Hon. John Iliou See Rating Details

Supreme Court
Suffolk County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.0 - 3 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 6 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. John Iliou



Comment #: NY13786
This judge works together with Laura Golighly as an assign counsel for children. Laura is pathetic and lacks any knowledge of any communication. Then appears in court and they work together as actors. Him keep assigning Golightly shows how they work together and have an agreement. We caught her lying and she had no response. And the Judge doesn't care. If you get this judge make sure you ask for someone other than Golightly to handle the children. As a mother she's useless.


Comment #: NY13701
Rating:Not Rated
How the county allows this animal (he's not a man) to preside over cases baffles me and my family. He doesn't allow family members to come forward with proof of the problem and he just makes decisions he isn't even allowed to legally. A judge is not a doctor. You cannot order any courses shithead. Where's your docterine degree??Allowing this man to not allow my family see their kids is horrible. I'm not a litigant but a family member of a litigant. He told me to leave the court room. Who the fuck is he? You have a right to be in any courtroom. It's a public forum asshole.

Somehow this dickhead (he looks like a dick-head with no hair). So it fits him well.


Comment #: NY13637
Rating:Not Rated
As a mother who was railroaded by this man he's a idiot. Furthermore he keeps smiling at me and making passes at me. This man is really making bad judgements and we are requesting to have a change of judge being the DV part has been dismissed. What a joke this dishonest judge is.


Comment #: NY13598
Someone stepped up with a federal case against him...



Comment #: NY13581
He should be jailed himself for what he continues to do. I blame Crecca for even allowing him to stay on the bench. Remove this prick ! He ripped my family apart!
Even my x who was in the lawsuit against me now saw what he did and agrees this man needs to visit Riverhead jail for a couple of years on the 4th floor.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13556
This judge is a tyrant and our offices are in the process of filing a civil case against him for not upholding the law and let alone caused harm against our client. He deserves to be placed behind bars as he so easily does to tax payers unlucky to be before him. In the coming weeks there will be articles and news to the public on his position that we will be working hard to remove him off the bench.


Comment #: NY13142
Rating:Not Rated
It is necessary for anyone reading this to understand, that the out of touch decision making by the judge has not only separated my child from me for years, but has made it impossible to connect with my child now that we do see it each other. The parent whom he gave full custody to, which was more than apparent to see, has truly messed up my kid's teenage years. This entire court system is bad. The people that work there show up, collect a paycheck, and make sure they have enough money to pay their lawn company. They keep each other in business, and dont care about the lives that they tear apart.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13106
He is a fair and understanding judge. He made my divorce seamless. I will be voting him in 11/8/22!!


Comment #: NY13046
Rating:Not Rated
Lack of conscience


Comment #: NY11209
Rating:Not Rated


Comment #: NY11208
I have witnessed John Iliou destroy lives on a whim. He is most certainly a sociopath and is an embarrassment to Suffolk county. He is a throwback to the days of Pilgrim State Hospital and a reminder that Suffolk County has a long, long way to go before it can redeem itself. Shame on this court system for allowing a fraud serve as a judge.


Comment #: NY11207
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Iliou is a bad judge. Delusional and nasty comments throughout the case. Hates women and minimizes futures of children. Makes hasty poor decisions that have to be cleaned up by family court and higher courts. This judge communicates that he wants the lawyers to get rich off of conflict and some how blames the couple for not just giving in. Hes a sick guy. Really. Needs to get fired


Comment #: NY10981
Judge Iliou is a rude, bias, egotistical bully of a judge who does not know what a fair and equitable divorce trial is. I endured two divorce trials in front of this nasty judge due to the stupidity of my ex and his attorney who by the way was the judges favorite as they were of the same nationality . The plaintiff brought three trials against me causing me to loose everything. Judge Iliou was so nasty during our trials, thinking he was so much better than everyone else, constantly refusing to listen to my attorneys arguments and belittling me when I was pro-se. He took a disliking to me from the start because I was Pro-se at the start of trial #2 due to him not giving me a free attorney. I would not get equitable distribution, I would not get any of the plaintiffs annuity, i would not be reimbursed for any of the money I spent being a defendant in these THREE TRIALS, I would not get health coverage or maintenance (I am a mother of six), I would not be reimbursed for medical arrears going back to 2008, our children would not get any help for their education expenses, the plaintiff would make a huge profit off of the home he has not paid into for 20 years. I would receive 39% of his lousy pension which he claims he will never collect so that is a loss to me, plus I have to pay life ins. for him. So a total of six years in the courts which has made me broke. I live on my ss monthly check of $1,100.00. I tried to bring a motion back for this unfair outcome but Judge Iliou finds fault in my motion instead of looking at the bad decision he has made in my divorce. He needs to be removed as a judge and go back to being the lousy lawyer that he was.


Comment #: NY10807
3 years later because of his bad decisions I'm homeless and alienated from my kids. In addition the goals my children had been so enthusiastic about flushed down the drain from the narcissistic dads that ganged up on me and this judge encouraged. Please vote against this judge when the time comes. Remember to vote UPWARDS. No one e er knows the judges names they just get a free ride depending on the party. This judge ruined my life and my kids life. Its 2019 it should not work this way. Male chauvinist entitled this is the kind of man that provokes and baits.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY10448
This Judge should not be involved in matrimonial matters, his ego is to big for the bench and he is rude to the litigants and Attorneys! You are not better than everyone else, maybe he has never had a real job as a lawyer because he certainly has no compassion for the attorneys time!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY9905
Rating:Not Rated
I have his decision in the appellate court. I will follow up on how it turns out. He is bias. Psychologically entraps innocent people who are divorcing. He likes to flirt with the woman lawyers and from what I read about him in a book called Divorce or Funeral, he also flirts with the male attorneys as well. Either way he likes to get you in a web to get the lawyers paid! He has no reality of the pain families are in and thinks it's a punishment if he keeps you there longer than necessary.


Comment #: NY8914
Rating:Not Rated
The worst. Very impressed with himself. Not fair. Big ego.