Hon. Paul G. Goetzke See Rating Details
Circuit Judge
Circuit Court
Anne Arundel County
5th Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   5.3 - 36 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 20 rating(s)
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General Rating Criteria

* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Paul G. Goetzke


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD7472
DB (Comment #: MD7471), Spend less time on this site and more time on your rumored Attorney Grievance charges. You should also spend time learning how to try a case, something you have never done.


Comment #: MD7189
Not sure if this is true, but a friend of mine once told me that he had a relative whose neighbor once saw this jurist's van with a bumper sticker that said, "My son EpiPenned your Honor Student".

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD7072
Rating:Not Rated
Good riddance. I hope the brakes fail on his wheelchair and he rolls into heavy traffic.


Comment #: MD7040
For 1 hour hearing, took excess of 8 months to issue ruling that he did not have jurisdiction on 3 of 7 motions. On appeal, when asked about missing 4 rulings, reply was that should assume denied if he fails to rule. For a civil hearing, in which you are sworn in under penalty of perjury, he ruled that he did not have option to pursue a charge of perjury. He also ruled that he has no control over the content of (his) court's docket. Clerk had deleted and altered the Information Report listing lower court clerk as a co-defendant for negligence, but that apparently was not an issue. COSA mediation discussion was interesting, but cannot be shared. Sadly, after the 8 month wait, a single page arrived in the mail stating his denial, with instructions to see the attached opinion. How does one file a timely appeal when no opinion is actually issued? The entire process showed gross negligence in the court system of Anne Arundel County wherein the focus seemed more to protect fellow members of the judiciary the to acknowledge or expose negligence in the lower court.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD6928
I used to believe in the judiciary branch but stop until I met judge Paul G. Goetzke. This judge is bias, light on facts and the law. A judge's ability to perform his job should be evaluated.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD6835
For a judge who wrote an op ed piece on the legitimacy of the Dred Scott decision, he should have never made it pass the judicial nomination committee. What an incompetent committee. Look at what they have done to our judiciary. Hogan’s picks on the bench are no better. Fire the governor and the committee.


Comment #: MD6832
Custody case, my daughter was 13 when this started (14 now). I had two therapist (one was ordered by this judge) that both testify to parental alienation and that the mother has major issues with my daughter and that she should not be with the mother fulltime. The Best Interest attorney agreed with the therapist. My daughter does not want to return to her mother. After the judges initial rulling my daughter tried to take her own life. We filed a motion to reconsider and the judge ordered 7 month sworth of Reunification therapy. The therpaist said the mother is not taking it serious and she has major issues with my daughter and that the daughter should not go back to the normal 50/50 schedule and instead should live with the dad. There was no one helping the mothers defense. The judge still rulled to keep the schedule 50/50 even though he was the one that ordered the therapy and he had the audacity to question weather my daughter really did try to commit suicide or not. He is a horrible judge and he obviously does not care if his actions caused my daughter to almost kill herself!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD6613
He'd get all zeros if possible. Since the removal of Robert Nalley, he is the worst judge in the state. NOt only should he be removed, he should be disbarred. Arrogant, incompetent and regular fraudulent comments front he bench. He is of no redeeming value as a judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD6607
My personal experience with Judge Goetzke has been confusing at best. His competence seems to be deteriorating, I believe he is a smart man however his personal judgements in a case interfere with his ability to be objective and fair. I understand his disability can be trying for him and empathize with his condition. Being a judge is demanding and probably takes its toll on him. However my experience thus far has proven to be motivated by his personal opinion instead of proven facts and the law. I'm not sure if he simply doesn't care about the parties involved or if he's just bored but I don't think he realizes the impact his rulings have on the families that go before him. I was under the impression Judges were meant to be fair and just in accordance to the law when two parties are unable to agree on something. Time is the one thing that can not be replaced there are no sanctions to remedy that. Based on Judge Goetzke's inability to separate personal beliefs and the law families will continue to suffer, children will suffer, and the family dynamics are left far worse than when they started. If he has anything resembling a conscience he would retire and enjoy his life instead of making careless rulings that destroy others.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD6326
Judge Goetzke is thorough in questioning to get all the facts. Brilliant man.


Comment #: MD6293
Judge Goetzke is pro-father no matter if he has evidence that there is psychological abuse and physical abuse from the father; makes prejudicial comments towards litigants; can be seen as a bully on the bench. It's sad that families have been torn apart; fathers have been given an abuse pass and no testimony is really heard because he seems to have already made up his mind before he approaches the bench.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD6285
Good judicial demeanor. A little light on the law. Relatively speaking, not a bad trial judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD5870
Oh dear. He should retire.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD4109
Not sure about the negative posts. I've only appeared before Judge Goetzke twice: first time was a civil case where he ruled against my client, second time was a criminal jury trial. I've found him to be completely fair, an able jurist, and a gentleman to speak with both in chambers and at the bench. True, he has some issues allowing attorneys to make a record on objections, but he's also fairly hands-off and lets counsel try their cases with a reasonable amount of discretion. I don't have a bad thing to say about this judge.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD2862
Rating:Not Rated
Wrong lawyer. Keep trying though.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD2861
PS, You may want to check your firewall settings.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD2860
Wrong again. I was opposing counsel from your (unsuccessful) money grab. You, your case, and the jury, not the judge, were your problem. You may remember that I had no problem with any of them. See you soon.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD2859
Evidently, someone cannot handle dissent, and therein lies the problem. He's a poor judge, and everyone knows it. His staff and the judge himself can deflect with self-promotion all they like and the 10 ratings, yet he remains a poor judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD2857
Sounds like somebody lost their case. I appear in 3C regularly find Judge Goetzke's willingness to allow counsel to argue evidentiary issues, refreshing, not an indication that he does not grasp the rules of evidence. Not the best, but far from the worst.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD2853
I have conducted many cases in front of this jurist, and can say affirmatively that he is the worst judge I have ever seen in Maryland at any level. His grasp of evidence is non-existent, he is petty in that he takes his personal dislikes against counsel out on their client(s), he lacks the mental acuity for the position, and his rulings are constantly being over-turned. Avoid him at all costs if possible.

Court Staff

Comment #: MD2387
The last 3 posts on this judge, all 1 star with negative comments, were obviously posted by the same unhappy person. They were all posted w/in a few minutes at 6 AM.


Comment #: MD2373
As a defendant in a few cases with this judge he showed no compassion or sympathy to my situation which i came in to have resolved, he was very unprofessional, very biased toward the plantiff

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD2372
no comment

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD2333
I fully agree with the comments of MD2145 and MD1797.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD2322
This is the worst judge that I've ever been in front of. He stated on the record that he was contemptuous of my client (a civil defendant), and then said that he would recuse himself if I wished, but that he felt he could be fair. My mistake was believing him. During the course of the trial, Judge Goetzke did not allow me to question witnesses, refused to allow me to make my record, disallowed use of deposition testimony as impeachment (for me only, not for the plaintiff's counsel), made objections on behalf of plaintiff's counsel and otherwise assisted plaintiff's counsel in the litigation of his case, chastised me for making proper objections (which he sustained!), and even interrupted me during my closing argument. Not to mention he tried to bully me into settling during pre-trial conferences, despite a legitimate liability dispute. Despite his railroading, the jury came back in my favor in less than ten minutes. In his defense, Judge Goetzke did apologize for "judging too quickly," a.k.a. doing the opposite of what a judge is supposed to do. I'm only thankful that he committed all of these offenses on the record so that I have a record of it. I'm not sure how he got on the bench, but Maryland will be a better place when he retires.

Court Staff

Comment #: MD2264
Judge Paul Goetzke is no more qualified to be a judge than an orangutan. After breaking his neck and becoming a quadriplegic, he was "given" a seat as a judge by "running" with a more qualified teammate.


Comment #: MD2145
Rating:Not Rated
He is horrible, and clearly should not be on the bench. Thankfully, the appellate court saw all of his errors and reversed his insane decisions.


Comment #: MD1797
Rating:Not Rated
Commentor # MD1277 below is stalking this site with repeated one star ratings. 11 have been posted in the 10 month since her 1st. In the 4 1/2 years before it, there were a total of 4.


Comment #: MD1781
66.7% of Goetzke's decisions are reversed by an appeals court.

Court Staff

Comment #: MD1778
One of the most unqualified and lazy Judges on the bench. Shouldn't be in the position that he has been given. I see litigants lives destroyed on a daily basis due to his ignorance and lack of common sense.

If you're looking for Goetzke and you can't find him it's probably because he's on an another hour and a half lunch break or because he went home early, again.

While not everyone can be as good as Silkworth, I can only hope they can't be half as bad as Goetzke.

Court Staff

Comment #: MD1776
One of the most unqualified and lazy Judges on the bench. Shouldn't be in the position that he has been given. I see litigants lives destroyed on a daily basis due to his ignorance and lack of common sense.

If you're looking for Goetzke and you can't find him it's probably because he's on an another hour and a half lunch break or because he went home early, again.

While not everyone can be as good as Silkworth, I can only hope they can't be half as bad as Goetzke.


Comment #: MD1771
Judge Goetzke makes a mockery of the judicial system. His lack of understanding of the law coupled with his inability to accurately and fairly utilize case law and common sense is horrifying.

Goetzke was elected because he ran on the same Republican ticket as another, more qualified Judge. He was put on that ticket as a favor to a certain group of people that are part of the "Good Ol' Boy" network within Annapolis and the State.

Countless attorneys and their clients have been negatively affected by this Judge and his affiliation to this "network". More than a few attorneys fear confronting the Honarable Paul Goetzke as the livelihood of their careers can be severely impacted by his scorn.

This, in and of itself, goes against the basic tenants of the Judiciary. Allowing this man, his corruption, his inability to perform and his "Thanks for the Job" modus operandi is a disgrace to our constitution.

Something must be done to stop The Honorable Paul G. Goetzke.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD1768
Perhaps one of the most incompetent human beings to have ever worn the robe. It is a sad day for those of us who stand before him.


Comment #: MD1732
Judge Goetzke is not capable of performing the basic duties of his position. His lack of experience, knowledge of the law and on record statements and actions make him a liability.

The Honorable Paul G. Goetzke will no doubt read this message and post a reply "upping" his own ranking on this site. It is clear that his actions, even on this very website, are in direct violation of the code of conduct that every judge must follow.

Do your research on Judge Goetzke and you be the "Judge". What you find may shock you.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD1684
A lot of people say bad things about Judge Goetzke, but I think he is much smarter and more fair than many think. He is a bit slow to get on the bench and takes a long time to get opinions out, but he usually gets it right in civil cases. A lot of disgruntled litigants just don't like his decisions, but they are usually in the wrong and hoped to put one over on someone.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD1660
For attorneys - Judge Goetzke has run a relaxed courtroom each time I've been before him. Patient with young lawyers. Accomodating. Went off the bench to look at law. I had negligence cases and can't speak to pre-2008 or what "Others" feel about their case.


Comment #: MD1632
Judge Goetzke is arrogant and disrespectful to all parties in the courtroom. He interrupted attorneys almost constantly and coopted the examination witnesses. Absolutely shocking behavior by a judge. He had to be instructed on points of law by the attorneys. It scares me that people's lives are being decided by this man. (I agree with earlier statements that the responses look fishy. Seems very coincidental that there is a tit-for-tat response to any negative comment.)


Comment #: MD1628
Interesting. Looks as if there is an immediate positive comment to every negative comment about Goetzke. Look at the number of comments he has compared to other judges. If you remove the positive comments he would be ranked as one of the worst judges on this site.

I wonder if that's Goetzke himself? I wonder what the leaders of his political party would say about his actions? I wonder if anyone that represents the rights of those less fortunate will find his actions interesting and actionable?

At a minimum, this man should be removed from public office at the risk of further embarrassing not only himself but the constitution and common sense.


Comment #: MD1626
Rating:Not Rated
Mr. K. (## 1614 and 1625),

I am sorry if you are disappointed by the outcome of your custody case, but judges are required to consider parents’ residences in determining where it is in their child’s best interest to live.

If a parent lives in an area plagued by crime, the court must consider that fact. It does not make him a racist.


Comment #: MD1614
Goetzke is intellectually impaired when it comes to performing his functions as a judge. He has made racist and prejudicial comments on record and has no grasp of the law.

His improper conduct has currently put him in front of the Judicial Disabilities Committee for investigation as several public opinions are being filed based on his bias and racist comments.


Comment #: MD1541
Very attentive and focused on making correct rulings.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD1439
The last post clearly came from a person, probably unrepresented, who lost a case. Judge Goetzke is extremely capable.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD1409
Allowing this man to be a Judge is offensive to the principle of common sense. He appears to have obtained his law degree off the back of a pack of matches! He is unable to apply the Rules of Civil Procedures in his Court Room. He is fundamentally inept in the law arena. He seems to believe that because he has the title of Judge that he has no accountability, he his very sorely mistaken. We do not need any more clowns in our system of jurisprudence. He most assuredly, decides cases not on merit but from his own personal opinion. It is quite alarming that people of this caliber are in such positions.


Comment #: MD1314
Rating:Not Rated
The judge was very rude and did not listen to testimony but instead talked to the clerk during my testimony. He allowed the plantiff to testify and everything that happened before the child was born. He made a decision when the defendent testified that we could only go back two years. The child in question was only three. The mother drank during her pregnancy and he did want to hear about it. He even thought one of the defendant's witnesses was the plantiff's. He was on the plantiff's side because of his Catholic schooling and the plantiff's grandfather was a principal at a Catholic high school. He even stated that the defendants house was not as "superior" as the plantiff because we only had one bathroom. This Judge was a joke and should be removed. I don't care if he is in a wheelchair. I am working with a reporter from a major newspaper to develope this story as the child grows up. Hopefully the father will have a different judge whe he files for custody in the future. He does not care if purgery is committed and proven over four times. Are we still in the United States of America or do we abide by the law this judge makes up!!!! Definately pro Catholic and pro Mother!!! If you can get another judge. Unfortunately it is the children that suffer. I plan to make him responsible for everything and make the media aware of his predjudice against fathers,


Comment #: MD1312
I agree with the public trust people, this judge has a great haircut. He deserves a 10 !


Comment #: MD1277
This judge is the worst. Not only did he discriminate the job of my fiance (he is a firefighter) and make many unnecessary comments regarding the City of Annapolis ON RECORD, he completely dismissed every criminial infraction of the other party, and there are MANY! He awarded child support based on the other party having no income, which she stated on record she was working full time, provided no calculations on how he came to such an absurd number, came to a shared physical custody agreement that disrupts his childs schedule by changing homes in the middle of the school week and also keeps him from his brother and step brother. He did not let our lawyer provide opening OR closing statements and cut us off before we were done presenting evidence. Bottom line, this judge doesn't care what is right. He should NOT be allowed to hear custody or child support cases! If he doesn't like you or what you do, he has it out for you. Now I personally know why he is the most appealed judge!


Comment #: MD1254
Very considerate of litigants.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: MD1150
Have had several difficult cases before J. goetzke and believe he one of best on bench. A little late on the bench sometimes, but that's it.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: MD1082
If you are prepared to try your case, know what you are doing, and don't waste time, he is one of the best. J. Goetske is courteous, relaxed, and accommodating. The mean-spirited, juvenile statements below sound like they were made by disappointed parties or lawyers who just didn't do well in court.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD761

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD721
If Goetzke isn't retarded, he is certainly border line. He is as stupid as he is mean. He rolls onto the bench whenever he feels like it, but holds people in contempt for being late. He is pro-State and won't give any defendant a fair trial. No one takes him seriously. He got on the bench through demagoging. He shouldn't be a judge, he should be in a nursing home. He can't take notes on issues. He falls asleep on the bench. He is often confused and just sides with the State because it is easier. The only advantage is that he is often overturned and reversible error is always better than a fair trial.


Comment #: MD707
Pre Judges his case, has his mind made up before viewing evidence, rules by intimidation. The worst Judge ever!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD706
He got on the bench by promising to lock everyone up. He has not broken his promise, but you will get a fair trial.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD698
I find the judge to be very respectful to counsel and parties. He listens to the evidence, asks appropriate questions, and listens to argument of counsel. If he is not familiar with the applicable law, he will question counsel and then do his own research. His opinions appear to be reasonable.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD535
The judge makes up his mind before any evidence is presented and bars the side he has decided should lose from presenting the most basic evidence/testimony in support of their position. In family law cases, I have had him order child support/alimony that exceeds what the paying party receives in net income, forcing him into homelessness. I have seen him make "medical findings" based solely on the party's testimony that they are "permanently disabled" without any support MD testimony or even official documents in support of this position. When urged to review legal decisions that support a position he doesn't like, he refuses to even take copies (when proffered) so he could consider whether there was legal precedent in support of a party's position.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD341
I agree that he seems to pre-judge his cases. If you get on his bad side at the beginning of the case or are contrary to this pre-judged position, no matter how good of a case you have, you're done for. One of the worst judges I have tried a civil case before in the state for matters outside of his realm of expertise.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD317
Seems to pre-judge his cases. Although he gives the appearance of attentiveness, when the opinion is issued the points of legal arguments seem to be lost on him if he is unfamiliar with an area of law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD264
Understood a complex legal issue very quickly. Listened attentively to a long legal argument and asked very good questions.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD63
Made a difficult but legally correct ruling in a complex pre-trial motion.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD13
Rarely on the bench. Intellectually lazy. Does not know the law, either civil or criminal. Has had more three-judge panels than all other AA judges combined. Hands down, the worst.