Hon. Sally G. Jackson See Rating Details
Special Judge
Berkeley County
23rd Circuit
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Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 33 rating(s)
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Sally G. Jackson



Comment #: WV310
If I could give her a ZERO, that would be a better rating. This woman has no place in ANY court room. [redacted] forcing GOOD mothers out of their children's lives, [redacted] She refuses to hold parties to the same standards, requiring detailed financial documents from the mother, but allows the fathers to NOT produce documents that are REQUIRED PER WEST VIRGINIA LAW. [redacted] She has a clear bias AGAINST WOMEN. [redacted] She disrespects women/mothers during hearings, and we have the court footage to prove it.
This monster has destroyed countless families in Berkeley and Jefferson counties, and needs to be removed from the bench, and stripped of any titles she holds. She uses and abuses the "good ol boy network" to go after and financially harm hardworking parents. She allows unfounded hearsay in her court room. And worst of all...she gives narcissistic ABUSERS more rights than verifiable WONDERFUL LOVING STABLE PARENTS, and ignores CLEAR evidence of neglect, fraud, harassment, and MENTAL ABUSE.
She is by far not only the WORST judge I have ever met, but the worst person I have ever met.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: WV303
Horrible, laughable if wasn’t for the fact that she is destroying childrens lives. Had proof, either bills, eviction notices, photos, audio recordings to prove my ex son in law was lying. She would not even allow my daughters attorney to show it to her. Was told to take child to therapy, we did, only to have her say, she can’t allow anything therapist says because it is hearsay. Ex has stalked, harassed, contacted just about every friend and family member with vile lies but if anyone tries to contact him, it is harassment. Behind on child support, not obeying court order for visitation and yet she does absolutely nothing.
She is a disgrace and has no business being a judge


Comment #: WV292
There is NOTHING honorable about this judge. She REFUSES to acknowledge any proof or evidence, she refuses to do what's best for the children, she does not hide that she despises men and is gender biased, she is sarcastic, ignorant, unprofessional, belittling, and degrading. I will never fathom how this judge can sleep peacefully at night knowing how corrupt and negligent she is with her abuse of power. She neglects and abuses wv laws and is based primarily on her own opinion and neglects factual evidence. Her actions or lack thereof has cause emotional and mental trauma to the children involved in this particular case along with their father who is doing EVERYTHING in his power to PROTECT his children whilst this judge is willfully placing them in harms way repeatedly to coddle an abusive, neglectful, criminal and addict of a mother all because she is FEMALE. Any judge who will argue and YELL at an attorney and refuse hearing out the TRUTH nor looking at the stack of evidence and continue to belittle and degrade the male petitioner and yell at their attorney ON COURT RECORD is beyond unprofessional and wrong. This is one judge that regardless telling the truth and bringing proof, she simply doesn't care and will not listen if you're a male. It's appalling and disgusting that this type of Human is standing judge to anyone else.


Comment #: WV289
Does not follow WV laws. She acts on her own agenda and feelings. Facts don’t matter to this woman.


Comment #: WV287
Rating:Not Rated
Please sign and share the petition below to remove Sally Jackson from the bench!



Comment #: WV286
Rating:Not Rated
Apparently, her "honor" enjoys making unprofessional and slanderous posts on social media. She represents the judicial system of West Virginia when she makes biased and nonsensical posts about others. Why are the voters allowing this? http://www.courtswv.gov/legal-community/JICAdmonishments/2021/07-2021FCJudgeSallyJackson.pdf

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV284
Sounds like you really needed an FPO and didn't get one, I'm a man and she gave my ex a 10 YEAR FPO, when I never so much as laid a finger on her or said a word to her even by my ex's own sworn statement. She needs more than gone; she needs to be fired, arrested, sued, and stripped of her retirement benefits. I know I won't rest until the injustice, heartache, stress, and undue harm this woman has caused me and my son for the last 10 years is put to an end by her retirement or disbarring and prosecution. I hope the day will come soon when she is led out of her own courtroom in handcuffs because that's what she so badly deserves.


Comment #: WV282
Bias, there was a time when I needed a FPO, we go in to her joke room she denies me a woman and I told her she didn't know what she did i would get beaten or killed and yes i got beat right after she turned down my FPO. I have seen her on atleast 2 other occasions where she denied evidence from someone and she breaks the law! She literally makes her own laws i swear to you. She needs GONE!!!!


Comment #: WV281
Rating:Not Rated
Folks, Sally's behavior and actions are finally starting to catch up with her after 20 years. Shame it has taken this long. On February 24th 2021, she was publicly admonished by the WV Judicial Investigative Commission for inappropriately posting Facebook Comments. You can Google her name and read the circumstances and findings of the Commission. This a good start to removing her from the bench, but it must not stop here. Those of you that have had the unfortunate and likely unwanted experience of having to deal with her for many years may now see a ray of hope in hearing your stories and finally getting Justice for you, your family, and most important, your children. My personal involvement with this Judge the past seven years has watched her break multiple laws repeatedly, violate my rights as a parent, violate my civil rights as a Resident Of West Virginia, all time and time again without any accountability or reprimand from anyone of authority. I urge all victims of Judge Sally Jackson to file as many complaints that have merit as you can, as often as you can. Organize a protest, post on social media or any outlet you can to get the word out about your experience with here. Our voices and stories must be heard, and this is the beginning of the truth being brought to light.


Comment #: WV276
This judges makes an opinion about you before she even meets you she typically clings to the person either responded or plaintive that she believes the most whether they are lying or not and sticks with them she’s an extremely biased judge and picks and chooses when evidence is worth using or not.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV274
This woman continues to wreak havoc on her victims that draw her as a "Judge". She has a well known and long and documented history of being completely outrageous in the courtroom and out; from her rulings, decisions, outbursts etc., she is truly from the twilight zone. She's had countless complaints filed against her but NOBODY DOES ANYTHING!!! and she continues her rogue reign. What's it gonna take to get her removed? Any local lawyers or politicians have the guts to say or do anything about this woman? Or since you're all buddies in the local legal system you just look the other way? Any local reporters or news agencies have the guts to expose her? I have enough documented evidence of my personal experience with her that would not only get most people fired; it would land them in jail on top of it. Yet nobody wants to see or hear it! It is time the citizens step up and take the lead on getting her out since our "leaders" and "politicians" refuse to????


Comment #: WV273
Rating:Not Rated
Totally worthless, part of the County SWAMP!


Comment #: WV272
The "judge" listens to random, ex parte rants about parties in the case that are made anonymously to her office. Someone claiming to be my mother called her and complained about me, and she reamed my attorney about it, in court, as if all the false statements this person made about me were true. She was certainly embarrassed to discover that my mother is deceased, and it was one of my ex husband's friends who called her! But why was she listening to drivel, from someone not involved in the case, behind everyone's back in the first place? It certainly didn't help her do her job, nor is it legal. I really don't know why the people in West Virginia want her on the bench. It seems that enough calls to your bar association and to your representatives would garner some action.


Comment #: WV270
This judge refused to change my custody order for my daughter even after my lawyer submitted objections and we made her review the dvd from the previous hearing. She was obviously partial to my exhusbands lawyer and made it very obvious in the courtroom while she laughed at me, belittled me, and joked and smiled with the other attorney. She told me my child was a liar and that she believed everything my exhusband said and laughed when I told her I had filed a complaint for harassment with the sheriffs department. No one wants to appeal or disagree with her because apparently the circuit court rubber stamps whatever family court says and you have to wait a year or more to get it to the Supreme Court. I will be reporting her, however, to the bar and the judicial review committee as to hopefully get her thrown off the bench. Anyone else that has been mistreated by this judge needs to do the same!


Comment #: WV268
How can you put an abused child back into the hands of their abusers? Disgusting.


Comment #: WV267
How dare you put children back with their abusers!!! Your job is to protect and serve justice. You do not deserve to judge anyone, in fact it’s you who needs to be judged harshly for your despicable actions.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: WV266
To those that continue to allow this rogue, radical, mentally ill Judge to hold her post, I quote the words of Martin Niemoller, a victim of Nazi Germany.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

Silence is complicity.


Comment #: WV265
Rating:Not Rated
[Redacted by Ed.] The legal system should protect children above all others. The weakest among us deserves the most protection. Children matter too much for a judge like this one to stay in a position that allows them to be taken advantage of.


Comment #: WV264


Comment #: WV263
It is appalling how many children this judge has failed. How many kids does she have to allow to be abused before somebody gets her out of here? It's pathetic!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV258
Seven Fathers' days ago my kids were wrongfully and illegally separated from me due to the vengeance this Judge has toward Men that challenge and expose her for who she truly is. I hope one day she is exposed publicly and all of her victims receive financial and moral compensation for the wrongs she has caused so many innocent people to suffer.


Comment #: WV256
Rating:Not Rated
It is truly utterly appalling that this woman still is a Judge considering the amount of complaints filed against her in the last decade and her well known outrageous behavior inside the courtroom. What's it gonna take to get her out once and for all???


Comment #: WV254
Rating:Not Rated
If a parent got fired for something illegal and refuses to work don’t feel sorry for him! Make him pay Based off his or her past earnings! Children come first. Not drug addicted drunks. It’s time to start getting stern with these drug addicts look what this area has become!


Comment #: WV253
She has the personality of Gloria Allred, Nancy Pelosi, and Judge Judy all wrapped up in one. Completely one sided and unfair. Don't confuse her with things such as FACTS AND EVIDENCE in her courtroom, she knows the truth about your family situation better than you do! A true man-hating feminist!!


Comment #: WV249
Laughing and joking with my daughters ex-husband. Made it obvious they were friends. Refused to look at pictures of abuse.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV247
Rating:Not Rated
She is a judicial abuser. The state and county should be sued and held accountable for her actions and the unlucky people that drew her as a judge should start a class action lawsuit against her. She is an absolute menace and disgrace to the community.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV246
As others has stated, she does not follow standards of law and is nowhere near evenhanded. She either loves you or hates you based on her own 2 minute assessment of you largely based her skewed sense of judgement and not actual facts. Dismissed a sworn, notarized affidavit as "hearsay" and inadmissible in court, while she allowed and found to be fact a third hand account of an admitted alcoholic who was not present at the hearing. She runs things the way she wants without regard to the law or common sense. I really despise this woman. She is an embarrassment to the profession. Appealing your case is a waste of time and energy because these judges work together in the same buildings and use the same water coolers so they rubber stamp each others decisions no matter how ridiculous.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV245
Rating:Not Rated
I find it amazing that the taxpayers continue to allow this rogue Judge to stay on the County payroll.


Comment #: WV243
Rating:Not Rated
I have NO idea why any of you people are complainng, this is the most Fair and Justice minded, Judge I've seen sitting on the bench! She literally pulls up the law that matches her decisions and QUOTES IT! She was courteous/polite and compassionate! OH Wait a MINUTE- that was just a DREAM- Ha -Shes a Flipping Nightmare! WANNABE JUDGE JUDY who entertains herself by abuse of power!


Comment #: WV241
I sat and read the comments before posting. I too am in the same boat as most of you. She was biased towards my mentally unstable ex husband, cut me down, was down right nasty to me, refused to hear anything i had to say, refused to let my witness in. I had evidence of what i was saying all she did was hear him. I will probably never see my daughter again because of her. My husband has been comitted multiple times but yet shes concerned for my mental health I've never been comitted. Sally is off her rocker and she is unqualified to be a judge. Please appeal her every chance you get people.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV238
I left her courtroom speechless and baffled at the level of unprofessionalism, arrogance, abrasiveness, and rudeness she displayed toward my attorney and myself. Told me to "shut up" multiple times while answering questions from my attorney.


Comment #: WV233
She told me in court that if I didn't agree to the outrageous offer of my ex's lawyer,(now deceased)which included only seeing my daughter a total of 8 hours per month among other things, that she would order that I pay my ex's attorneys fees as well. Under duress I had to agree to it or risk not seeing my kid at all. This Judge and this system is extremely unfair, shady, and one sided. Please, someone of authority help victims of Sally Jackson!! There has to be someone out there that can do something. She has a pattern and long documented history of outrageous and perhaps unlawful behavior. Something must be done!!!


Comment #: WV232
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Jackson is biased, unfair, wouldn't listen to any of the mounds of evidence that i had against my ex. She gave my ex everything, including custody of my child's passport. She belittled me in the courtroom. She is just a butter old C U Next Tuesday.


Comment #: WV231
EVIDENCE of stalking, controlling behavior, mental health issues, physical abuse and still denies restraining orders?


Comment #: WV229
Judge Jackson is naive at best, with no understanding of the needs of children. She also had an ex parte conversation with my ex husbands ROOMMATE! The roommate told Jackson that she was my mother, of all things, and when Jackson called me everything by a loving mother in court, she was stunned to find that my mother is deceased. But why is a judge having an ex parte conversation?


Comment #: WV228
Rating:Not Rated
Sally Jackson told me in court, on the record that I was "Mentally Ill", for being upset and angry with my ex wife for continually and excessively drinking around our 3 year old daughter; despite proving such behavior patterns with police and child protective service statements.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: WV227
Rude bullying tactics discrimination and most definitely biased


Comment #: WV224
This judge favors one parent from the time you step into the court room. She'll make an order and at the next court hearing forget about the ruling and change it. It's a constant back and fourth. I had marks on me, my ex stated I deserved the abuse. The female bailiff just shook her head. Judge Jackson would still not grant a restraining order. My ex has been in contempt more than 10 times for serious things and she let it slide each time. She seems to favor people based on their occupation. I also had an abundance of harrassing voicemails, texts..and pictures of marks on my children but she didn't seem to care or want to be bothered. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE needs to be taken seriously.


Comment #: WV223
She is supposed to act for what is in the best interest of the child; but she acts based on her hatred for whichever parent she dislikes more. She will love one of you and despise the other right off the bat based off of her own assessment of you while disregarding facts. Will bend over backwards to screw one parent even if it hurts the child to satisfy her need to express her anger towards you.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: WV221
Her rulings, behavior, opinions, and practices are wholly disproportionate, and perhaps unlawful. Someone of authority should investigate.


Comment #: WV219
How in the world is this woman still a Judge? She has no business being a Judge, and is anything but Honorable. She is a complete disgrace, and her OUTRAGEOUS behavior in the courtroom proves such.


Comment #: WV213
If I could rate her any lower than a one I would!!! I served 20 years in the U.S. military and work for the Federal Government. Our case started over 14 months ago to modify custody of our then 12 year old because he was under extreme mental and verbal abuse by his dad. This judge treated me with so much contempt and disrespect. She was very partial to my son's dad. I finally just agreed to whatever so I could go find another lawyer. In the interim, my ex actually assaulted my son and I obtained a restraining order. Judge J STILL sided with my son's dad and would offer him consoling words, such as "oh he'll come around". So she is telling an abuser that the trauma he caused our son does not matter and that "he will come around." The order from the first hearing was NEVER issued and our final hearing order has yet to be issued granting me full custody.


Comment #: WV212
this is a fair and honest judge who is very experienced and works hard for families.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: WV209
How the West Virginia Judiciary Disciplinary Board allows this woman to continue to hold a law license more less be a Family Court Judge is absolutely absurd. Ask anyone locally in the system; police officers, other judges, court staff, attorneys, and victims of her rulings, they will all tell you she is unstable, illogical, and extremely unqualified for this position. She has had countless complaints filed against her but the WV Supreme Court chooses to do nothing. She is a disgrace to this position and a menace to the unfortunate people that draw her as their judge. There is no fairness in her rulings. You will either get 100% support from her or you will get zero. Her decisions, procedures, and actions will have you wondering if you are in the twilight zone. She has no conscience, morals, logic, nor the ability to be fair and understanding despite the terrible circumstances most people are in by the time they get in front of her. This sham of a Family Court System is well known to other agencies in the tri state area, however no one of authority attempts to stop the injustice that this poor excuse for a human being deals out on a daily basis. RETIRE SALLY!

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: WV193
Judge was very friendly and commended a drug addicted mom. Turns out that not only was my brothers child told not to be returned to her but also her newborn baby by a different man was awarded state custody but judge Jackson scolded my brother and commended the drug addict and would not award custody to my brother until she overdosed three times and her fiancée died fro. The drugs that he bought and cps directed my brother not to return him to her. What a great judge!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: WV192
I think she's either totally burned out from the job and/or mentally ill. Charleston!; Little help up here please! Is there any accountability from the Judiciary????

Court Staff

Comment #: WV191
Rating:Not Rated
Unfit. Unqualified. Unfair. Unprofessional. Unstable. Illogical. VINDICTIVE.


Comment #: WV183
She sentenced me to 30 days in jail seconds after I handed the bailiff almost $1,200 in cash for child support; after a 5 minute lecture on how important it is not to be late on support and how much the child needs it and depends on it. She does not act on what is in the best interest of the child, only what's best for her and how much she dislikes you. Beware people!


Comment #: WV182
Folks, this is extremely vindictive, dangerous Judge that abuses her power and position on a daily basis. She gets extremely mad when you challenge her in any way and shows it in her rulings. Charleston needs to get involved with this sham of a Family Court system and she needs to be removed from her position. I have a copy of court video of her telling me the reason she treats me the way she does is because " When you filed the complaint with the Judiciary", she then stops and realizes what she has said and starts backtracking. This is one of countless pieces of video and document evidence I have. I would be happy to post it on youtube or send it to anyone that can assist in investigating her. Something needs to be done!


Comment #: WV181
This feminist, vindictive Judge granted a LIFETIME restraining order against me for no reason. My ex came to court and simply said "I'm afraid of him", and that's all the proof Jackson needed. This has essentially labeled me as a lifetime domestic abuser when I have never even touched my ex spouse even by her own account. This means I can never have my firearms returned to me, can never pass a background check, and cannot attend events with my daughter if my ex is present. This Judge [Redacted by Ed.] has no right to be on the bench. She is extremely one sided and nowhere close to being even remotely impartial as Judges are supposed to be. Miss Sally, I hope you are reading this. You are a horrible Judge and a terrible human being. You have my word that I will personally take you to every higher court in the land until this is reversed and so that every taxpayer in Berkeley and Jefferson County can see your true colors.


Comment #: WV180
She lets family abusers go giving no protection


Comment #: WV179
Rating:Not Rated
Just like Judge Jackson in her courtroom; the administrator of this site is selectively silencing and deleting anti-Judge Jackson posts. Notice all the fake pro-Jackson posts weeks before the May 10th election? Lets see how long it takes for them to delete this one. Screenshot it folks before its gone!

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: WV176
Rating:Not Rated
Always been fair to my clients.


Comment #: WV173
Rating:Not Rated
I don't know where you get the idea that Judge Jackson in anti-male. She held me to a high standard but listened to the evidence and the experts and I got visitation, which is what I wanted. I am forever tethered to a vindictive ex-wife but Judge Jackson was a bright spot in this whole mess. Vote for her on May 10. The other candidates are inexperienced and one of them has a lousy reputation. Ms. Glover is good but inexperienced.


Comment #: WV163
Rating:Not Rated
A fair judge


Comment #: WV162
Rating:Not Rated
:this judge ruined my life.im a mother an excellant mother with no rights and only my child will suffer mother 44 years old


Comment #: WV160
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Jackson is experienced and fair. I was lucky to have her hear my case.


Comment #: WV158
Rating:Not Rated
I have to agree with everyones comments. I went to court last year for custody and divorce bc my ex wife abandoned me and my three kids. here i had legal aid on my side and yet jackson only listened to my ex wifes side of the story (which was mostly lies) and only had her pay 375 a month in child support. though my ex wife stated she didnt want the kids during the week. jackson kept saying "are you sure?" are you sure you dont want the kids?" and was very lenient towards my ex wife. So yeah, she is very discriminate with me no matter how messed up the mother is. So sad to becuase she let my ex wife do all the talking and everytime i had to say something jackson would tell me to shut it. now my kids go to my ex wife every other weekend but still doesnt come get them. and when she does she does nothing but neglect my kids and abuse them emotionally. we need to impeach jackson out of the court room for all kids sake :(


Comment #: WV154
Rating:Not Rated
People! This judge clearly needs to be removed from the bench. Elections are May 2016. Lets start a grass roots effort NOW to make sure she will not be re-elected! The WV Supreme Court will not remove her from the bench unless she loses her license to practice law or is voted out. Even though she has had countless complaints filed against her they will do nothing. We have to ensure she's removed by votes!!


Comment #: WV152
Rating:Not Rated
Not only did it take her 10 years to final my divorce. She let my ex wife get away with taking my children to Florida.However, I had my ex wife legally, bound to the state of West
[Redacted by Editor]
I am currently, disabled from an 80 mile an hour head on collision(passenger). I cannot work.(still pending disability) Yet, she still sent me to jail. I even had the $500 I still owed, during the hearing. She refused to take it. I had to bail myself out and start over. I have tried to get her disbarred. That is impossible for a commoner to do.[Redacted by Editor].

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV144
Vindictive. Does not follow standards of law. Behaves more like a criminal law judge than a family law judge. Extremely unfair and one sided in rulings despite clear and convincing evidence.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV128
To WV 122-sounds like you hired Joseph Cordell-he makes a living out of screwing money out of clients!!! File a complaint to the bar on him!


Comment #: WV124
Rating:Not Rated
This judge should NOT be allowed to practice law. She is biased and ethically challenged. She should not be making important decisions for families ever! What a disgrace to the Berkeley county courts!


Comment #: WV122
This judge was unbelievable!! My ex beat me so bad that I was hospitalized and this woman wouldn't allowed my evidence in from the police report with the policemans own words in the description of the bruises and "busted nose." But she allowed an uncertified, free service online name search criminal record for my fiance and the thing want even accurate!! It had charges for things that he was never arrested for, accused of doing and even convicted of doing! She also cut me off, didn't let me explain anything that susan paugh accused me of. It was completely unprofessional. My official complaint against the judge is in the mall. My appeal to get my daughter away from the monster that she is with now who'll definitely not be legal for her to be the sitting judge for now. She needs to be disbared and investigated because I find it hard to believe that the lawyer that I spoke to before the hearing quoted us at $2,500 and then jumped to$6,000 after the judge spoke with the lawyer after my initial hearing while I was heading there for my consultation. She's dirty and it's judges like her that make me sick


Comment #: WV121
This judge was unbelievable!! My ex beat me so bad that I was hospitalized and this woman wouldn't allowed my evidence in from the police report with the policemans own words in the description of the bruises and "busted nose." But she allowed an uncertified, free service online name search criminal record for my fiance and the thing want even accurate!! It had charges for things that he was never arrested for, accused of doing and even convicted of doing! She also cut me off, didn't let me explain anything that susan paugh accused me of. It was completely unprofessional. My official complaint against the judge is in the mall. My appeal to get my daughter away from the monster that she is with now who'll definitely not be legal for her to be the sitting judge for now. She needs to be disbared and investigated because I find it hard to believe that the lawyer that I spoke to before the hearing quoted us at $2,500 and then jumped to$6,000 after the judge spoke with the lawyer after my initial hearing while I was heading there for my consultation. She's dirty and it's judges like her that make me sick


Comment #: WV119
Rating:Not Rated
My ex hired Cynthia Gaither in our divorce case last year. Jackson too was the judge. In my opinion Gaither has very poor professional and verbal communication skills. She speaks in a very abrasive and hostile tone as did Judge Jackson. Conflict of interest? Aren't all lawyer/judge relationships a conflict of interest? Probably so but as someone pointed out below everyone in Martinsburg is aware of the Gaither/Jackson concern. Probably a good idea to review any case these two were party to. My advice is work it out between you and your spouse. If Jackson gets involved your family will end up in worse shape that it was before.


Comment #: WV118
This judge is an extreme feminist that has no business on the bench. As others have stated below, once she forms an instant opinion of you based on what she “feels”; you will not have an opportunity to speak, present evidence, present witnesses or defend yourself from accusations from the other party. Judge Jackson is the complete opposite of fair and impartial. She instantly knows the truth about your case, so please don’t confuse her with the FACTS.
There is no formal procedure in her courtroom. There is yelling back and forth between lawyers and the Judge. It is a free-for-all with no organization. If you can yell louder than her or the opposing attorney, you may be able to get a word in.
She also has a well-known relationship with Martinsburg Attorney Cynthia Gaither. Anyone in the legal circles of Martinsburg will tell you Ms. Jackson and Ms. Gaither have had past business and personal relationships that clearly represent a conflict of interest.
Judge Jackson should be removed from the bench, and her relationship with Cynthia Gaither needs to be investigated by the WV Supreme Court and The WV Bar Association.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV117
This Judge actually denied me a Protective order when my husbands GF attacked me with him present-I never knew the *(& existed. It was captured on audio security recordings and this dipwad actually wanted to know how I knew it was being being attacked-DUH-then let my husband walk saying she LIKED HIS DEMEAMOR!! She would know a piece of evidence if it hit her in the face! She chit chatted with him about his job that impressed her--then told me she didn't have time to listen to my witnesses!!! She needs to get off the bench!! She's a criminal's best friend! She also lets her relationships outside the courtroom affect her rulings-She kept bringing up her daughter and her husband as if they had anything damn thing to do with me! Report her to the WV Judicial Investigative Committee-I did!


Comment #: WV116
this Judge makes decisions based on her "Feelings" . She refuses to take into consideration real Evidence. She is easily impressed with someone s job title as apparently she is super impressed with her own! She is rude and discriminates. My lawyer actually had the nerve to tell me -"After all she hears she said he said -All day long" It's your JOB get off the bench you are a disgrace!


Comment #: WV115
Rating:Not Rated
This judge hates men, and it is well known. She wears a tie-dyed dress with dreamcatcher earrings, yet drives a Jaguar convertible. I have been before her more times than I wish to recall. She actually refused a protective order against a woman with multiple stalking-related police reports and criminal arrests for B&E. Judge Jackson then awarded custody of the child to this criminal woman, and ignored the precarious environment that the child was living in. Within a year of the last order denying a protective order (she said: "What are you scared of, this 115-lb. little girl?"), the mother was imprisoned and later sentenced for lighting her ex-boyfriend's house on fire while he was in it, then driving across town and doing the same to his father's house, and finally cutting the new girlfriend's brake lines after sending multiple death threats that were re-mailed from France to throw people off her trail. (She was a French-speaking French enthusiast.) The child went with the father after the mother received an eight-year sentence -- at least the criminal judges do their jobs! Judge Sally Jackson should not be allowed in a courtroom, let alone allowed to run a courtroom.


Comment #: WV113

I had the hearing right after WV112 today, and I am so sorry for you if you get this judge. I had her before for custody, and today for an FPO. Above is a link to the West Virginia judiciary complaint board. Please join me in filing a complaint about Judge Jackson if you have been judicially abused by her!


Comment #: WV112
Judge Jackson chose to give visitation to a parent who has no driver's license, no address, no job and is a self-proclaimed alcoholic. This 4-year-old little girl spends weekends at a house where 9 orchard workers (including her father) reside. Pray for this little girl -- she is going to need it.


Comment #: WV69
never checked a fact,but disregarded many facts presented verified,writes orders the police say are unenforceable then refuses to believe the police refuse to enforce them,if you think your family is messed up now wait til you get out of her courtroom,then you will really see court ordered dysfunction at its best...good job your honor...my kids missed over a year of school out of five...and all i can do about it is get another lawyer for her to ignore and spend thousands of more dollars for more unenforceble orders...thanks anyway...with a judge like this its no wonder people end up going outside the law...peoples children are important to them...man and woman...she will guarantee a continued adversarial conflict for your family.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: WV67
Judge Jackson is a disgrace to her profession. She listens to a small handful of counsel to make opinions for her. She is vindictive, uneducated and extremely spiteful! Her inability to make her own decisions is only matched by her laziness. She listens to 1 side of a story (or develops her opinions from news or gossip) and there is no point arguing any other position to her. She is unfair and biased in all of her rulings, especially in Protection Orders. Beware!!!