Hon. Philip V. Cortese See Rating Details

Family Court
Montgomery County
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Philip V. Cortese


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY13155
* Forgot to add...Phil was threatened because my ex is a government snitch for serious drug cases. He is working off all his felonies and is quite effective at his job and won't leave NYS until his crimes are rectified. Phil is weak!!!!! " OF COUNSEL" he is now? What a f@@@ing joke!!! His law license should of been taken away!!! I see pictures of him, Mr. Napoleon complex on Facebook at Disneyland, where he lives, it makes me sick!! You don't deserve a family as you have ripped so many apart!! I can only imagine what hell your family has to go through to simply survive.


Comment #: NY13154
Rating:Not Rated
Hello and Merry Christmas year 13! I am currently waiting for my son , gifts under tree, breakfast made. My ex picked him up Friday and has not brought him home. There are no orders, he just takes him. The police tell me no order is required, he is 15, he can do what he wants. I'm not joking! Because of my ex influence on him, and the amount of time he spends with him drunk and out of control, he is currently failing every subject in school, he received a 1 in one class...his father asks him to sell Marijuana for him, he smokes with him, buys him vapes, tells him not to listen to me and he should beat the s@!t out of me. Has not paid a dime of child support in 13 years. I received one money order for $50 made out to my 5 year old son eight years ago. I never hated anyone in my life. Phil Cortese aka. Horse ?? Jockey I call him I have hated you year 13!! You are the antichrist!! I HATE YOU!!!! You ruined my life and my child's despite father being a rapist, almost killed my son on several occasions, and Judicial Committee did absolutely nothing with my vast amount of documentation against you. All and all , I received my justice and this is ending for my son and I soon. It took 13 years, however, You will receive your justice soon. HELL HAS A SPECIAL ROBE FOR YOU!I have a nice gift for you too!! ;)


Comment #: NY12819
(2 of 2) So, while I was in the midst of supervised one-hour once a week visits with my children, I decided to appeal his decision. And after a long time, the Appeals Court decided Phil had indeed overstepped his bounds on several fronts. It wasn’t a slam dunk, but at least I could see my kids without restriction again, and more importantly; Phil was put on notice.

Over the next several years, My (new) attorney and I had to visit Phil’s World whenever my ex- went off the rails, and after some time Phil finally got the point that she was the instigator of most of the problems in the parenting relationship. It didn’t mean much, but seeing her get the brunt of the Short Man's ire was pretty sweet. I think he also realized might risk another appearance before the Court of Appeals.

Our last visit was because my ex decided she was going to take my child out of town during the entirety of the holidays, despite Phil himself signing an Order guaranteeing I would see them on Christmas of every year. What followed was Phil admonishing ME for bringing my complaint to the Court, asking me if I wanted to damage my relationship with my child and stating that we would all eventually be at their wedding together. Hey Phil...I’m not the one who violated YOUR Order! Look at my ex and lecture HER: If she didn’t try to screw with my parenting time (like she’s done many times before,) we wouldn’t be in front of you in the first place.

At any rate, my youngest is now 18 and this megalomaniac dwarf has no more legal authority to meddle in my family affairs.

I count it as one of the best days of my life.

All I can say if you’re ever subjected to an appearance in Phil’s World is this: prepare to be steamrolled by some utterly bonkers, criminally unfair decrees; and for God’s sake, please file an appeal with the state Board as soon as you can. He’s due to retire back to his condo in the center of Hell soon, but if he could leave the bench with a censure from the appeals court it might help to bring some karmic balance back to the universe.


Comment #: NY12818
I was cursed to meet Phil after my ex failed to drop off my kids for their scheduled weekend. I asked her why she did it, she offered a weak excuse and then left. End of story...no drama, no altercation, nothing. In fact, given the issues we’d had with my ex’s boyfriend in the past my girlfriend recorded the entire interaction to make sure there were no “misunderstandings.”

In response, my insane ex-wife wrote a four page missive to the Court that, among other things, accused me of running up to her car, punching the window, yelling at her, beating her repeatedly during our relationship...and killing our family pet. Of course, Phil issued an Order of Protection (which is reasonable, since in legitimate cases of domestic abuse you should get them in place as soon as possible.) But, despite being an accused dog murder, I have no criminal history whatsoever and expected that Phil would dismiss the OP once I appeared and explained what really happened. But after appearing before him (and showing him the video!) he refused to dismiss the OP and instead escalated it to a full stay away order for three years! Huh?
I found out far too late that the only time that’s allowed is in incidents of Aggravated Harassment, and harassment in general is defined as repeated incidences of acts intended to annoy, alarm and so on: not a single incident of a Dad asking his ex why the kids weren’t dropped off for parenting time.

But in Phil’s world, where he knows the people who appear in front of him are usually poor, misinformed and unlikely to appeal his decisions, he foists whatever ridiculous punishments he feels like dishing out that particular day with impunity. People are just too dumbfounded and afraid to stand up to him.

(As an aside; I also had the misfortune of being represented by the former family court Judge, who I later discovered was reputed to be Phil’s mortal enemy. Great, thanks for making me aware of that information before I hired you.)

Well, any competent Judge with a shred of integrity wouldn’t let that poison his adjudication of his cases...but Phil’s a different breed entirely.

He is the very definition of “Short Man Syndrome”, a power hungry dwarf who knows he rules his little corner of Montgomery County unopposed and unquestioned: and he uses that knowledge to abuse his authority at every opportunity. He’s also very skilled at citing laws and regulations that deftly cover his vendettas, making it appear (on the surface, at least) that he has legal standing to treat his Court like the Wild West. (1 of 2)


Comment #: NY12537
All I can say if you’re ever subjected to an appearance in Phil’s World is this: prepare to be steamrolled by some utterly bonkers, criminally unfair decrees; and for God’s sake, please file an appeal with the state Board as soon as you can. He’s due to retire back to his condo in the center of Hell soon, but if he could leave the bench with a censure from the appeals court it might help to bring some karmic balance back to the universe.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12189
Judge Cortese has been involved in a case for 5 years now, where he has defended and given the rights of your average law abiding citizen, to a pedophile that was in prison on and off for 5 years. Cortese is allowing this monster of a man, to be given all the rights he should never have as he is a felon-registered sex offender in Montgomery County. What is going in the back of my mind, is why is this Judge treating this monster so well? And my thoughts keep wondering if this Judge has perhaps done something in his life that he can relate to this pedophile. Judge Cortese needs to be removed from the judicial system, sooner than later, or never handle any type of family hearings. He has and is biased in many hearings where he is giving rights to criminals that should never have been let out of prison in the first place. Someone needs to stand up to this horrid Judge. People need to be heard and listened too. Judge Cortese is NOT a good man.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: NY11389
Hi Phil!!!

So I started my litigation in 2010 in Phil Cortese's domain, My son was so very young at that time and my intent was to make sure my rapist never knew or saw him again.

Well, lo and behold I had the best lawyers in the capital district and I asked for full custody of my son. At the last minute my lawyer said no...lets ask for 50/50 custody because #1 "The judge does not like you very much" and #2 "Cortese is a mans judge" so w/ this new discovery, what choice did I have?

Fast forward nine years and these men have made our lives a living hell. I have police visits biweekly, CPS 45 times, hundreds of texts a week, threats,demands etc. so to simplify matters, the law is not helping or working.

I NEED A COURT ORDER stating this man can not harass, visit, have any rights, is a rapist, has not contributed in any positive manner, and last but not least, had two hits put out on my life that I narrowly escaped.

It has been ten years, despite rapist not having any valid court orders, the police still come to my home because this psycho is showing non valid orders from 2010. Cortese is shielded and has immunity for f****ng up our lives, and we received no apology that we had to have a rapist involved in our lives forever. Phil, you need to be accountable.

The court clerk in Montgomery is still stamping and authorizing 2010 orders that are not valid enabling rapist to call every agency known in NYS.

An arranged marriage of sorts in America; when I am forced to be married and attached at the hip to a rapist with no explanation. I really have no concern or sympathy that said rapist works for the government.

Oooohhhhh, but I look crazy right? You mention " government collusion" and I am crazy, lmao. You know what you did.

Typically, when you leave and try to establish protection,you are no longer attached. Cortese has had this man repeatedly violate us like the court system has.

My son is forever emotionally and mentally scarred, I have had no ability to raise him properly, we lost his childhood because you, Phil, could not say NO to outside political pressure. Both of my children's lives were ruined because of you, despite having full, exclusive custody of my children, I live in fear daily.

Not expecting anyone to understand this review, it is exclusively for Mr. Cortese.

So in summation, every single solitary time a government agency comes to my home, I will direct them to you Phil. You need to start explaining how you destroyed lives and keep on living w/ yourself and looking in the mirror daily. You did NOT know the parties at all and owe my son a huge apology.

Also, it took you three damn years to tell me I needed a lawyer of my own, like this was a game or joke to you, peoples lives. I know people in mere minutes,it never takes me three years to decide if I know someone.

Merry Christmas,Phil... Thank you.


Comment #: NY10847
Terrible Family Court judge. Does not care about facts (won’t even look at evidence). Biased and ADMITTED it in court. Favors abusive men in relation to custody. Does not look out for the best interest of the children involved in divorce. No compassion whatsoever. Thank goodness he retires in 2022. He should be removed from the bench.


Comment #: NY10627
Rating:Not Rated
Wrongful conduct, unconstitutional violations, bias, unjustly enriching men who commit fraud. Does not honor and obey 22 NYCRR 100.2 to act impartially and promote confidence in the judiciary's integrity. Refuses to obey and honor 22 NYCRR 100.2(B) and disqualify him/herself in a proceeding in which the judges impartiality might reasonably be questioned. Leaves families and individuals destroyed and traumatized by his unconstitutional rulings.


Comment #: NY10497
On a ego trip. Short man complex. Is totally bias and corrupt. Hands out TRO and RO based on absolutely nothing. Destroys families. Enables liars and of course the pretty young girls.


Comment #: NY10398
Totally out of control. Power crazy. Vindictive, retaliatory, bias with a short man complex. Destroys families, absolutely does not consider the "best interest of the child" hands our TRO like candy for no legal reasons. The court house should read Welcome to Cortese County. He actually believes that the courtroom is his. No it belongs to us. He is a pompous, arrogant misguided person with a robe. Needs to be removed.


Comment #: NY10386
consistently shows partial treatment, states laws that are not true. Angers easily and punishes those who challenge him. Needs to be removed before he destroys any more families.


Comment #: NY10268
Rating:Not Rated
This judge favors men over women & consistently discriminates he doesn’t abide by the state law & code of conduct he thinks he can do whatever he wants and let’s his position get to his head. He is also very irate & seems to not be able to keep his temper in check. I fear for my safety in his court room. He needs to be removed


Comment #: NY9769
I love this judge. Unfortunately I keep getting stuck with other judges who do not listen the way Judge Cortese listens. Nor can they spot liars and manipulators the way Judge Cortese can. He listens carefully to every word and I believe he is a very fair and wise man. I really wish we had more judges like him. So if you're being honest and you're in the right this is the judge you want, If youre looking for a judge who will buy your BS then this is not the judge you want.


Comment #: NY9217
I rate Philip V. Cortese as an animal.
Cortese is in favor of " rapist rights" over " victims rights".
This man has no business on the bench!!!
However, this is NYS one of the few states left supporting rapists.
Vial, disgusting excuse representing our legal system.


Comment #: NY7735
Denies the right to representation, lies,will punish and suppress anyone in his courtroom who has an opinion to expose truth he regards as "lying"- bad, criminal, and negligent behavior are rewarded in Judge Cortese's court. He does not care about people- he does not believe in the system.Very nasty and angry man.


Comment #: NY6812
Warning women who have no legal documentation of past abuse and most likely have no physical evidence of the abuse because witnesses will not corroborate your story in court. I fail to understand the dynamics- perhaps the ex is in a position of power or Witsec and these records are under seal by court order? It really does not matter as Philip V Cortese will watch the perpetrator abuse and demoralize his prey- all with a smile. This judge is an educated man- he can see the abuse, yet fails to protect the victim because he is basing his judgements on law that was never legal to begin with. Let me explain...One of the parties had a breakdown ten years prior because dying was easier then dealing with this vicious ex... the parties mother ( not husband) because he, by all accounts and public records does not exist) decides upon non existent ex's consent she will use this opportunity to take a fake power of attorney while the victim is at disadvantage. How this happens or is legal I still have yet to know! It happens though. The judge sees people are very competent and truthful but uses this shady excuse to participate in the abuse- never trying to help resolve the legal issue at hand preventing fair justice for victim. How is this a double standard is my question? You can not claim to be "anonymous" and have zero accountability for your children emotionally , legally, or financially- yet have fifty percent custody with five years of not paying child support. And harassing and threatening victim as he has full access to do so. Judge will haphazardly hand out order after order of fake rulings...I tell the truth fully. It is an unreal experience I wish on nobody. If the ex does not exist , then neither does his child or his ex spouse and it is legally considered rape in the eyes of the law. Remember ex can do what he wants because there is no record indicating his rap sheet- longer then a roll of Charmin. In a nutshell- had I known what I was up against and not in a world of denial I would of had no children with this evil man. I would have never stepped foot in this evil court and fled to Mexico...had I known...


Comment #: NY6671
I have nothing but the highest respect for this judge. I believe he is very wise and very fair. My husband is usually good at manipulating people. Judge Cortese had him figured out in about 2 minutes. He made him write out a check for the money he owed me before he left the courtroom. He also showed concern for my daughter's well being and ruled in her best interest.


Comment #: NY6606
Rating:Not Rated
I didn't get to finish my last post. Mr.Cortese wrote a book with Co author Judith S. Claire another justice with the same temperament as him. It is called the NYS bench book for family court. 130 pages of BS and contradictions that neither judge seems to follow. I looked up Judith Claire's background before making blatant accusations because I could not believe any woman in their right mind would work with a man filled with such hatred and bias towards women. It appears the apple does not fall far from the tree of evil these two represent. If you are going to write a book regarding law it's always a good idea to follow through on your very own words in your BS book or else you look like a hypocrite. I tried to rate Philip Cortese on robe probe but apparently he can't handle the truth and my posting can not be submitted. Another person he can pay off with political favors. The truth will eventually come out...he can't hide forever. The man is a liar, criminal, hypocrite, an abusive controlling monster.


Comment #: NY6530
Rating:Not Rated
The only FBI hostage negotiation that is needed, is in Judge Philip V. Cortese's courtroom where he keeps his litigants hostage and treats them like they are immigrants or incompetent with no constitutional rights! This man is a liar, spiteful, and belongs in jail along with his staff of incompetent others.


Comment #: NY5506
My last comment was removed which imho should not be allowed and is a violation of constitutional rights of "free speech".
Someone please disrobe this judge! What is going on in Philip V Cortese's Montgomery County Family Court is criminal!
This is peoples lives this judge is so non chalantly playing with like he is God! When a family is put in grave danger because of a judges actions and belief the family should stay together despite the fathers criminal actions almost killing that family on several occasions is just wrong on so many levels.Where does one turn to? I am tapped out of borrowing money for legal fees; I was denied counsel despite being below poverty level;the thousands I had to borrow for no reason other than harassment from ex and his family taking me to family court(a 4 year neverending ordeal) seemed better thrown out the window...I got the same results pro se with this judge.He even bullied my lawyer... Saying in his words the father of our child; a criminal suffering from mental illness who almost killed him " it doesn't matter; no supervision needed; he can do what he wants"and he does... Until one of us is dead! Maybe then someone will listen