Hon. Nilda Morales Horowitz See Rating Details

Supreme Court
Westchester County
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.1 - 4 rating(s)
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What others have said about Hon. Nilda Morales Horowitz



Comment #: NY12722
Rating:Not Rated
I wish I had judge Horrowitz to deal with My Case and False Allegations I have had put on me The Continuous Lies .I rather have a Straight forward Based on Facts Judge that can See through the Lies ind Flaws in this System than have some lawyers she plays Golf with and Leans on their side.Its not about me it's for the Safety and we'll upringing of my kids and Yes infidelity at one time was considered a crime but these judges and lies in Court are never Correctly Over looked but rather favored .You get pulled over for drunk driving you have to take a test .you murder someone they ask you for a lie detector test.You take a lie Detector Test on your own Cognance base on False Accusations and and Clear with No Deception ? And the judge says it's not Admissable??? Judge Horrowitz please look help me in this Matter ???
But the OPPOSING side refuses to take the test ??? But they want to Be Acknowledged


Comment #: NY12717
doesn't even listen to your case, just dismisses the matter to get you out of her courtroom. She just doesn't care


Comment #: NY12663
WORST JUDGE EVER! She shamed me for requesting an interpreter and said “if you’re going to be in this country, you need to speak English.” She said this in a rude, aggressive, and nasty tone. Sounds pretty racist, biased, and prejudiced to me. And, I do know English.


Comment #: NY12486
Googling her is amazing. Having her as a Judge is not, unless you’re her friend.

She will avoid any decision that could be reviewed bc she doesn’t want to get in trouble… Again. The strategy with her is to not run out of money before the other party so they are forced to stop.

My observation is that she just doesn’t care and no one expects her to. Once a judge starts ditching the rest of her cases for the day bc she’s ‘sick’ - then goes to the nearby bar to drink with her buds - and it’s an open secret - there’s a problem.

Horowitz thinks she’s in the clear if you can’t afford an appellate decision. Hopefully if enough people bring unlawful or lazy decisions to the boss’s attention she can be proven wrong. (And she’s wrong a LOT.)

Hon. Kathie Davidson is the Supervising Judge and her clerk, [redacted]


Comment #: NY12077
I wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to stand before this [redacted] Judge. She lives in a fantasy world where she’s right and everyone else is wrong. Verbally abusive and ridiculous. She’s a megalomaniac in every sense of the word. [redacted]


Comment #: NY12076
Nov 21, 2020
I went to court to get a restraining order on my daughter’s abusive father. According to Judge Horowitz, she wasn’t going to give me a restraining order because “there is no criminal activity” ALTHOUGH I explained that I fear for my safety because he’s physically abusive. I still fear for my safety and will go to court again to fill out another form to hopefully get a restraining from another judge. She’s arrogant and corrupt. Everyone should sign the petition to get her off the bench!!!


Comment #: NY12028
This judge is so unfit for her position that I am moved to write. She has been censured in the past. Her courtroom is closed so only participants can watch. My friend was sent to a psychiatric ward because she refused to let the court put her 16 year old daughter on anti-depressants. Today the daughter is flourishing in a professional career. My friend allowed therapy for her daughter, just not drugs. She was in mental hospital for a holiday! This judge lacked compassion, professionalism and good science. She is terrible.


Comment #: NY12027
Unfair, biased, rude, and does not have children’s best interest in mind. Loves to side with the men Even blatantly flirt with them. Disgrace and should not be elected. Shame on the people who elect her knowing that she has been censored separate times


Comment #: NY11638
How Judge Horowitz got to where she is I don’t know, what confuses me more is how she’s still allowed to enter the building let alone be a decision maker for children. I would feel ashamed and disappointed in myself everyday—looking in the mirror after a long day of work ruining children’s lives. It is sad to know someone sits on the bench and has no regard for the oaths they’ve made. No respect for anyone including themselves. As a judge—having no idea of the difference between right and wrong. You are wrong Judge Horowitz.

At the end of the day - she has to live with herself and the decisions she makes. She is a woman who judges families, has millions of people cross her path yearly, yet she will die as a very lonely person. I feel bad for her, but more for the kids.


Comment #: NY11391
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Nilda Morales Horowitz should be taken off the bench!! She is: uncaring, disrespectful, insensitive to the parties involved, dangerous to t hff e children needing protection, she has no regard for the facts but instead uses her OWN OPINION on the matter, she is prejudice toward father's especially, loves to berate and give her thoughts on the situation which is NOT her job, she does not allow evidence or evaluations or even CPS records to help her make an educated decision, she doesn't even want to see police reports or 911 transcripts of threats made!! Every time I've been in her courtroom I am more and more appalled at her lack of care for the child/children before her.....we DO NOT NEED anymore TINY GRAVES and I am afraid that any child's life and welfare put before her will eventually become a statistic!! PLEASE GET RID OF HER!!


Comment #: NY11390
gross negligence, abuse of power, insensitive, lack of care, and complete disregard for the child or situation. i have repeatedly asked to go to trial, submit evidence, and subpoena records to support my case. i have been denied protection orders because "why do i need it" i have been told that police reports mean nothing in her court room and i have also been told those same reports are HEARSAY(i have proof of all my claims) she is complete S*** as a judge. remove her so children dont die!


Comment #: NY11002
Disgusting, abusive, insensitive, should be disbarred.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY10874
I have practiced in the New York State courts for more than three decades and in that time I have never seen another judge as bad as Family Court Judge Morales Horowitz. I think of her as the plague that an old testament God has inflicted on unmarried people with children. She is terrible in every respect. She is gratuitously and sometimes sadistically abusive and insulting to litigants, often does not show up on time (or sometimes at all), cares nothing about the merits of her cases, and handles cases entirely to reduce her work load and protect herself from appeals. She absolutely refuses to hold evidentiary hearings, no doubt because she knows she is incompetent to do so. The phrase "disgrace to the bench" may be overused but she, more than any other judge before whom I have ever appeared, truly merits that description.


Comment #: NY9851
Truly intelligent judge, however she doesnt follow through on what is the right thing to do. Her moral compass is off. I appealed a matter of hers and the appelate atty found her to be in violation of my constitutional rights. However the appelate division upheld her decision. She can be the type to bankrupt the courts if they paid out on all her violations. Cleary the appelate court is well aware of her and covers her. So basically she has immunity from her wrong doing. So that explains why she is still on the bench. Is there anyone out there that has been awarded financial compensation for her violations. I would love to know about it.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY9581
A poor man was standing out side of theweschester court complaining about Horiwitz with a sandwich sign on him and a bloody nose. for hours in the cold. Why is it that Westchester keeps these disgusting abusive female Judges like Zambelli and Horowitz on the bench when our tax dollars pay them? Someone should review all of Zambellis and Horowitz decisions and reverse them giving the public a second chance.


Comment #: NY9293
Rating:Not Rated
Totally bias in favor of women


Comment #: NY6927
Rating:Not Rated
Found her to be completely closed minded, completely disregarding the child advocate, offering her own opinion, and advice not looking at the facts and the welfare of the child in this family case. a true disgrace. Maybe it will take for the child to be harmed before she will listen to the childs advocate and mother, this is the 3rd time they have been infant of her and the complaints against the father continue to grow and she keeps giving warning. From my looking at other comments, why is she still allowed to be on the bench, tax dollars wasted and children in danger


Comment #: NY6375
This judge should have been disbarred instead of just censured. She continually denies participants their full rights. She breaks up families that are doing well. She needs to be gone from the bench ASAP.


Comment #: NY6373
Rating:Not Rated
she very fair judge not bias toward sex or race


Comment #: NY6345
Unfair, misguided, breaks up families, unethical

Court Staff

Comment #: NY5589
Rating:Not Rated
related to local White Plains lawyer Larry Horowitz working in favoring cases together.All the court officers know it there.


Comment #: NY5299
First she pumped me for information on the case which was newly given to her. When I repeatedly said I was uncomfortable without an attorney she said, "What do you expect me to do, read this whole file?" The next court appearance she refused to let me speak. Again I just wanted an attorney. This judge is actually contemplating allowing a mother with clear mental issues to submit a psych report of her own choosing, rather than going to WJCS as per court order. It will be disaster if the children in this case are given back to a proven neglectful drug addict mother by Judge Morales Horowitz.


Comment #: NY5000
Judge Morales-Horowitz (and I will stick to the facts here) granted the mother's demand for a forensic custody evaluation. Judge Morales-Horowitz signed the order, and I had no issue with the mother choosing the evaluator. The origin of the evaluation was, that the mother explained to me one night that her father (the grandfather) groped her while drunk as they were watching television. When I expressed concerns for our daughter, I was attacked in court as having psychological problems on my part by both the mother and her attorney. The mother's family delayed the evaluation, and a status report was sent to the court by the evaluator, indicating that the mother's family was non-responsive to requests to have the grandparents come in, who resided with the child. The mother stated to the evaluator that she had in fact considered that her father (the grandfather) molested her, and had discussed it with a counselor and "may have mentioned" it to me. The grandfather delayed the evaluation (and hence the status report) by not responding to repeated requests to come in for an interview. (The mother also has a history of drug addiction and "breakthrough repulse" as per the report, and had been admitted to a mental hospital in the past.) When the forensic report was finally submitted to the court, 40-plus pages clearly indicated these issues, including a familial bias against me, and "gatekeeping" by the mother's family. For the record, the evaluator interviewed the grandfather for one hour, and rightfully did not implicate the grandfather, but the mother's admissions confirmed my concerns, and what was relayed to me as to why the mother had the issues that she had, and used drugs to self-medicate. Judge Morales-Horowitz, a censured judge, concocted a story that both parties agreed to "dismiss" the report, and when I raised valid concerns she ridiculed me and denied me due process. She also ordered that there would be no first right refusal, telling me that I could worry about my daughter on my time, and that if the mother had to work on her access day for a 12-hour shift, I was not allowed to worry about my daughter's welfare. She told me to stop, as I was not going to have the child, and that she would remain with the grandfather. This was stated on the record (I have every transcript and she will not allow an order to show cause on the record to challenge her own words). I'm fighting for my daughter's welfare, and Judge Morales-Horowitz tried to throw out a report that clearly places a 4-year-old child at risk. Disregarding such a clear and concise forensic report (that the mother herself demanded) should be a crime, and this little girl has been disregarded by the judge, despite the evaluator's accredited work in the field, with recognition for the evaluator's work. I have no idea if this is customary. I have read this judge's censures, though, and I have full transcripts that accompany my judicial complaint. It's unbelievable, and these proceedings should be recorded on video so that such outrageous behavior could be reviewed, and so that children are not left calling their fathers at the age of 4, begging that Daddy please come and pick her up.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: NY1132
Clearly inept regarding family court legal issues and a propensity to make dangerous decisions.