Hon. H. Patrick Leis III See Rating Details

District Court
Suffolk County
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. H. Patrick Leis III



Comment #: NY13357
Pro Male
Judge Leis is a blatant misogynist. He is verbally abusive and has made statements that should have removed him from his seat years ago.
He takes the statements/comments of a male over than the actual documents that have been provided to the court for proof. He has made decisions where there has been no proof provided and has been contested "because he believed HIM." Leis has used unacceptable language and vocabulary in front of minors and made accusations of a femaleparent in front of said children.
He has gone so far as to state where his "leanings lie" in the case before the trial has begun. He talks down to all litigants but lets it be known who he despises above all. He does not protect pro se litigants at all. Gaslighting is a common activity in his courtroom. He is stain upon the court that has allowed him to continue.


Comment #: NY13145
Rating:Not Rated
I see the comments here and admittedly I have never been before him to witness his manners, but his decision in a 2020 case ‘Jessica T’ is truly transformative and progressive. His ruling focused on non physical forms of DV, which many of us know escapes most judges but is a destructive and pernicious issue in family court cases. He is not as bad as people here claim.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12469
I have gone before him twice and I would never accept another case in his court.
His staff is intimidated by him and he has no qualms expressing his prejudices.
Very difficult and unprofessional.


Comment #: NY12468
Leis is the worst judge I've ever come across. He behaves very arrogantly, is insulting and he speaks down to both sides. I notice that he is worse to women, favoring men. His behavior is unbecoming of a Supreme Court judge Some of the things he has said were downright shocking.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12464
arrogant, sexist, open regarding his prejudices, yells when abusive, acuses litigants of lying, shows no remorse regarding his unprofessional and unethical behavior, makes decisions based on personal whims when the burden of proof has not been met. Sides with males over females bc of his prejudices. Misogynist that lives as a closeted gay man and believes his secret is safe. All the court officers know. Judge Leis also has a terrible reputation within the legal community and none of the attorneys want to appear in front of him.
His law clerk Athena is also unethical and enables his outrageous behavior.


Comment #: NY11927
AWFUL! Condescending and quite full of himself . I believe he had some sort of demotion, fully deserved! Ignores statues .
He is complicit in the suffering of many families forced into guardianships they didn’t want .

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7900
Terrible judge; should be disbarred. But then again, most of the incompetent imbeciles in the Long Island court system are. It seems everyone of them is on the take. I don't know how else to explain their decisions.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY5981
I was never treated in a more rude, demeaning or unprofessional manner than when I was in Judge Leis' courtroom. I came to find out that my adversary was one of his minions. He will go to amazing lengths to discredit an attorney who dares to be an adversary of one of his "people", who get appointments and other perks by virtue of their association with him. I was given information by his clerk which was later contradicted by the judge when he realized that he had to come out and involve himself in this case and he would not hear anything I had to say and interrupted me when I tried to present my case.


Comment #: NY5826
Rating:Not Rated
Lacks Knowledge of the Law that should be expected of a first year law student let alone a Judge!
The man is an Incompetent!


Comment #: NY3327
Denies due process, discovery and evidence submission by prose litigants to court, misconduct by Suffolk County Judges and attorneys deny due process and all commit misconduct in collusion violating Color of Law and Due Process.They violate oath and professional ethics to coverup their misconduct illegally.youtube.com Suffolk County Court Corruption


Comment #: NY1050
Likes to hear himself talk. Ignores statutes. Brushes under the rug wrongdoing for other court appointed fiduciaries. Does not hold ct appointed fiduciaries accountable for wrongdoing.
Much like Sandra Sgroi , he needs a babysitter for oversight as well.