Hon. Ben Darvil Jr. See Rating Details

Family Court
Kings (Brooklyn) County
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Attorney Average Rating:   7.1 - 3 rating(s)
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* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Ben Darvil Jr.


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12892
Terrible Judge in Family Court handling NYC-ACS matters. Is pushed around and told what to do by NYC-ACS since he did work for them in the Family Court Legal Services Division before being appointed on the bench. He destroyed an Orthodox Jewish family by taking their daughter and trying to adopt her out into another family. There were never any abuse or neglect charges for 6 yrs. Only until the parents began a major pushback on both state and federal court did Darvil make a surreptitious and totally fabricated ruling that there was neglect. Even though the parents were originally charged with abuse. Darvil never mentioned with specificity or particularity what the neglect was. He made vague, amorphous rulings to justify kidnapping the child and placing her in a foster home--to aid and abet NYC-ACS in maximizing federal & state placement and adoption funding. [Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: NY12595
He was bias from the start of the case. He was easily manipulated by CPS, he questioned their validity for on the record purposes but still allowed them to blatantly lie as well as granted their remand of the children. A 5 day old baby that needed her mother. Even after the mother being in court from 10am to 5pm with the newborn fully compliant, at the end of the day he still removed the children. The mother continued to comply but hear say evidence every other day was planted with no proof. And he allowed it on record with no proof from CPS. Mother used tangible evidence and witnesses to prove her case and barely won due to that not Ben Darvil Jr. His decision was appealed by children's law guardian and sat in appellate division for 10 months. He now allows Agency to not follow court orders and can't produce court orders to mother. 3 visits a week went to 1 through zoom then from supervised to unsupervised and now have stopped. Agency has allowed child to get hurt and need stitches. Foster mom has taken children out of jurisdiction 3 times without mother's knowledge or agreement during Covid and children aren't of age to get vaccine. Cps was allowed to lie on record in his courtroom, so Agency has adopted same practices and methods. No permanency hearings ever heald at Agency with all parties. Children never spoken about and long drug out lies on record for months. BM's attorney asked the judge did he want to know the truth and judge said we don't have time we must pick dates. BM is never allowed to speak. And all motion filed on her behalf are denied. Judge has a habit of portraying that people have mental illness in his court room to justify his bias towards them. He inflicts lots of emotional trauma on families as well as their children with not remorse. He allows paid professionals in his court room to bend the law, make false allegations and challenge him. I believe honest that is the biggest issue compared to the vulnerable, taken advantage families before him. He is callous. He would rather remove a newborn from her mother than, understand that she had that baby 5 days ago and came to comply in his court room and open her life as well as her other children to scrutiny just to comply with him. The blatant disregard for Children's best interests as well as their human rights, liberty and freedoms in his courtroom is an injustice. It's frightening to see the mentalities of the people impacting on the lives of families and children. When he was appointed it was refreshing but his time in appointment has only shown that he is pro dismantling families not building them up. He should mediate but instead enables the destruction of children, our futures, our communities and our families for monetary gain. Incentives motive CPS, why is he enable a corrupt system that shows statistical children are in grave danger more so in this system than not. The evidence is there and factual but because of hearsay he will allow these agencies access to our children even when it's not needed. How do you remove a newborn whose being breast feed for false neglect allegations not even abuse, whose case was being monitored for 18 months by Preventive Services. Children should have never been removed to be returned. Agency has witnessed false allegations and how he dealt with them and have now done the same thing. He plays right into their monetary scheme and also plays like he doesn't know. He has taken away 2 years from a mother and her children and will continue to do so for no reason because he can.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12284
Simply one of the best. He has the temperament and intellect to handle anything. Win or lose it is a pleasure to appear before him. A true credit to the bench.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY8945
Hon Ben Darvil is a wise intelligent considerable judge n is a great man of honor wit fairness towards reunification of child to a mother n does not involve him self wit attorneys and their manipulation of his "room