New York Judges - Last Name Z

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NameCourtCountyTownRate this JudgeRating# of Ratings
Hon. Barbara Gunther Zambelli Supreme Court Westchester 5.22
Hon. Barbara Gunther Zambelli County Court Westchester  1
Hon. Charles Zambito County Court Genesee  0
Hon. Stephanie Zaro Criminal Court Queens  0
Hon. Stephanie Zaro Criminal Court Queens 6.73
Hon. Joseph Zayas Criminal Court Queens 4.12
Hon. Jeffrey Zellan Civil Court Bronx  0
Hon. Alex Zigman Criminal Court Queens 6.02
Hon. Hope Schwartz Zimmerman Family Court Nassau 2.1137
Hon. Jeffrey Zimmerman Criminal Court Queens  0
Hon. John Zoll Supreme Court Queens 9.65
Hon. John Zoll Supreme Court Queens  0
Hon. Evan Zuckerman District Court Suffolk  0
Hon. David S. Zuckerman County Court Westchester 9.35
Hon. Thomas Zugibe Supreme Court Rockland  0
Hon. Henry Zwack Court of Claims Rensselaer  0
Hon. James Zweibel Supreme Court (Criminal) New York   0
Hon. Ronald Zweibel Supreme Court (Criminal) New York   0
Hon. Ronald Zweibel Supreme Court (Criminal) New York  1.521