Hon. Tandra L. Dawson See Rating Details

Family Court
New York County
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What others have said about Hon. Tandra L. Dawson



Comment #: NY13526
What we have here is a person with a personal vendetta. She's a disgrace and it's unfortunate the system has someone like her ruining the cities potential families amd children's lives. If she saw these comments, I mean I personally would step down. But, she's a narcissistic fool who likes her power.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: NY13395
Had the joy of being in court with her majesty and her handpicked floozies. agree with many comments here. Court is run by her assistants not her. dawson is always distracted and not paying attention to proceedings. criminal negligent behavior. saw the afc and cps in action as well- ganging up against the other side- judge seemed to be enjoying it and smacking her lips. can i say outright bias? word to the wise- get out her court and twillight zone. easy to deal with agency atty negligence- just file a report and have them pulled up.

Court Staff

Comment #: NY13372
Least educated and experienced 'judge' in our system despite spending so many years here. No one wants to work with her- many court attorneys have left. We have an insiders poll on how many days this newest one will last. Court-staff is criminal, selling notes and records, We see her and her handpicked attorneys surfing the web during trial proceedings all the time. NY taxpayers, this is where your money is going and lining the pockets of the expensive attorneys the poor saps hire. Word to the wise- get her out of the system before any more families are destroyed. And I am suppose to be on the same side as her.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY13369
Ever heard of a banana republic court? I invite you to the court of Tandra Dawson to see for yourself. So many of her decisions are reviewed, appealed and in general frowned upon. The single most uneducated judge I have seen in my career, can't handle family law (no knowledge), doesn't listen to the male testimony or evidence. Openly proclaimed her decision during a conference one year before trial (!). All recorded of course. Hates motion practice or anything that [Redacted by Ed.]. Always picks the monkey Michael Scherz as back up and they have destroyed many families. Inattentive in court, totaly biased and one-sided. How many appeals is it going to take before she is censured and disrobed. Fraternizes with criminal defense attorneys all the time. Her entire court is a shame- wrong, incomplete procedures all the time. My advice- go through the motions with this [Redacted] and then drag her through 1st dept. - they will wake up eventually and kick her out.

Court Staff

Comment #: NY13220
Here are some more juicy updates from her majesty's court. In this case, her majesty is the puppet being played by NYC's #1 slimeball, aka Mike Scherz. Check the private emails of dawson and scherz to each other- will be fun. This dynamic duo scratches each other, no one else wants to work with them. stinks of collusion. Take a look at the court appearances or msg me privately and I'll send you the previous and future appearances.


Comment #: NY12910
This is judge has always degraded me and taunts me in the court room trying to get me to somehow be angry to favor the mother, Tandra is not a fair judge with my case at all, she has so much misconduct going on under her watch its a disgrace, the mother has had multiple failure to appears keeping my child hostage in another country based on a visiting consent that I signed for my daughter to visit family in Canada and I planned to pick my child up within the 90 days of her passport visit but the mother had me falsely arrested on domestic violence charges before her flight to Canada to stop me from picking her up and change everything for relocating my daughter in Canada, there was no evidence, no proof, no nothing just say so and Tandra believes all of this and keeps it over my head for six years now even though all the charges were dismissed she still treat me like I still did this which is not fair, Ive shown up to every court appearance while the mother failed to appear on many many multiple times and Tandra lets her go totally free, and then the failure to appears were so bad with the mother she had her custody petition thrown out and had a warrant up to almost 6 months still keeping my child away from me in Canada and then one day Tandra decides to lift the warrant when the mother decides she ready to come to court now and not only that Tandra decides to let the mother refile her petition when my petition should have already been awarded for when the mothers petition was thrown out as the mother had a warrant for her arrest for all the failure to appears and not bringing my child back, so now we are currently on trial and in the middle of it Tandra is now admitting my rap lyrics from my music recordings from a year ago and is now using it against me telling me I will never have unsupervised visits with my child now no matter what happens with this trial, I never said any names, I never said anything violent or threatening I told the story in a song the same way im typing it here in this complaint that I am being mistreated and I have every right to express how I feel about it to the public and the media and I will continue to say how I feel regardless. I am now trying to file for a new judge as we speak because Tandra IS VERY BIAS TOWARDS ME, and I am no longer comfortable with her as a judge for my case.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12896
I don't think this judge has any understanding of what Parental Alienation is. She is either over worked or just blind. Probably both. Look at these reviews!!! Not looking good.


Comment #: NY12854
Rating:Not Rated
Horrible. Abysmal. Disgraceful. Incompetent.


Comment #: NY12853
Have yet to see someone as incompetent and high-handed as this shining light of our state's legal system. Always canceling or postponing appearances. More than 80% of the cases in our office are held up because of her. Fraternizes very closely with several in the DA's office and attorneys. Big conflicts of interest. A shame and a blot on the NYS judicial system. Many other talented and dedicated keepers of the law work hard and for the people. All of their work is brought to nought because of bad apples like her- 'Judge' Dawson- what a joke.

Court Staff

Comment #: NY12844
I would like to bring to light some very disturbing behavior by this judge and her court. I am afraid for my life and career and want to officially file a whistleblower complaint- but don't know how to do so. Judge Dawson has been one of the worst judges I have seen in my career with the NY Supreme Court system (she is in IDV- Integrated Domestic Violence). She never comes prepared and delivers arbitrary and on-the-spot and extremely biased statements and judgements. It is an open secret that she basically has no knowledge of family law despite all her years in the same line of practice. Appearances in her court are a mess and she parrots the ill-informed statements of equally incompetent close associates who she chooses as court-appointed lawyers. One good example is Michael D. Scherz, who himself is a disgrace to the legal practice community. Together, they have destroyed the lives and livelihoods of many parents and have destroyed countless families. The court itself is a joke and they make so many errors that it is a miracle that more cases have not been brought up for re-trial or directly tossed out. Look up previous complaints against Dawson. In any other system, she would have been fired or suspended a long time ago. There are of course more internal reports against her as well.

I openly challenge anyone (knowledgeable about IDV) to contradict any of my statements here.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY12755
An outstanding jurist; she treats every lawyer with respect, and even when you walk out of the court and lost your argument, you still feel that you got a fair shot.


Comment #: NY12599
I would give this judge a 2. She is dismissive, biased and lazy.


Comment #: NY12194
Like many other complaints I just read through below judge Dawson has done the same thing to me and my four-year-old child depriving myself my own alienable right as well as my son going off for her opinion I have not seen my child for one full calendar year off of judge Dawsons opinion as we all know it doesn’t take a genius to realise the courts do not go off of judges or prosecutors nor lawyers opinions echoes of a fact of law as Judge Dawson has violated the law when I tried to implement Santosky v Kramer when I asked her why she wouldn’t honour it she basically ignored me and moved on with the court hearing I have another hearing tomorrow where I’m trying to fight for my son back after one full year!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: NY12057
Controlling the record to validate her preconceived notion of issue outcome, preventing the introduction of evidence, undermining due process and displaying a poor, emotionally charged demeanor undermines overall respect for the Judiciary.
She would be better off handling commercial cases where her biases could be better kept in check. OCA and New Yorkers in general are not well served where she currently presides.


Comment #: NY11902
You can thank Communist and former Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman of New York for creating this unconstitutional Frankenstein monster hybrid of criminal law and family law case adjudication, in one court, called the “Integrated Domestic Violence” Court (“IDV Court”).

These 2 areas of law have historically always been kept separate and apart, not just since this country USA was founded, but even in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, simply because wise judges and people have always realized and recognized that entire families should not be destroyed or punished for eternity, just because of the accidental whim of “flash in the pan” criminal acts, or even worse and more common, false allegations made by one parent (usually a woman) who wants to gain a permanent tactical advantage against the other parent (usually a man) of their child.

The IDV Court is made worse because this enormous power over the accused, the family, and above all the unfortunately targeted child is given and delegated to literally the dumbest and most sociopathic judges of society, in this case, Tandra Dawson.

The complaints here on this page, and elsewhere on the internet (forget what is contained in the private records of the NYS Commission on Judicial Conduct, U.S. Department of Justice, or other federal/state/local investigatory bodies) amply illustrate and demonstrate just how unfit, destructive, dangerous, and disastrous has been this evil woman Tandra Dawson on the “bench,” along with her other black feminazi sisters in other courts such as the NYC Family, Criminal, and Civil courts.

You can then also thank equally Communist NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio for purposefully and deliberately keeping these incompetent, cruel, stupid, racist, ignorant, man-hating angry black females on the bench, destroying children, families, and lives (mostly of non-black families) all in the name of furthering Communism, and undermining the United States Constitution, even in the face of unprecedented public and private complaints, cries for help, screams of agony, and pleas from the victimized general public and citizenry of New York City, wherein these awful black (mainly) female “judges” target, hurt and destroy the people and children before them.

It’s almost like the spirits of the Black Slaves of America’s awful and foul past, have been raised up and conjured from the past, by the NYC Communists of today (e.g., Bill De Blasio, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Jonathan Lippman, etc.) to seize and harness and use their anger, in order to punish and hurt and retaliate against the non-black citizens (or enemies of NYC Jews) of New York City, and later America, today, by using these awful black, feminazi, unfit, irrational, mentally imbalanced, and angry “women” as “judges” in New York City.


Comment #: NY11367
Judge did not pay attention during my accusers (female) testimony. When I testified, she was on high alert. Despite the lack of evidence against me, and inconsistent statements of my accuser, she determined I was guilty based on not believing that I was hiding prior drug abuse. I felt discriminated against for my gender (male).

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY11181
Extremely biased, emotional, unable to control herself, concerned with her fragile ego over any legitimate interests of mothers, fathers and children. Violent hormonal swings.
Will not allow one side to speak in court while encouraging the other side to go on for an hour.
Will hold a party in contempt for simply attempting to utter a word in response to any allegations. Will handcuff a battered woman, a survivor of domestic abuse, for trying to speak in court after listening to the opposing counsel for an hour.
A disgusting lawless swamp in there with a sad insecure mentally ill old woman presiding.
She needs to be removed. But we just all have to be patient and wait for her to die unfortunately. I don’t think there is a remedy to stop this ongoing abuse.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: NY11063
Clueless and biased. Shows up unprepared and acts high-handed. Possibly colluding with attorneys and nonprofits.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY10715
Rating:Not Rated
It's obvious if everyone is saying the same thing that there is a clear problem with this judge. Also what makes a man dangerous? Let me guess the fact that he black, Hispanic or looks dangerous? Again what does that look like?It also obvious to my comment below that your a women yourself and biased or hate men yourself.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7648
Rating:Not Rated
I think judge Dawson is rather fair and accurate in her proceedings. She is not a man hater. Rather, most men who end up in her court room are deemed dangerous, abusive and controlling. And it obviously reflects in the comments here.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: NY7200
She is a disgrace to the court system.


Comment #: NY6889
This judge she be thrown off her seat and out of court.She is one sided.The mother is always right.In you are in front of her JUST STAND UP AND REQUEST ANOTHER JUDGE ! Then you have a chance.


Comment #: NY6805
I would not even call her a Judge ! She is a disgrace to the robe.She comes out like she is a movie star.She ONLY listens to the mother and not the father.She refuses to listen to fathers and shuts them up.CHANGE this Judge when you go to court and complain she is a racist.


Comment #: NY6198
Extremely bias against men


Comment #: NY5048
Judge Tandra Dawson is an unfair judge -- when evidence is presented, she will disregard it. She sides with mothers, the law guardians, and CPS workers. She violates every juridical oath, civil and constitutional rights, and favors only her own people. The court staff is biased as well, and will have court officers harass fathers. She lets mothers go when they violate court orders every time, and in court she slams fathers who try to protect their children from harm. She doesn't like it when you stand up and defend yourself. Also, she doesn't listen to what any men have to say, but will listen to the mothers. I sat in court watching many fathers get mistreated and lose custody of their kids. (I myself had lost my case.) Anyone with this judge should file a juridical compliant. Also, call for her resignation. Her court denies you the documents that you need. She sends children back to abusive homes. This judge shows favoritism in court, and she will get away with it until we get her off the bench.


Comment #: NY4299
Judge Tandra Dawson is a Man Hater in other words a misandrist. She cares nothing about the facts. All she cares about is making sure that the mother wins, no matter how dangerous the mother is to the child. In one particular case the mother (Eldila Almote) is a suspect in a robbery that resulted in a homicide. Judge Tandra Dawson felt that in the best interest of the child that the mother did not have to specify as to her whereabouts during the robbery. The mother (Eldila Almonte) was able to dodge the homicide detectives and the courts. Now the boyfriend (Edmond Alma) who is the prime suspect in the 4 million dollar heist and homicide will be out of jail soon and have contact with the 3 year old girl. Judge Dawson does not care because the three year old is a latina and Judge Dawson only wants African American families to stay together. Judge Tandra Dawson is bad news for men especially latino men. Judge Tandra Dawson has set a goal to destroy the Latin family and she is winning.


Comment #: NY3520
Judge Dawson seems to want fathers to have some type of relationship with their children. She’s good at try to establish a relationship with child and father. Unfortunately Judge Dawson is too biased when it comes to accusations by the mother. Every courtroom appearance can have another accusation thrown by the mother and Judge Dawson will react as if it were true. Very rarely will Judge Dawson ask the father if the accusations are true. Dawson will set the tone of the trail by stating certain things that have been done by the father without ever asking the father for his defense on the accusations. I don’t know if Judge Dawson is just biased because she doesn’t like the way I look or because I am Male or maybe this is just the way she is. Visually what you get is a very powerful black woman that gives pride to being American and hope for young adults especially female. Unfortunately what you get is a Judge that does not care about facts which in turn endangers children. In her courtroom fathers lose hope and faith in the judicial system. Remember when the liar wins even the liar acknowledge that the system is a joke. The only salvation is Facts, not avoiding facts not have a predetermined outcome just plan Facts. Judge Dawson and her courtroom lack the desire for Facts.