Hon. Craig C DeThomasis See Rating Details

Circuit Court
Alachua County
8th Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.1 - 8 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   4.0 - 15 rating(s)
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What others have said about Hon. Craig C DeThomasis



Comment #: FL9691
Rating:Not Rated
OMG HE SUCKS!!! Ive watched every video of the Preston vs Hales. He is nothing BUT Biased!! Its pathetic!


Comment #: FL9690
I hope when a new judge is appointed to this Jerremy Hales vs L . Preston case. That the judge gives them both jail. Hales for contempt and Preston for Contempt. If Judge DeThomasis is removed please send a judge that will Jail Jeremy for a very long time for his contiued amd unyeilding contempt of online. L. Preston should also be jailed for lieing to the court and trying to draw the case out with many misrepresentations.


Comment #: FL9683
To all the cronies of DeThomasis that have tried to boost his ratings and label all detractors as cult members, the Appellate Court has found enough evidence of his biased behavior on the bench.


Comment #: FL9681
Rating:Not Rated
no matter who brought this judge to my attention he has caused a case to be dragged on and is not not being dealt with in a no bias way “ his only job “ if he was a plane he would have crashed and only he would be the one to pay the price, but as a judge he has a cascade effect on other peoples life’s


Comment #: FL9659
Rating:Not Rated
HI please remove most of these troll comments/ The people were sent there by Jeremy Hales (What the Hales), who is cyberbullying anyone who doesn't follow his voice. he dislikes the judge-cyberbullied the judge and now his cult followers go on there daily to write bogus reviews- http://www.therobingroom.com/florida/Judge.aspx?id=28877

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL9656
this judge has no idea of the thing called amendments I have never seen such bias and how he can sprew such hatered for a lawyer mark feathers


Comment #: FL9634
Jeremy Hales from What the Hales tells his cult to go and destroy anyone he talks about including a Judge they never met. Most of these comments are from them. He is a good judge and Jeremy Hales needs to stop.


Comment #: FL9577
After watching this "judge" in action, I can't begin to describe the total disgust I feel with his lack of ethics, his contempt for our constitutional rights, and any pretense of non bias. It's painfully obvious that he's in love with the sound of his own voice, but he would do the world a favor if he would leave the bench before he is not only
removed from the bench, but also disbarred, and go start a talk radio show where people can turn him off. How very embarrassed Desantis must feel for having appointed this opinionated, biased, dictorial blowhard to this position of power over innocent victims.

It's been made ridiculously clear that he thinks the case of Hale vs Preston is just the ticket for him to make himself famous. Well, Craig...you're almost right. Your sanctimonious ramblings and foolish carrying on in this courtroom have made you infamous, a total laughingstock, not only in Levy County, not only in Florida, but in the entire world...or in your own words...the PLANET. Do yourself and all of us a favor and shut up and RECUSE yourself. It's way past time. Not only that, but leave the bench. Maybe leave the bar. Because you've gone too far. You've made a total fool of yourself. I only gave you a rating of one because I can't rate you a minus 10. You disgust me!!


Comment #: FL9553
DeThomasis handled my cousins case about a year ago. I only recently heard of this site in relation to his current reprehensible actions and attitudes coming out pertaining to a certain case. None of this is new however. This is how his courtroom works. I'm happy that he has finally found an audience to witness the behavior and hopefully handle it appropriately.


Comment #: FL9529
Rating:Not Rated
I began watching the Preston v Hales case in November. I have knowledge of information from both of the litigants public presences but do not know either party in any personal way.
It started out normally. Preston was Pro Se and has experience as a litigant in other hearings in the past. She cannot afford representation unless provided funds for that purpose.
As is normal, she states her complaint first. She does not present well and the judge attempts to guide her and hand-hold her to get to the substance of her allegations. The petitioner is unable to create a cogent statement and continually interrupts the judge and does not listen. This is common in court cases. The judge is not able to get her to settle down and the back and forth goes on for quite a while. The judge begins leading her to say things that will clarify and narrow her statement, but seems to be leading her too much and the judge seems to lose partiality with some of the unsubstantiated allegations having to do with the respondents profession of being a popular ‘youtuber’. Videos of the respondent showing that he possesses firearms and will protect his family.
It is a known fact that the Petitioner already has Permanent Protection Orders against herself and her residential partner. This judge refused to give a similar injunction on the petitioner using the established judgement against her from the Ohio court. The respondent tried 2x I believe.
At this point, the court day is coming to an end with a lot of time having been used catering to the disorganized presentation by the petitioner.
The subject is brought up by the judge of a continuance.
The respondents lawyer wants to have a chance to start presenting the respondents side. The judge indicates the is not enough time. At this point the respondent seems a bit desperate to be able to present something. The judge denies the request due to time. The judge and respondents lawyer go back and forth on this point and the judge is clearly agitated. When the respondent’s lawyer attempts to address the court, the judge interrupts often not allowing the respondent’s lawyer to complete an argument. While the respondent’s lawyer is conferring with the client about a suggested follow-up hearing date, with back turned to the judge, clearly not able to attend to the judge, the judge announces a date and adjourns without any input from the respondents.
That sets the tone for all future hearings and rulings to date.
From this point on in future hearings, the judge is definitely giving the appearance of bias against the respondent and his lawyer.
All hearings that follow are poisoned with the continued appearance of bias against the respondent. During which, an overly broad and restrictive temporary injunction is put against the respondent, served in the courtroom to the respondent as directed by the judge. This temporary injunction is still in place. The judge has refused to recuse himself despite the respondent’s clear fear of a biased judge.
This case needs to have a different judge or venue now in order for the respondent to be able to have a fair hearing. The facts will come out if they are allowed to. It’s been months now.
The judge is correct in the aspect of the more time this is allowed to go on, the worse it’s going to get.
Thank you for your attention in this matter and good wishes to the courts of Levy County.
Charles L.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL9526
Judge DeThomasis is fair and impartial. Explains courtroom proceedings not just to the lawyers representing their clients, but to the clients also as they may be uninformed as to why he is ruling the way he is. Judge is one of the shining beacons of light we have here in the 8th circuit of Florida. It is always a pleasure to have my cases heard in his courtroom.


Comment #: FL9524
I have been watching the Preston v Hales hearings 1,2,3 and 4.

First, I want to state that I have not chosen a side to be on due to the fact that I haven’t seen and heard all the evidence. I do not believe that Judge Craig C.DeThomasis can honestly say the same thing.

When the hearings started Preston had no lawyer, but the Judge was clearly guiding her. She kept stating “I’m not a lawyer”. I can understand him being a little lenient with her, but. She kept interrupting the Judge, he did nothing. She interrupted opposing counsel, he did nothing. She was on her phone texting, he did nothing. When she ignored her deposition saying that she didn’t know that she had a deposition scheduled, he did nothing. When John Cook ignored his deposition, He again did nothing.

When Hales’s lawyer(s) were speaking the Judge would constantly interrupt them. You could tell that he has some kind of grudge against Mark Feathers, he has talked about him in all 4 hearings and Feathers was only in the 1st hearing. The Judge appears to be downright RUDE the Hales’s lawyers. Preston now has a lawyer, but the Judge seems very cordial to Joshua Silverman. (friends??)

The Judge keeps repeating everything that was said and done in the previous hearings and when it was said down to the second.

When Preston accused Mark Feather of offering her money to drop the case the Judge put a temporary injunction on Jeremy Hales. I saw no evidence that Hales or Feather did anything wrong, but the Judge said that he had to accept what she said as the truth. He said, “That’s the LAW”. If Mark Feather was accused, why is the injunction against Jeremy Hales? At first the injunction was very restrictive, taking away 1st and 2nd amendment rights and the Judge told Jeremy Hales that if any of his You Tube followers violated the injunction that Jeremy would be held in contempt. Later the Judge did modify the Injunction somewhat, but Jeremy still can’t drive down his road past his property.

Hales’s lawyers have made not one, not two, but three motions to disqualify Judge Craig C.DeThomasis. All three have been denied. Jeremy Hales clearly does not believe that he can get a fair verdict.

I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but after watching these four hearings I find it very hard to believe that this is the only time that he has acted this way. A good Judge can’t show ANY bias.

After the first two hearings I felt that the Judge should recuse himself. Now I believe that Judge Craig C.DeThomasis should be removed from this case and investigated for impeachment. I also believe that he should be investigated by the Florida Bar.


Comment #: FL9520
Honorable Craig C.DeThomasis is the best judge that Levy county and the 8th dist.court of Fla. has ever seen! Don't back down judge C. Don't recuse yourself and I beg your honor to not allow a YouTube bully and his hench men/women try and back you into a corner where you feel you must remove yourself from this case. You are doing an awesome job thus far and I commend you and your staff for having to put up with the harassment and hate from this insufferable excuse of a human being! God bless you your honor, you rock!


Comment #: FL9508
You'll be getting a lot of complaints based on one court case, that of Jeremy Hales stalking Michelle Preston from Otter Creek.
The majority of the people registering a complaint are basing their opinion on Mr. Hales' very biased and one sided YouTube videos in which he attacks Ms. Preston almost daily.


Comment #: FL9502
Rating:Not Rated
I've seen this judge in action through a YouTube channel.

I'm from Australia, and I'm shocked by what I see happening in a case as complete bias. The petitioner's side is the only one he is allowing to be heard.

Despite allowing the petitioner to speak, this particular petitioner continues to cut him off without being held in contempt. At least the 1st and 5th amendments have been violated as a result of the temporary injunction he issued against the respondent. Continuously cuts off the respondent's lawyer and throws temper tantrums.

The world is watching this clown of a judge turn your justice system into a circus, and he must be removed from office and barred from practicing law for good.


Comment #: FL9481
Watching the videos from the Preston vs Hales court proceedings, it has become apparent that Judge DeThomasis is not remaining impartial in this case. He seems outright hostile to the respondent and takes what appears to be every opportunity to admonish the opposing counsel, both current and previous, at every opportunity during court proceedings. In the videos from the second, third, and fourth proceedings, he has gone to great lengths, and taken up valuable court time, to rehash previously perceived grievances with the respondent and his counsel at the start of each proceeding.
He seems dismissive of the respondent and his counsel during the proceedings, interrupting them numerous times, yet allows the litigant's counsel to speak unencumbered. His actions in this case seem to exhibit numerous ethics violations, and his interpretations of relevant case law seem to be incorrect on numerous points of the law. His temporary injunction seems to be in outright violation of the First and Second Amendments, and he seems unwilling to negotiate a fair equitable implementation of his restrictions on the respondent regarding access to and from his property via public roads.
His demeanor in the court seems to be extremely agitated by this case, the respondent, and his counsel.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL9478
Worst charge I've ever seen on a bench of my entire life he should not be there at all


Comment #: FL9477
I’ve been watching the judge from Australia. I have never seen anything by a judge that is as disgusting as this. Preston V Hales.


Comment #: FL9473
Thus judge is very bias toward the defendant and hus attorneys. He also has taken away Jeremy's constitutional rights of freedom of speech and 2nd amendment rights. Judge Dethomis us acting as the Plantiffs attorney and Cocounsel.This is outrageous.He thinks that he is God and the Law. He should be removed.


Comment #: FL9469
Rating:Not Rated
Judge DeThomasis has followed the law in his current case before him. He should not be condemned for bias, injustice, or failure to uphold the law until a case is heard in its totality. Before judgement can be made on this man, both sides need to be heard.
Due to numerous continuances, by the defendant, we have only heard from the plaintiff. He should be given the benefit of the doubt. Allow this to be heard in its entirety before forming an opinion. YouTube journalists are currently trying this case. Let the judge do his job.


Comment #: FL9464
If this judge had a fan club I'd join it! He is actually seeing past the misinformation that a respondent is feeding to the public! Even amongst a smear campaign he is upholding the law! I would give more stars if possible!

Court Staff

Comment #: FL9273
Rating:Not Rated
He was the judge I begged to grant me a restraining order when I feared my partner was going to kill me. I was in a physically and mentally abusive relationship and found the courage to finally get away. This judge believed everything a master manipulator said and blamed the victim. This judge ignored previous charges of stalking. This judge let a criminal reoffend until finally incarcerated for a more violent crime. This judge had an opportunity to make the world safer. This judge is exactly what is wrong with the criminal justice system. This judge used his own biases to dictate the lives of civilians. This judge should not be allowed to practice. This judge should be sent to the bar and evaluated. There has been plenty of complaints against him. This judge has a reputation in the local area, but no one seems to do anything about it.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL9243
This judge should not even be a judge. He will let a father beat on a kid behind the head, and say it’s corporal punishment. He is a pore excuse for a human being. We need to replace him in Levy County. Now he is going to try to hold the mother of the kids in contempt of court for protecting her children.


Comment #: FL8268
Craig DeThomasis is a condescending, mansplaining, patriarchial man who has no business as a judge, much less in a family court. From my perspective, there is nothing honorable about this man.