Mississippi Judges - Last Name G

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NameTitleCourtJudicial DistrictCountyRate this JudgeRating# of Ratings
Hon. Deborah GambrellJudge Chancery 12thForrest 0
Hon. Thomas GardnerJudge Circuit 1stLee 0
Hon. John GargiuloJudge Circuit 2ndHarrison 1
Hon. Marcus GordonJudge Circuit 8thNewton 0
Hon. Janace Harvey GoreeJudge Chancery 21stHolmes 0
Hon. William GowanJudge Circuit 7thHinds 0
Hon. John GrantJudge Chancery 20thRankin 1
Hon. Tomie GreenJudge Circuit 7thHinds 1
Hon. Jim GreenleeJudge Court of Appeals 7thHinds 0
Hon. John GregoryJudge Circuit 3rdChickasaw 0
Hon. T. Kenneth Griffis, Jr.Presiding Judge Court of Appeals 7thHinds 0