham whether guilty or not. He arrived at court an hour late and then took up unnecessary time with inappropriate (he thought amusing) comments to attorneys and prosecutors. Children's welfare it the least of his concern.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD1052
Judge Herman Dawson is a bumbling idiot who knows nothing about the law except how to legally abuse it. He has put up this fascde to suggest that he cares about our young people and minor children but instead treats them as if they are the scum of the earth. Judge Dawson's own son stay in trouble with the law and Judge Dawson manages to cover his son's criminal acts. I have found when you challenge him (which we did) he holds a gudge and no matter what the circumstances he still rules against you. Why does the citizens of Prince Georges County have to put up with a judge who abuses his power all because he has the power to do so and he knows no one will challenge him including the judicial committee.


Comment #: MD1050
Judge Herman Dawson is by far one of the most unproffesional Judges I have ever encountered. He claims to be helping our juveniles in Prince George's County but seems to get a kick out of locking them up, belittling families, talking down upon you and showing no respect to the human race. People fear him and are scared to challenge him but when you do, he shuts you down so the truth behind the juvenile system is not heard, These juveniles are not getting the rehabilitation they need to be productuive citizens once returned to their communities.They become so institutionalized for petty crimes like fighting in school its hard for them to adapt oncve released. It is a money making business off of these kids.He does not want to help, please don't be fooled by the positive comments about this idiot!!!He is rude, non-caring and just cares about his reputation.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD1004
In juvenile, he means well. truly wants to help the kids

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD866
I have heard him in juvenile and family court as he talks down to children and counsel(believes he is the savior to the african american race) and he tends to take that attitude to counsel in other areas of law (his extreme rudeness). He clearly shows favorites and is one of the worst judges in that circuit court. He was arrested some years ago for disturbing the peace and told the police "do you know who I am -- I am a judge." They promptly arrested him -- he had been drinking and disturbing others in the bar. He has the "big head."

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD694
This joker is UNBELIEVABLE. A complete lunatic in the courtroom. He might amuse himself while he is making his self-aggrandizing remarks and compliments to his female staffers, but to everyone trying to carry on official courthouse business it is nothing more than an abomination. Boy, he just thinks he is the greatest thing since sliced bread.......this one needs a reality check BIG TIME. This is a profession, folks, and the Judges need to play the part, act the part, BE a professional, and the like. Not with this one, though. He obviously won't do right until he gets the wake-up call that a state judgeship is not a lifetime appointment.......

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD340
He is great in juvenile and domestic cases. As for foreclosure cases, he understands the dynamics of the trustees and the borrowers and despite being overwhelmed by the sheer number of cases I believe that he does a good job.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD178
One of the worst judges on the bench. I sat in his courtroom for an emergency TRO and witnessed his extremely rude behavior towards several women seeking relief. He is a very poor reflection on the Prince George's County bench.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD143
He is great in juvenile and domestic cases but terrible in anything else.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD96
The worst judge that I've seen in a while. In one case, he did not even take the time to understand which litigants he had before him. The Court of Special Appeals has sanctioned him in the past and his record toward female litigants is sad.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD30
He seems pretty sharp. He saw through some fairly weak testimony in a domestic violence case.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD27
Awful. Makes no secret as to who he favors in any litigation. Smartest guy he ever met.