Hon. Lawrence V. Hill, Jr. See Rating Details
Circuit Judge
Circuit Court
Prince George's County
7th Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.4 - 12 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 10 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Lawrence V. Hill, Jr.


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD9440
If a prosecutor could look into his custody cases, they would see he only has given full custody to men. His prejustice against women [Redacted by Ed.]

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD9399
Lawrence Hill of Upper Marlboro stated in court that he will always deny joint custody and give full custody to any FEDERAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE. Who is going to make him stop doing this to citizens who have private employers????????


Comment #: MD9279
Judge Hill is a lazy sack of crap. He is part of the reason why Prince George's County has become a cesspool of rampant crime. That's why I am leaving Prince George's County. I'm tired of being a crime victim. And don't even get me started about Aisha Braveboy.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD9128
~I had an opportunity to sit in on a hearing Judge Hill conducted. It was supposed to be a trial but the parties had many pre-trial matters to discuss. Judge Hill went above and beyond to resolve all matters with an extraordinary amount of patience. He even was transparent with the jury and made sure everyone was aware of what was going on. He diligently researched law on the spot and heard arguments from both sides fairly. I hope to one day have Judge Hill assigned to one of my cases. His demeanor, candor and demonstrated commitment to getting to the bottom of things without seeking a shortcut was refreshing.


Comment #: MD8483
u might possibly be prosecuted along with the 2 lawyers that were just disbarred due to fraud and deception in your personal courtroom. Thats means fbi looking. Jackson has the case against the lawyers in question.


Comment #: MD8174
Rating:Not Rated
Honorable he is not. He seems to make his judgment based on his personal feelings. He comes across as a woman hater. Black woman hater. Or he just hates himself. In abscence of any evidence i was forced to send my daughter across the country to spend 1 month with her abusive father.that was the worst summer of her life,she was exposed to things that will haunt her forever. She began cutting and has spent years in therapy. If you see this judge name be ready to be ruled against unfairly.


Comment #: MD8074
Rating:Not Rated
To follow up on my previous comment, this judge based his decision on a standard that would require an assailant to say to his victim "I am executing you because you are a dark complected individual who did not acquiesce to my order to move left". Obviously a ridiculous and unobtainable standard. The fact of a high blood alcohol level preventing intentionality is also absurd. One can have an intention in mind before consuming alcohol and still complete the action; it does not require that the perpetrator necessarily try to conceive of the action while under the influence of alcohol. There was clear and substantive evidence that this defendant engaged in his action and chose his victim on his pre-existing prejudice and bias, even if alcohol was a factor as an accelerant.


Comment #: MD6656
The judge failed to file any sanctions or penaluties against my ex husband who has withheld my daughters from seeing me for over a year, despite a court order the judge himself wrote granting every other weekend visitation. My lawyer properly file the Motions for Show Cause and Petition of Visitation Violation, as my lawyers always have the last three years. The judge told my lawyer he would never have a hearing. Guess he threw it away, but it exists in the file so we will take it to federal courts.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: MD6356
The COSA just affirmed an order judge hill entered imposing supervised visitation against a highly dangerous mother. She appealed alleging prejudice against her, but the COSA saw right through it.

Kudos to Hill and the COSA.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD6321
The worse Judge in PG County who, when he puts his personal interests in a case, it means teenagers never see a parent again, and he does not give teenagers their right to testify, which is so wrong. Be careful if you have to go in front of this person.

Court Staff

Comment #: MD6086
Great judge and a great man. He is especially great in family law cases. For him the best interests of children always comes first.


Comment #: MD6066
This judge is a horrible judge of character. Even when the evidence is presented to him in open court on malfeasance and lying inder oath on the stand, he lets it go and doesnt let both sides try their cases. Its been 16 months since he has allowed a mother to try her case on visitation contempt of the father withholding 100% rights to see her kids. He only allows the father his rights to a trial for the father's claims, thats why he has been appealed four times in one case and the appellate court rules against his poor judgement of character. When men lie under oath on the stand and the judge knows it and has proof of it, the judge hmself is just a horrible politician, not a judicious upkeeper of justice and fairness. Will that mother I heard about ever get her due process rights to a hearing?


Comment #: MD6065
Rating:Not Rated
Witness to judge several times in court disregards his oath of office, always willing to help a criminal attorney defeat justice sits on benches which he does not have an oath of office to deprive citizens of their legal right to honest services by the Maryland court system even after being informed PS no legal jurisdiction judge denies to recuse himself furthering criminal activities of his court insiders.

I have personally filed civil rights complaint against this judge on behalf of other victims with the United States Department of Justice and FBI which should be public record for failure to prevent child abuse and neglect and encouraging the criminal misconduct of abuses male parent terrorizing the families.,


Comment #: MD6062
This man is an excellent judge of character. He knows how to handle psycho litigants who mentally abuse their children by coaching them to file false reports of abuse against the father. Just because someone is in the ACP program DOES NOT mean they are a victim of abuse. Anyone can get an ACP address...just fill out some forms. The only thing he has done wrong to date is not locking her up for her multiple contempts, but that day should be coming soon.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD5913
Recuse him. Just a political monster out to destroy one parent to gain political points with the other.


Comment #: MD5749
Once this judge picks a side, no matter what facts, testimony or bad actions one of the parent's has done to the other parent, he won't hear it. The Judge will not allow both sides arguments be litigated, just the side he wants to hear. You can't get a fair trial as a parent if he already signed up for one side long ago. He needs to learn when he needs to remove himself from certain cases because he is biased to the aggressive parent. It only hurts the children when judge's can't be nuetral like they are supposed to be.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: MD5699
Judge Lawrence V Hill is thick headed and stubborn. Once he targets a victim litigant, he wil file order after order on her. One mother attempted to commit suicide after tgis Judge would not let us on her. He took everything from her because the father's lawyers he saw as people he wanted to get in with politically and woukd not listen to anyone but the father's attorneys. Any further damages to children running away from the father's home or getting beat or the mother's suicide happening because of this Judge encouraging abuse on women and girls rather than stopping it, a huge Supreme Court Suit awaits him. I am the relative of the victim. I will be suing him personally when that day comes. He offers no protection in white collar cases.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD5417
This judge does not belong on the bench. His prejudices came through from the beginning to the end. Even with judicial complaints (which the judge acknowledged) he still heard the case and ruled against the mother suspending her regular access in the favor of supervised visits.


Comment #: MD4723
Judge Hill is young, naive and doesnt understand Appellate courts rulings. He ignores child abuse and quickly sides with prior judges - even if the judge had been "remanded" or deemed incompetent who work in PG County in order to get in with his peer group in his local courthouse. He does not care about kids and should not be working with them at all. He is a narcissist.


Comment #: MD4521
I have never in my life seen a judge look bored the whole entire length of the trial day; actually putting his face on the palm of his hand, repeatedly asking, "are you done?", and looking at you tube videos during the testimony. When he realized 2 people saw him watching you tube videos, he finally stopped.
I think he was so bored that he began helping out the opposing side by asking questions for them.
it was absolutely appalling ...I have never witnessed such horrifying biased in the courtroom!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD4448
Intelligent, efficient, experienced, hard working, polite and an all around good guy.

Judge Hill is well rounded and someone you can count on.

It is refreshing that he will put in the extra effort to make sure he is making the correct decision.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD4343
Judge Hill is another example of the degree to which the appointment system is broken. He lacks any ability whatsoever to grasp basic points of constitutional law, he can read but not understand meaning or context, he can not for the life of himself get the point. What I saw was a judge who seemed distracted, almost to degree of ADD, during some of most important parts of a felony trial. He wouldn't even bother to look at exhibits or the witnesses while they were testifying. At the end, he just came up with a few wild conclusion that seemed disconnected from the evidence that was presented. Nice enough guy, just not competent.


Comment #: MD4207
He seemed quite uninterested in the family law cases. And in fact was rude to one of the attornies. He yawned , swayed in his chair , and was condescending. So much so that I am writing my state representative about his poor attitude.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD4189
Judge Hill is an great new addition to the Prince George's County bench. He is fair, punctual, calm, no-nonsense, and friendly to litigants as well as attorneys. He has a strong grasp on the law and applies it evenly between plaintiffs and defendants.